First mission()

After leaving the mansion I breathed in deeply and said "total concentration breathing " I just ran and while running I saw a bunch of beautiful sights including a giant mountain and a little village.

I arrived at Miwauchi village in the afternoon 4hour away from night time, they were a beautiful shrine in the background it was overlooking the whole village. (A/N name wasn't chosen on accident)

'I don't wanna stand out too much with my sword this won't do so I need to blend it in and act like healthy civilians that are dumb enough to go out at night I thought to myself (A\N he mean they appear dumb to the demons he not mocking anyone)

While still on the outskirts of the city I said quietly

"Transformation jutsu" as my clothes change to a more normal outfit, that a merchant would wear if he were in Japan during that time. I also transform my Nichirin blade into a wooden stick.

After all that. I pick up some leaves, some rocks nearby, and some grass transforming them into a bag full of vegetables and salt.

"This should make my act a bit more convincing, "I said after finishing that, I started walking to the village.

After I enter the village, I went to meet the first person I saw "hello my good sir, I'm a new merchant, and I'm kinda lost right now could you please help me out a bit" I said acting like I was lost

"Those that also means what you are selling can make people's skin darker, is it some kind of cream" he replies

"Oh no my good sir, my skin is natural this is not one of my products but I do have the freshest vegetable and seafood with some jewelry, "I said lying through my teeth best thing they getting from me is some grass.

"I have never seen someone that color before(A/N he in Japan they are mostly Asian in some foreigners going to Japan for the first time they never seen that color before, also learn they are racist but I don't want to write about that)but I can help you, there is a bare close by that will offer you a stay for the right price of course, "he said while pointing to a house in the background

"Thank you misters, "I said

"Enara Hyozo" he replies

"Also don't go out at night or you might be devoured by demons," Enara said

"Ok I will try my best, "I said while walking to the tavern

I got close and open the door to see a lot of people drinking, they look at me for a moment before they all went back to drinking

I go up to the bartender and said "I heard rumors about demons being around here, is it true"

"Demons are a myth that parents made to make their children go to bed early, they don't exist just because a few people disappear doesn't mean they got eaten by demons, "he said

"How did they disappear "I asked curiously

"They all disappear at night close to the shrine and the village chief think it's because we haven't sacrificed enough animal to the gods," he said as he walked around giving people alcohol (A/N I dare anyone to tell me that this logic is not bulletproof)

"But you don't have to worry about that because demons don't exist, the people that disappear will be found by the cops soon enough. I'm sure you are not here only to chat but to rent a room, the price is 700ryo for one night in here, "he said this time looking at me

"Ok here's the money, "I said as gave him the 'money'(A/N not his fault he never got payed or even got an allowance)

"Your room is upstairs, the third door on your left is where you sleeping, here is the key and enjoy your stay, "he said while going to other customers

I pick up the key and went upstairs,i went to the third door on my left opened the door and got in. I closed the door after me, lock it after that I went to meditate,i sat down, and started meditating.

10min later

After 10min of mind training, I looked outside, I saw it was still sunny so I prepared by opening the window and activating my Sharingan to look around, and all I saw was a bunch of people walking around except that not too far into the village there was some demonic aura resting. I closed my Sharingan after making sure it was a demon, I took a knife and stabbed my hand with it, spreading my blood everywhere.

Granted it was very painful but I gritted my teeth, if my blood is as good to demon as I think it is then the demon would come to me without even thinking.

After that, I went to bed while my hand was healing at a speed that the naked eye could see.

Night time

Demon pov

"Finally it's nighttime it's time for me to feast on the flesh of those humans," I said while running to the village

While running there I smelled something good 'blood it smell amazing and it is intoxicating I must get it for myself'I thought to myself while running at full speed in the direction where the smell of the blood was the highest. I then saw it, an open window.

"Free food I will not turn that out," I said salivating

I jumped straight into the room and saw blood everywhere on the floor with somebody barely alive on the bed

"I'm gonna put you out of your misery, "I said while slowly walking to the person, l can get there faster to devour him before he can react but I enjoy seeing the fear in the eyes of humans before killing them.

"No get away from me, "he said in a low voice his eyes looking terrified

"Oh, so you a new flavor I never had a black human before, guess I'm gonna be the first one, I'm going to take my time with your little one," I said while walking to the person, I then jumped into them ready to devour them.

A/N what can I improve I will appreciate it if I get anything to help me get better