Training the butterfly sister

Last time In I was reborn in demons slayer as an Uchiha

"In why can't you spar with me yourself," she said

"I fought against your sister holding back and I won with no difficulty at all I don't think you are that much stronger than her so a clone should suffice" I explained

"Hey, I put up a decent fight," Kanea said puffing out her chest.

I smiled at her antic and then made a clone.

"If you want to prove me wrong just make the clone poof in I will admit that you are stronger than I thought," I said to Shinobu

"Sure just don't regret it later," she said acting like a kid her age for once.

My clone in her got middle of the arena getting into their stance in preparing for a fight.

Now we continue where we left off

"Ready, set, go," I said as Shinobu rushed at my clone attacking ruthlessly but the clone was dodging each one of her strikes with no difficulty whatsoever.

She jumps back and got into her stances. I could only see one of her eyes because the other was covered by her hair.

"Insect breathing Butterfly Dance: Caprice" she muttered under her breath before leaping into the air in charging toward my clone trying to stab it.

My clone evades all of her attacks.

She jumps back and rushed at my clone moving with great speed.

"She pretty fast," I said

"Yes, She is, "Kanae said

But even then my clone just put his hands in his pocket and started to dodge her hit without even looking at her.

"She is fast but I'm the fastest person in the demon slayer corp," I said with a smile(A/N with chakra boosting him he not wrong, and Tengen didn't join the corp yet)

"That's not something you should be bragging about, "Kanae said giggling next to me

I open my mouth to reply that's not what I meant to say, but that just gonna make me fall deeper into that trap.

My clone kept dodging all of Shinobu's attacks with ease, she wasn't giving up so easily so instead, she decided to attack my clone from above using the sun behind her to blind my clone. What she didn't know was, that I had a sensing ability which the clone use to dodge even if the sun blinded him.

"Stop dodging and fight me like a man" Shinobu yells out frustrated.

"Ok" my clone said before putting chakra on the wooden sword to make sure that Shinobu real sword that she using doesn't break his wooden sword.

My clone lunged at Shinobu and started to attack her. Shinobi parried the sword and started to counterattack. She kept doing a stabbing motion over in over again trying to land a blow but the clone was dodging and parrying all the hits with no difficulty.

I noticed something while this fight was happening,

Shinobi was mostly using stabs to attack, I barely saw her using a slash during this one-side spar.

"Insects breathing Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter," Shinobu said before dashing toward my clone faster than before, she only uses one thrust that is carried by the momentum that she is going right now.

My clone speeds up disappearing from her eyesight and chopping her on the neck knocking her out.

"She did great but her body strength is not up to par so I might have to modify the gates a bit for it to work," I said as my clone carried her back near us.

"Now, before she wakes up, do you remember how it felt like to open the first gate," I said looking at Kanea

"Yes, I do remember my mind felt clear and I felt like some restrictions were removed,"Kane said

"We going to work on that for you," I said before pausing

"10 laps around the butterfly mansion and 500push push up 300sits up and about 100squats

, you should also eat a bit more so your body has enough nutrients to support you, and remember if you can't do it, I can always lower the amount that you need to do" I said (A/N I didn't go too much, also she a demon slayer that shouldn't be too hard for her)

"Also feel free to increase the intensity of the training if it get too easy"i said

Shinobu woke up. She looked around and said in a low voice "I lost didn't I "

"What was that breathing style you were using while fighting the clone," I asked curiously

"It's a breathing style that I created to help me kill demons, Because I can't cut a demon head I made a breathing style designed for helping me kill a demon by injecting them with poisons," she said

"I'm guessing it is still in the testing phases," I said

"Yeah, it is, I only have three techniques included on it right now" she reply

"What breathing style inspired you to make this breathing technique," I asked

"Flower breathing was the base for me to create this on," she said

"Nice," I said before remembering what she said about her breathing

"Does your sword currently has poison in it?" I said curiously

"Yeah, I always fill it up with wisteria poison," she said

"So you try to murder me, and that fight," I said

"No, I would never do that" she reply quickly

"And she was just fighting a clone so you wouldn't really feel it" Kanea added

"Did the file about me not say anything about me getting all the experience my clone experienced?

So that includes the feeling of me getting poisoned" I said before continuing

"Sorry," Shinobu said looking down.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't know "I said patting her head.

She smiles at me.

"Now let's get to training"I said smiling


A/N I can't decide on a love interest. Whoever I choose I always want someone else so do any of y'all mind if give him three wives like Tengen? It won't really change the plot a lot just a few extra chapters of them bonding to show that the relationship is genuine and not forced.