Butterfly effect

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as a Uchihas.

"You taunted me too much in I reached my breaking point from all that teasing," I said shrugging my shoulder

"Anyway want some pancakes," I said with a smile

"What that" She replied

"Some snacks that I made with the stuff that I found in the kitchen," I said

She sat down on the table in said

"itadakimasu," before awkwardly trying to use the fork in the knife

"I can help you," I said

"That will be lovely"Kanea reply before Shinobu shine in saying

"Let me teach you instead sis"

She went next to her sister while sticking her tongue at her

We ate breakfast while talking. I also healed Kanea

Now we continue where we left off

While I was enjoying this wonderful meal in this wonderful moment with the girls a crow came flying in saying "Atoru Uchiha please go to the entertainment district "

"Sorry ladies but I guess I can't stay here any longer," I said getting up

Shinobi got up in hugged me while saying

"I know that you are strong but please be safe"

I hug her back while saying

"I promise I will," I said

"Don't do anything stupid" Kanea said with a smile

I put Shinobu back on the ground while saying

"If I get the chance I may send some demon blood back so you guys can examine in see what makes me different from them"

I got out of the room after saying goodbye to them to go to my room where I found my demon slayer outfit which I put on.

I saw my Nichirin blade on the floor.

The red blade with a dragon symbol on it with 2 little daggers in it.

Shinobu dip those daggers in wisteria poison every day, to make sure that I have something to use while in a sticky situation.

I equipped my blade with a lot of kunai that I put on a scroll.

I took a special kunai with a seal on it, and equipped it in my pouch.

Shinobu opened the door to my room

"Here in case you get hurt," she said handing me healing oil (A/N basically the medkit of their time)

"Oh thank you Shinobu-chan," I said taking it off her hands

I kissed goodbye on her cheeks causing her to go red.

I left the butterfly mansion for my new mission.

I took in a deep breath and then exhale slowly just to refresh myself.

The crow came back in and landed on my shoulder saying.

"For this mission, you going to be joined by one Hinoto and one Tsuchinoe," The crow said

"What breathing style do they use," I said walking away

"Two water-breathing users," the crow said

"Thank you for the info," I said feeding it some sweets.

The crow ate it all, and when he was done, he flew away. I started to run a bit, progressively going faster in faster as time went on. I wanted to see how fast I can truly go. (A/N sonic booms are created when you run faster than sound -- about 750 miles per hour at sea level.)

-Boom boom-those were the sound of a sonic boom being created as the Atoru was running faster in faster.

"They say it was pretty urgent so I should probably stop jogging and run there," I said speedy up

2 hours later

I saw the entertainment district in the background and started to slow down bit by bit.

"So that's how the entertainment looks like from afar." I said looking at the district from afar

I went under a tree to meditate. I calm myself down and try to sense what was going on inside the district, There was 4 big energy source inside the district two of which were significantly larger than the other two. But for some reason one of the energy was hidden inside the other.

"This is going to be fun," I said as I made the hands-sign required for summoning jutsu which were boar, dog, monkey, bird, and sheep, and said "summoning jutsu" a weird seal formed on the floor and a poof of smoke came out of it.

As the smoke disappears you can see a kasugai crow.

"I didn't want to wait for hours for you to come so I just summoned you," I said to the crow

"Please ask next time," the crow said walking around clearly dizzy

"I will try my best no promises tho," I said

"Anyway, when do I meet the people accompanying me on this mission," I said

"They are going to come to you" The crow reply

I just closed my eyes in started to meditate while I wait for them.

20minutes later

I opened my eyes to see two people in a demon slayers outfit coming to me.The one of the left was a fair-skinned young man with a large scar running from the right corner of his mouth to his right ear, he had cat-like eyes of a grayish-lavender color, a horizontal bar of much paler purple visible across them near the bottom. He had thick, spiked, peach-colored hair of varying lengths, the longest reaching his shoulders, that he wore messily down with side micro bangs over the left of his forehead.

He wore a green kimono patterned with a geometric hexagon design of yellow and a darker green, tied off at the waist with a piece of black fabric, below which he sported a pair of tattsuke-hakama pants and over which a plain white haori. Around his calves, he wore a pair of kyahan, that bore the same design as his kimono, his pants were tucked into, as well as black tabi socks and a pair of zōri on his feet.

Next to him was another kid. He had unruly black hair of uneven lengths that sticks up in tufts around his head, which he wears tied back in a low messy ponytail at the base of his neck. His bangs fall over his eyes in an uneven fringe. His eyes are sharp and moderately large, their irises a deep sapphire that fades to a lighter blue and their pupils a bluish-black, and are framed by thin eyebrows.

He had on a dark cyan-tinted version of the standard Demon Slayer uniform with buttoned white leg-wrapped kyahan and a pair of white zōri with dark blue straps and tabi socks underneath being the same cyan color as his uniform.

"Hello I'm Sabito in this is my friend Giyu," The one with the scar said

1.2k words A/N this chapter is so early because I had 2 free class periods

A/N yes Sabito survived in this one because of the mc clan being into this world they made a change to the final selection where a pillar and several high-ranking demon slayers must overlook it so that the death rate goes down. And also if the examine gets saved from a weak demon they are eliminated but if they were saved from a decently strong demon like the hand demon they passed.

So that should give you an idea on how Sabito survived.