
Last time in I was born in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

"Shadow clone transformation jutsu," I said

3 clones appear.

"Is that us as women?" Giyu said looking at his female version.

"I'm going to make them infiltrate the house to get information," I said

"How can you tho that," Sabito said

"Family secret" I reply

"So the plan is to get as much info as possible in because they are clones none of us need to get hurt. While we stay close by if the situation goes south" I said

"That seems plausible but even if it's a clone of me I don't want it to get fucked" Sabito said

"Oh he'll Nah they not gonna get fuck they are ranked in that business, the clone are going to join as helpers they are only there to help not get fuck" I said

Now we continue where we left off

"So what is our role in all of this" Sabito said

"There is probably an upper moon here," I said with a thoughtful expression

"A demon as a sex worker, please tell me you joking," Sabito said

"I'm not joking I can feel human energy near her and they are not dying," I said using my sensory ability

I could visibly see Sabito shaking at the thought.

"But apart from that, do you guys know the gates technique," I said

"I know it exists but there is a requirement for it, One must have the physic required to learn it," Sabito said

"I heard they was a variation made to it," Giyu added

"Shinobu's body was a bit too fragile for the gates so I made a version that fit her" I muttered

"You said something," Giyu asked

"I said the variation is just total concentration breathing but super buffed" I reply

"What do you mean by that" Sabito said

"The name of the variation called

Seven Heavenly Breaths it's accessible by gathering up large amounts of oxygen to increase the user's lung capacity fourfold, the user is granted strength similar to the inner Gates, even tho the name is Seven Heavenly Breaths there are only three phases to it " I said

"But enough about powerups let's go explore this place and eat some food while we at it" I added

"But what if the demon kills some people....."Giyu tries to say but I stop him from finishing his sentence.

"My sense know what happening around us right now, and the only thing that upper moon doing is "entertaining" some human," I said

"Wait you said an upper moon" Giyu said realizing that he will have to face

"Judging by her energy signature she is very weak, like too weak to be an upper moon but too strong to be a lower moon, so if you and Sabito attack her at the same time, you guys have a decent chance of defeating her," I said

"You seem confident in our ability to defeat an upper moon" Sabito added

"It's probably because she's not as strong as a real upper moon " I added

"So how is she an upper moon if she is not that strong also how do you know it is a she" Giyu added

"It's the entertainment district also her chakra is weak so if you and Giyu work together you guys are winning for sure, but it's daytime right now so let's go eat," I said

"Yeah, about that the reason we accepted the fight was that we ran out of cash" Sabito added

".....how" was all I could say

"Heh, we don't talk about it," Sabito said scratching the back of his head

"Fine, I will pay," I said feeling a bit disappointed

I went to the tree and put a mark on it.

"Time to go and eat, "I said dragging the two boys with me

Time skip to the night

"How can you eat so much," Sabito said watching me devouring another bowl of udon

"//Slurping sound intensifies.//I eat a lot to get a lot of energy " I said

"That's your fifth one," Sabito said

I finished my udon.

"That would be 2500 yen," The owner of the shop said

I paid for the meal.

"How can you spend so much money in so little time," Sabito said

"I can do about 30 or so missions in a week so I get paid quite frequently," I said

Sabito and giyu look like they gave up trying to understand me.

While going from stand to stand buying souvenirs and food.

The memory of the clone appears in my mind.

"She only attacks and kills beautiful men or women" I muttered to the boys

"That doesn't tell us much more," Sabito said

"That's better than nothing but I got a name" I said

"Which is" Giyu added

"She an oiran name Warabihime," I said

"You said you could sense two powerful chakras where the second one" Sabito added

"That's the thing, I can feel it close to her like it's inside of her," I said with a thoughtful expression (A/N I think I said something about him having bad memory so unless it's an important plot point he gonna forget)

While walking with the both of them a body fell on the floor splattering on impact with some of the blood going on my face. I could see the fear on the face of the person that just fallen.

"....."I couldn't say anything but just watch

"This is brutal" I heard Giyu said

I took a deep breath in, in exhale slowly while clenching my Nichirin blade.

'Calm down Atoru getting mad is not gonna solve the problem at hand'I thought to myself slowly calming myself down

Time skip to when they are in a hotel

"Why are we in a hotel instead of chasing after that demon" Sabito said

"There were too many people that she could have used as a meatshield," I said

"But now she is going to come for us," I said

"What makes you so confident" Giyu added

"Duck," I said as a bunch of ono sashes burst into the room aiming to kill all of us.

A/N I got sick so the chapters may be shorter till I recover. This chapter may be bland but most of my energy was just focused on breathing correctly while writing this.