He wants you dead

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

He then rushes at me using his blood sickle.

I dodge all the hits with little to no effort while looking at the fight between Giyu and Sabito Vs Daki, There were doing well granted she didn't get her third eye but there were doing better than I expected.

He swung his blade at me launching a wave of poisonous blood in my direction, "sun breathing third form Raging Sun" I said defending myself from the blow

Before rushing at him.

Now we continue where we left off

"Blood demons art Flying Blood Sickles" He yelled l releasing multiple sharp and durable sickle-shaped blades of solidified blood by swinging his Kama.

"Sun breathing fourth form Burning Bones, Summer Sun," I said while doing a circular slash to defend myself from his attack

"Sun breathing ninth form Dragon Sun Halo Head Dance," I said breathing in deeply and rushing at him, when I was in close range I unleash a continuous fast and powerful sword attack that take the form of a fiery dragon behind me.

"Blood demon art Rampant Arc Rampage" He said as he creates a dome of sickle-shaped blades made from his solidified blood that defend from my incoming attacks.

But as my attack hits his blood defense the blood burned away.

My blade was getting closer in closer to his head trying to decapitate him. As my blade was going through his neck like a hot knife through butter he yelled out" blood demon art Rotating Circular Slashes: Flying Blood Sickles" as he unleashes a

circular waves of sharp solidified blood from his body.

I removed my blade from his neck and kick the floor to get some distance from him.

He destroyed everything within a 30feet radius of him

"This is bad so much noise will wake up people " I muttered

"Sun breathing first form dance," I said rushing him once again but this time I hold back less.

I disappear from my spot in appearing behind him saying" Sun breathing fifth form Setting Sun Transformation " while I decapitate him

But he didn't disappear or stop moving even for a few seconds but suddenly a chill went down my back. I felt something dangerous coming in my direction with alarming speed.

My pupil shrank because that wasn't the only energy that I was feeling coming in my direction.

I made the ram hand sign in activated the seal that I put on both Giyu and Sabito.

I then made a clone, that I send in their direction with one mission in the mind 'Use the Flying Rajinn to teleport Sabito and Giyu to a safe spot.'

"This district will be your doom," Gyutaro said with a grin on his face.

I clench my sword with everything I have.

I use the substitution jutsu to get away from a new demon that just arrive he looked like a very muscular young man of above average height with skin so fair, it appears bright green-tinged white, decorated by a pattern of thick blue lines, which resemble criminal tattoos. He had short, bright pink hair that fluffed out around his head, and inward-tilting yellow eyes with pink eyelashes and blue sclera that looked somewhat like cracked glass. The kanji for "Upper Rank"and "Three" are etched into his irises as well. The lines on his face curved through each of his eyes from below his ears to over his temples, another blue line running from the center of his hairline to the bridge of his nose, with two more lines running around his neck, three others branching off the lower one to his torso.

He wore little, only sporting a short, sleeveless dark purple-pink haori that was cut off at his waist, left open to expose his chest, that was decorated by a square pattern on his back. Below this, he sported a pair of baggy white pants that he rolled to just below the knee with a blue rope belt to secure them at his waist. but he wears a chain of large round pink pearls around each of his ankles.

My sense kick in again and I body flicker away, as the spot that I was standing on got destroyed by a sword slash.

I look up to see tall and muscular man with pale skin and long, spiky black hair with red tips that he kept in a ponytail. His most notable feature is the three sets of eyes on his face with yellow irises and red sclera that have black straight lines diverging from each iris. His middle set of eyes features the kanji of "Upper Rank" and "One". He also has red markings resembling flames on the top left side of his forehead and the bottom right of his chin.

He wore a purple-and-black bee-hive patterned nagagi kimono and black umanori-styled hakama pants tied with a white uwa-obi. He carries a fleshy katana at his waist that has eyes in the space between the tsuka ito wrapping of the handle of his sword.

I suddenly felt a bit cold which cause me to jump away as the spot that I was standing on was frozen.

When I look at who did that I saw him he was a tall young man with a toned and muscular body, he had a notably pale complexion and possessed unusually long, pointed nails that appeared to be stained with a pale blue color. His hair could appear either silver or a pale golden blond, and he wore it parted to his left, the shorter parts around his face seeming to flare out to either side around his head, curving backwards with one strand left down his face to fall between his eyes, while the longer parts were left to drape centrally down his back in a thinning spiral. His eyes have could only be described to be incredibly rare and beautiful, as, in color, they appeared to be made up of an array of rainbow pastel tones that fade into one another as they circle his irises,. The kanji for "Upper Rank" and "Two"(or "Upper Rank" is etched across them, and they were shaped to slope downwards towards the sides of his face, with a set of notably large, thick black eyebrows acting to frame them above.

Those three were the strongest from what I could sense.

There were followed by two new demons with one looking like a weird fish in the second looking like a scared child.

With Gyutoro in Daki joining them with daki, Daki, in particular, was mad saying" Those 2demon slayers that he came here with disappear like they were never there to begin with"

I had a weary smile on my face because I know I'm not surviving without taking a lot of damage, 'I could use the flying Raijin but I just used it to get Giyu and Sabito away from harm. I need time before I can use another one not like they gonna let me use it tho 'I thought

"Why would all six of the upper moon gather here on this beautiful evening," I said

"To kill you silly~~" Replies the demon with the symbol 2 on his eyes

"He wants to make sure that you are dead," says the one with six eyes

1.2k words

A/N I meant it when I say Muzan wants him dead, on a scale of 1 to 10 how badly hurt do you think the mc going to be after this fight.