Atoru dying

Last in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

They all looked at me in I used all the chakra I had left to transfer my memory of the fight with the demon's strength in weakness included inside a genjutsu.

"Rest Atoru we can take care of it," Tengen said

"You better not die before you give me some grandkids to play with," Shinjuro said

"If you stop drinking yes," I said smiling

"Oh so cute a family reunion~," Doma said

"If we have to kill them to get to him why not," Gyokka said

I was about to unsheath my sword to dash at Gyokka to kill him but I passed out right there eyes open, unconscious

Now we continue where left off.

"Kanae can you please go and heal Atoru's injury," Tengen said with a bit of worry in his voice.

Kane's nod going to get Atoru's unconscious body.

"I don't think I will let you take him~"

Doma said with a smile

"You would have to go through us before even trying to get to him," Gyomei said starting to spin his weapon

"In what makes you guys think you stand a chance you are no Uchiha," Gyokko said mockery present in his voice.

The Hashiras just smile as a green glow appears on their body.

"Fourth inner gate Gate of Pain," Gyomei said as he push his chakra on the spinal cord where the fourth gate is located. Gyomei's skin turned red veins appeared on his face, he could feel his muscle steering a bit. Gyomei hair also started to spike up (A/N another thing about this gate is that your pupil disappears but Gyomei is blind soo.)

"Third inner gate Gate of Life," Shinjuro said as he push his chakra on his spinal cord but higher up than the location of the fourth gate. Shinjuro's skin turned red but not as many veins appears, and his pupils disappeared.

"I'm going to show you demons the flashiest transformation ever second inner gate Gate of Healing," Tengen said sending chakra to the right hemisphere of his brain in unlike the other Hashira his skin didn't turn red but instead a green glow aura appears on him.

"There are five of us in three of you guys what makes you think you stand a chance~," Doma said

"We are more than enough" Shinjuro said clenching his sword

"Kanae we will cover you," Gyomei said still spinning his blade.

"Let's get this fight started," Tengen said holding unto his blade

"Hang on there Atoru," Kanae said taking Atoru's body on her back.

She started to run with Atoru's body on her back.

Akaza tries to kill Atoru in Kanea at the same time.

Shinjuro blocks akaza's attacks saying" you are not touching my child on my watch"

Akaza just had a high grin on his face "today is my lucky day, I get the chance to fight two strong opponents in one day" he said

Shinjuro pushes Akaza away while saying to Kanea" get him some help"

Kanea activated the first the gate, which is the Gate of Opening that is located on the left hemisphere of the brain. With the help of the first gate, all the user's mental inhibitions were removed making her able to think clearly giving her a noticeable strength in a speed increase.

When Gyokka tries to speed-blitz the Hashira and try to kill Atoru again he got stopped by a blue blade.

"You are not gonna kill the kid" The person that blocks the attack said

"Mizu you finally here," Gyomei said

"If I can't save a kid I don't deserve the title of water Pillar," Mizu said(A/N there is only three confirmed pillars that we know off during that time so he is an OC I thought of)

"First gate, gate of opening open" Mizu said pushing away Gyokka

A man with a blue shirt appears, he had an Olympique runner's physics in fair skin with yellow eyes that resemble lightning.

He had some marks on his body.

He was fairly handsome with white skin that looked pure apart from a scar. (A/N this is also an OC)

"Sandā you here than the fun may truly start"Tengen said

"Third gate,gate of life open," Sandā said activating the gates.

All the upper moon where looking at the pillars present in the environment was very tense.

The moon in the pillar rush at each other after the tension reached a breaking point.

Kokoshibu vs Gyomei

Doma vs Sandā

Akaza vs Shinjuro (A/N this was not biased at all)

Zohakutan vs Tengen

Gyokka vs Mizu

Each fighter went to fight the person closest to their strength it was truly a beautiful fight to truly see.

There were explosions left and right. the fight was going too fast to be seen by human eyes.

Ice, tree, explosion, needles, shockwaves, and moon slashes were flying everywhere it was very deadly.

Pov change to Kanea

I can feel Atoru's breathing getting weaker by the second" please hang on there Atoru" I said

I heard a small groan but apart from that, they were no sign that he was conscious.

"Don't die on me Atoru" I said running faster and faster. I could feel his pulse getting weaker and weaker.

"At this rate, we not going to make it," I said a bit desperate.

I put Atoru's body down and started to at least remove the poison flowing into his body.

I created a fire and use it to Cauterize his wound to close it, to close all of Atoru's wounds. This was my attempt to mitigate bleeding and damage, to remove an undesired growth, or to minimize other potential medical harm, such as infections.

A/N I want to give the side characters a chance to shine. Making them relevant in it's just not the mc doing everything. Also, the mc body even if it's an Uzumaki is still the body of a 13year old so he has limits.everyone has chakra it's just that they can't use it as much as the mc can so in a sense they all are rock lee