
Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

She brought me into a hug while I was crying my heart out" If only, I was stronger my dad wouldn't have been in this situation in the first place" I said blaming myself for everyone that died that night.

"Atoru look at me, you are human so don't blame yourself too much," She said with a soft look adorning her face.

This continued for a while before I fell asleep on her lap.

Exhausted from all the emotional distress that my body was under for so long.

Now we continue where we left off.

When I finally woke up, I felt very comfortable in noticeably lighter than before the breakdown,

I felt something soft on my face, it was a bit blurry considering I just open my eyes but after a few seconds, I could see perfectly again.

"Did you have a good nap" I heard a familiar voice say

I look up to see Shinobu looking at me with a soft smile on her face.

"You have very soft hair," She said playing with my hair.

"I do try to take care of them," I said feeling her play with my hair.

"You see how badly holding in your feeling can weigh you down," She said while slowly playing with my hair.

I nodded to what she said.

"You feel lighter now don't you," She said

"I do" I acknowledge what she said

"You may feel a lot weaker now," Shinobu said

"Why would I feel weaker" I added

"I injected you with a lot of wisteria poison to remove the demon poison that was inside of you," She said

"That would explain why my healing factor is so slow down it feels nonexistent," I said realizing why it took me so long to wake up(A/N at the end of the day his amazing physic is due to having demon blood flowing through his veins)

"This is nice," I said with a smile genuine smile on my face

"One question why didn't you use one of your illusion abilities to make it easier on yourself," Shinobu said

"Now that you said that, I do feel a bit stupid for not using it more," I said feeling a bit dumb.

"So how many times did you use it," Shinobu said with a concerned look on her face

"Some small genjutsu that hide what I'm actually doing, stuff that disoriented them were the small level that I used," I said thinking over all the mistakes I made in the fight.

"My, my look like someone is enjoying themself~" I heard a familiar teasing voice coming from the direction of the door.

I turn my head around to see Kanea standing there looking at me with a bit of relief on her face.

She walked toward us before sitting down next to us when she got close enough.

"Are my thighs not comfortable enough for you?" Kanea said

I just let out a small laugh but nothing else escaped my lips.

"You are mean," Kanae said with a teasing tone.

I just stick my tongue like I was daring her to do anything about it.

After I did that I tasted the familiar minty flavor on my lips.

'Guess she did something about 'I thought while looking at Kanae, she had a proud look on her face,

I was stunned for a bit I knew she was bold but I didn't know how far it extended.

"How dare you still the kiss I wanted to give to Shinobu," I said acting betrayed

"First come,first served" She replied with a smile on her face

"That's not fair," I heard Shinobu said

"You didn't do anything so why should I hesitate" Kanae.

A small smile crept itself onto my face,

'I can get used to this kind of life' I thought while looking at the girl arguing next to me.

My nose is nowhere as good as Tanjiro but I can smell an earthy scent from them.

"What is this earthy scent I'm smelling," I said trying to stop them from the argument there was in.

"We work with medicine silly, we work with herbs most of the time," Shinobu said touching me on my nose.

"I wonder why I couldn't smell it before," I said with a thoughtful expression

"It means that you are recovering," Shinobu said again.

I feel a sudden craving for food as my belly rumble like a storm.

"Guess I'm kinda hungry," I said with a sheepish grin on my face.

"Don't worry I brought you something to eat," Kanae said taking out a seal before putting her hand over it.

A smoke screen happen and when it disappear they were a bunch of different types of Moshi in fruits where the seal used to be.

I wasn't surprised at all considering I made the seals easy to use to the point that you have to just inject chakra into it for it to work,

"What would you do without me," Kanae said

"Now say Hah," Kanae said holding some mochi in her hand.

I comply because for one I'm very hungry and I'm not in the mood to be picky about how I eat, and two I trust her to not do anything bad to me.

It was sweet.

I was hand-fed all the food which I didn't really mind, I don't know when or how it happened but I fell asleep again but this time I wasn't the only one that was sleepy.

That night I dreamt of what Yoriichi told me in my dream about how could I become better at making strategies in the midst of a battle.

1k words

A/N Wisteria poison has the small effect of slowing down his healing, That is the only weakness he will have. I think of the character's personality before putting on what a kiss from them will taste like so it's not random.