Did I just become Sōma Yukihira

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"Good morning girls i hope you hungry because I made some food with some desert on the side"I said giving each of them their respective dishes

"Oh that's so sweet of you," Kanea said

"This for You Shinobu some Tamagoyaki because you love soy sauce a lot I made that for you," I said handing her food

"What about me," Kanea said with a hurt expression.

"Aoi made your Tamago Gohan that I made sure was to your liking"I said

"That's so unfair you made Shinobu food why not make mine," She said with a bit of jealousy present in her voice

"To be fair I made your sweets which consist of Mitarashi Dango with soy sauce for Shinobu in some strawberry daifuku for you," I said trying to remove the small tension

"Favoritism, I call favoritism," Kanea said

"Let's talk about that later for now just eat," I said gesturing from them to start.

Now we continue where we left off

They ate their food very slowly as if they were trying to not let anything go.

"Where did your clothe go," I said dumbfounded witnessing their clothes just magically disappear from their body

They seem to be in their own world while eating and I was just baffled about what was happening at this moment.

'I'm getting a flashback from an anime I heard about but never watch foodwar was it ' I thought

"This is a scene straight out of an ecchi anime," I said a bit bamboozled

Time skip to when things calm down

"Why did you hide you could cook so well," Kanea said

She recover from a dream-like space first considering I only made her sweets in not the whole thing. Shinobu on the other hand recovered but a bit slower.

"Oh, that, I never really hid anything it's just that in the past two years, I was not focused on cooking but more on training myself so that might be it," I said shrugging my shoulder.

"How sensitive is your tongue," She said

"Very sensitive it to the point that I can taste stuff that don't have a taste" I said

"That explains a lot," She said with a thoughtful expression

I look confused and I think that she noticed.

"You have a sensitive tongue that can find hidden taste on stuff that a regular tongue can't, but you also have a good nose to be able to perfectly smell even the slightest of scent around you" She added

"Your point being," I asked

"What she is trying to say is that you have all the skills needed to make a great chef and that without adding your Sharingan into the process," The voice of Shinobu said

I was quite slow on that one but granted, I just watched two girl clothes just magically disappear from them, because the food was that great.

"Sorry that I was slow on that one, I just watched you two have a foodgasm it's not my fault that my brain is not working properly" I responded

"What a foodgasm," Shinobu asked

" A foodgasm happens when you eat food that sends rolling waves of pleasure down your body, makes you weak in the knees, and smiles with pleasure. but in simplify turn it's just the food is that good that you go to a dreamland" I answered her question

"Can you make more, please" Kanae added

"I would love to but first please put your clothes back on," I said

"Aren't you enjoying the view" Kanea teased

"Yes I am enjoying the view, but at the same, it's time to start the day in I don't anyone else seeing you guys like this," I said in a nonchalant tone

I walked toward where I found some fresh bandages in started to bandage my hands because there were feeling very numb and my hand was one of the only parts of my body that still had some visible scars in wounds, on it.

"A bit possessive aren't you" Kanae added

"Do you really think that or are just trying to tease me again?"I said in a curious but questioning tone

"It's no fun teasing you when you don't play along," Kanea said as she pouted.

"Can you teach me how to cook?" Shinobu said as she was putting on her clothes

"I will teach you with pleasure" I responded

"This is favoritism" Kanea complain

"No, it's not," I said

"Yes it is," She said

"Ok, fine tell me something you want to learn and I can teach you and help you with it."I said

"Can you please help me with the human anatomy by using your Sharingan, and drawing it on a piece of paper for me, please?" Kanae said

"Yeah, sure no problem I can do that," I said putting on my gloves.

"Thank you," She said

"Don't worry about it, but that will have to wait to after we go to the onsen," I said walking to the door

"Where are you going," Shinobu said

"I'm going to meet two people, that will blame themselves because I'm hurt, so I'm going to talk some sense into them," I said sliding the door open

I stepped out of the room in walked toward where I smelled the scent of Sabito and Giyu,

After walking for five minutes in the alleyway,

I eventually reach the room where their scents were leading me too.

I slid the open to see two boys inside the room, one with black hair and blue eyes, the other had peach hair with lavender color eyes.

"Sup how are you guys doing," I said as I step in

I felt the hands of two people hugging me tightly like they don't want to lose me again.

"I wasn't gone for that long was I," I said

"We are sorry that we weren't able to help you" They both said

"Don't worry about that it wasn't your fault that I was heavily injured" I said letting their heads

"Because of us you got distracted in we weren't able to help you at all" Giyu said with tears flowing down his eyes, even the usually stoic Sabito looked a bit down.

"I don't want you guys to blame yourself over something you couldn't control or prevent," I said

"Plus the fact that you guys survived put a smile on my face knowing that I at least saved two people" I added

I had to spend roughly 30 minutes explaining to them why it wasn't their fault that I got hurt but they eventually stop blaming themselves for me being hurt,

A/N happy thanksgiving to everyone