Shinobu vs Atoru

Last time in was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

I handed the tired body of Kanao to Kanae while saying" Can you please make sure, she fine, I don't want her to get hurt"

"I will don't worry, "Kanae said as she walked away with Kanao on her back.

"I think you are going to need this" Shinobu said handing me a towel.

"Thank you, I needed it," I said to Shinobu before proceeding to wipe away the sweat on my face.

And considering that I was only wearing a white shirt, I was very soaked and my own sweat,

Now we continue where we left off

"I feel like I went a bit too hard on her today," I said while wiping away my sweat.

"A demon wouldn't hold back on her as you would, so it's better that you try to push her every day," Shinobu said

I stretch my body a bit, feeling a bit stiff but apart from that I felt great.

"You up for a spar, I wanna see how much you have improved since the last time I spar with you," I said looking at Shinobu

"As long as you promise to not go easy on me, then yes I would gladly accept" Shinobu replied

"I won't go all out but at the same, I won't go easy on you, is that ok with you," I said going toward the direction of where the wooden sword were.

'She really doesn't like getting underestimated because she is petite and can't cut demon neck, so she hates it when I hold back against her ' I thought before reaching the wooden sword and taking out one of them for Shinobu.

I walk back toward her and gave her the sword before saying" Let me see what you created in the meantime"

She takes the sword before getting into her stance, I walked 5 meters away from her before getting into a stance.

They both breathe in deeply and then, they both rush at each other, going blow for blow, but unlike Atoru Fight with Kanao, the clashes didn't last long, they were very short clash, unlike Kanao, Shinobu didn't have much physical strength so she can't afford to clash with Atoru for long or else she will get overwhelm pretty quickly.

Her main point was that she was very fast and because of her petite status, she was also pretty agile, so she use that to her advantage every time she fight.

Atoru on the other hand was a jack of all trades, his stats were mostly balanced but the main thing about him is that unless you have unlimited stamina, you can't keep up with him if you are fighting with him and you are betting that he is going to get tired easily, you are going to die 20over before he shows any sign of being tired.

One of his only weaknesses is that he is a bit stiff and not very flexible, and Shinobu was going to use that fact to try and outmaneuver him.

"Insect breathing Dance of the Centipede: Hundred-Legged Zigzag" Shinobu said as she uses her full speed to run a zigzag pattern to confuse me, she need to do that to create an opening for her, to directly my neck, with the stabs force and power being greater and enhanced by the momentum of her speed. The sheer speed that she was moving at was strong enough to make a crack on the floor.

I was amaze at that level of speed, that I actually needed to try to block or else I would of gotten heavily injured.

The sheer power behind that strike push me back a couple of feet but she was not done

"Insect breathing Swift Thrust" Shinobu said as she spins before kicking off the ground and quickly dashing towards me with enough speed to make it look like she was teleporting, then she perform a powerful, singular thrust that hits me twice on the left and right shoulder respectively.

I leap back to make some space between me and her before muttering "flame breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire" as I dash towards Shinobu at tremendous speeds, before unleashing a singular horizontal slash directed at Shinobu's neck with just enough force to knock her out but nothing more.

She dodges the hit instead of blocking it, which gave her just enough wiggle room to get away from me.

When she was far enough away from me she leaped in the air and charged toward me with a singular thrust while saying" insect breathing Butterfly Dance: Caprice"

I decided to parry her attack with the second form of a flame breathing" flame breathing Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun" I said as I unleashes an arcing vertical slash in an upwards motion,

My wooden sword clashes with Shinobu wooden sword but she use the fact that she was still in the air to her advantage and kick me in the face before landing gracefully somewhere nearby.

"Insect breathing Sixfold Thrust "Shinobu muttered as she unleashes five short but very quick thrusts towards me, before briefly pausing which surprised me because the name said they were going to be six strikes, while I was a bit surprised she unleashed a sixth, more powerful thrust.

"Flame breathing Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation," I said as I perform multiple strikes, in a fluid circular motion to defend myself from the incoming attacks.

The fight continue for a long before eventually, it ended with Shinobu losing, it was to be expected but she lasted longer than usual.

Shinobi was tired and out of breath, she was drenched in sweat.

"You improve it a lot, at this rate, you will become a Hashira in a few months" I praised Shinobu before passing her the towel that she used to wipe off her sweat.

"But there is something that you could improve on, I know your thing is speed and agility but you need to be able to tank a few hits before getting knocked out," I said

"You know for a fact that not something that I can control," Shinobu said

"I can always make a seal for that," I said

"Is it worth the trouble?" Shinobu said

A/N What is more important making contact with Tanjiro's family or finding Tamayo because depending on the answer, they might be some changes.