Finally, found them

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I probably was in one,"I said trying to scratch the back of my head but instead feeling something very soft, when I look I saw that Shinobu was still on my shoulder and that the soft thing that I was touching was not the back of my head, I really didn't have time to think about what I was touching before I felt Shinobu's legs tighten around my neck.

I slowly remove Shinobu from my should slowly and gently before putting her down gently, as you would do to a flower.

"I'm sorry, I completely forgot, you were still on my back," I said apologizing to Shinobu

"Yeah, you forgot, "Shinobu said with a look on her face that said she was not buying any of what that I was saying, but at the same time that it looked so goofy, it made me chuckle a bit.

Now we continue where we left off

Small time-skip 1day

As I was just walking slowly in the alleyway of the butterfly mansion, I heard the familiar voice of Shinobu say "Atoru I found where the people you were looking for live"

I turn around to see Shinobu holding onto a small piece of paper,She looked like she was looking for me for a while now but she reaches me pretty quickly."I wrote that the exact coordinate of where they live that on that piece of paper so it should be easier for you to find them," She said with a smile on her face, she looked somewhat proud

I was so happy that she had found where they live, that I ended up kissing her out of pure joy, It was sudden for Shinobu, but she didn't push me away.

The kiss lasted for about 5 seconds before our lips finally separated a thin layer of saliva was seen, Today Shinobu was not in the demon-slayer outfit that she had on most if not all the time, but she was wearing some more casual clothing on her.

And with one of the most genuine smiles on my face, I said" Thank you"

She regains her herself after a while before saying

"Glad I could help, I'm guessing from the kiss earlier you are very happy"

"Yes, I am," I said excitedly

"May I know why?" She said curiously

"I get to keep a promise I made to someone, and also save a family from getting butchered by the demon king himself," I said remembering the promise I made to Yoriichi and also how the Kamado family died in Canon and probably will die sooner this time because of my existence.

Shinobi looked shocked before asking" What do you mean by that"

"You know how the Uchiha clan was made because he wanted to gain immunity to the sun," I said explaining to her

"You told me about that part, This plan didn't go according to plan because you ancestor sneak away the baby to someone else protection." Shinobu said with a face that telling to get to the point.

"There is another way to become immune to the sun if you are a demon," I said hurrying up to the point.

"The blue spider Lily or eating a sun-breathing user or the third option which would be to come from a Sun Breathing user's lineage and not rely on human substance." Shinobu said before the star seem to align inside her mind as she said

"Are the Kamado by accident sun breathing-user"

"Yes, but No," I said shrugging a bit

"Explain," She said confused

"They do not use sun breathing directly instead they use a dance that they call the Hinokami Kagura, it is basically a Breathing Style that they passed down from father to son in every generation alongside the Hanafuda earrings that my ancestor Yoriichi gave them. From what I know the Kamado family uses the Breathing Style within a ritual ceremony practiced every new year, where the Breathing Style user offers the Fire God a dance from sunset to sunrise to ward off threats and diseases, and considering I can walk on water like Jesus, is not that far off to believe but anyway

the dance is composed of twelve segments repeated throughout the night until dawn, if they dance right they won't get tired while doing it" I said explaining everything briefly

"First of all, Who is Jesus, and now I know why you were so eager to find them and so happy that I found them," Shinobu said

"Don't worry about it, how about when this is over, I finally teach you how to make some western style food?" I said with a smile trying to avoid the Jesus talk, I'm not trying to talk about religion in a world filled with demons.

"Teach me how to make your special Udon and you got yourself a deal," She said with a small smile as she handed me the paper.

"Sure, that seems very reasonable," I said as I take the paper that she was handing over to me.

I said goodbye to her, before walking toward Kanae's room to also goodbye to her, While walking toward her room, Shinobu pull me and when I turn around to ask her why was she pulling me she kissed me.

I didn't refuse it because it felt nice,

"Now we are even," She said before walking away

I just bit my lower lips a bit before walking toward Kanae room, it wasn't that far off considering the room that I call Kanae room is my room.

I knocked on the door out of politeness before I heard Kanae's voice say" Who there"

"It's me, Atoru" I reply

5 or so seconds later, after I said that the door was slide open for me .

"I wanted to talk you that I'm going on a mission that will take me a bit to get back," I said to her while I noticed that she was probably brushing her hair, the reason I knew she was doing that is that various hair product on the floor granted they were all natural but that was a giveaway, in the brushes on the floor just gave it away.

She pouted a bit, like she was thinking about how this scene is familiar to her,

"Please don't take to long, I have something that I learn that I want to try on you," She said looking at me

"May I know what it is" I replied a bit curious.

"Your hair, it's getting too long so I want to try something out with it," She said with a smile

"It will be not that long," I said before walking out

"Don't you think you forgot something?" She said like she was waiting for something

I then remember what I forgot before I kiss her.

"Now you can go," She said after ending the kiss,

I nodded before body flickered away.

I appeared somewhere near the butterfly mansion fully suited up before saying" Time to meet some friends of my family" as I body flickered away

A/N Eventually I'm going to make all the characters relevant, especially in the last fight, and for whoever thinks it's going to be a one-sided beat down, remember that Muzan devoured the whole Uchiha Clan except him.