I found them

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I appreciate the gesture, but I will have to refuse it," Tanjiro said

"Fine, here is the amount that I actually own you," I said this time paying for the charcoal

He took the money before saying" Thank you, mister..hum...."

"Call me Atoru Uchiha," I said smiling

"What is your name" I added, even if I already knew his name, we have never met before and that would be weird that someone you never met knows your name.

"Sorry I didn't tell you earlier but my name is Tanjiro Kamado," He said

Now we continue where we left off

"You look worried, are you alright, "I said to the worried Tanjiro

"My father is very sick and nothing that we do help him," Tanjiro said looking down

"Then today is your lucky day," I said trying to lighten the dark mood.

"Why is that" Tanjiro said curious

"I am a doctor and I would gladly accept treating your father," I said softly

I saw him sniff me a little before he said"I don't want to bother you with my family condition"

"As a doctor, I will feel very bad if there was someone sick and I did nothing to help them get better" I said

"As good at that will be, I will have to refuse I really don't want to bother you with my problems," Tanjiro said

"Don't worry about it, now let's go heal you father, and before you say no, I will insist until you accept," I said to Tanjiro

He looked like he wanted to say something before eventually, his shoulder slumped down and he said defeated" Fine"

He started walking up the mountain and I followed closely by, while making some small talk.

"You look incredibly young, why are you selling charcoal so young," I asked curiously

"My dad use to do it, but recently he started to get very sick, he can't even dance anymore," Tanjiro said with worry in his tone

"Trust me, when I finish healing him, he will be just fine," I said to the young boy

I enjoyed the scenery while going up the mountain because it is not every day, I get to see such a beautiful sight.

'When I have some free time, I should probably go on a tour around Japan and see what I can find'I though

"You smell like a mixture of white musk and rose at the same time," Tanjiro said curiously, I noticed that his nose was moving up and down, he probably just smelled me. (A/N White musk smells clean, fresh, and crisp, like a fresh load of laundry or basic soap.)

"You have a pretty good nose not many people would have noticed what kind of perfume I use, because it is so light that you can barely notice it, "I said before remembering, I don't use any of those 2perfume that he just listed, the only two people that use those perfume are.....

'He has a very good nose, I have to remind myself of that' I thought to myself

"I was gifted an incredible sense of smell and I'm happy that I receive it," he said back in his cheerful mood

We walked up the mountain for a bit before I noticed a house on the side of the road, it was not Tanjiro but it was probably the dude that warned him about the demons.

I decided to slowly break my genjutsu just because I can, and there is not that many people around here, and I feel like Tanjiro is a good enough person for me to let my guard down.

As soon as the gentjustsu broke Tanjiro said" you smell different"

He turned around and he saw me.

He look a bit surprise before I noticed his nose moving a bit again before he calm down,

He seem like he wanted to say something but didn't want it to let it out for fear of sounding rude.

"You can ask your question, I think we have time before we reach your house right," I said softly

"What happen to your skin to make it so dark and why are you carrying around a sword," Tanjiro said pointing at my sword that was still seated

"First that's my natural skin color, secondly I'm a demon slayer and my job is to kill demons," Atoru said without a care in the world

"Demons don't exist," Tanjiro said

"Ignorance is bliss," I said as I breath out

"Demons exist and they eat humans to survive my job is to kill them and make sure that people can live safely, plus you saw how I made all that charcoal go into a small piece of paper, do you think demon existing is a far stretch," I said to the kid

He looked like he wanted to debate me before a horrified look was plastered on his face,

"If you job is to kill demon then why do you want to come to my house," He said a bit scared

"My ancestor and your ancestor use to be friends, and I wanted to check on you guys to make sure you are safe" I explained to the kid

He sniffs me again before saying" you are not telling me the whole truth"

'How good is his nose'I thought before saying

"I'll tell you and your family everything after I heal your father," I said to the curious kid

He seem satisfied with my answer and we continue to walk toward his house.

Time skip to when they arrive

We arrive at the top of the mountain and I see a small house.

I could sense a lot of people and there but there was someone outside it's was a woman, she looked like she was in her twenty, she had a noticeably light complexion, kind, dark purple eyes that appear a lighter color around the rims of their irises, and a small beauty mark located on the left of her face below her lower lip. She has black hair, worn tied back in a messy bun with a few loose strands left to dangle over her face.

She wears a purple and cream checkered kimono with a white and long-sleeved kappōgi over the top, also sporting a white tenugui cloth that she wears around her head, covering most of her hair.

"Tanjiro, you are back early and you even brought a friend," She said with a warm smile.

I introduced myself to Tanjiro's mother before saying" I'm here to heal your husband from his disease and don't worry about the cost, our ancestors were great friends and I would gladly do it for free"

She looked happy but at the same time she looked like she was cheating me out of something so I had to persuade her a bit longer, I met tanjiro families, and they were all so nice,

I enjoyed myself around them.

A/N what do you want Tanjiro's dad's sickness to be, tuberculosis which will be easier or the mark on his head is siphoning away at his life, which would push me to creative on how I treat it.