Demon slayer

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I can teleport and if I was holding someone when I teleport they teleport with me and everything else they were holding, "I said giving a brief explanation of how the flying rajin work,

"what about everyone down in the village"Tanjiro said a bit saddened

"Don't worry about them, I'm gonna let them known" I said before Tanjiro walked inside

I waited for them to pack up their stuff and wake up the kids,

Time skip

When they all came out, I politely told them to hold hands and they follow my instruction before I activated the flying Rajin.

We appeared in front of a compound that was getting cleaned by a bunch of Kakushi

"Atoru-sama you are back, "One of them said

"Please take care of them, "I said pointing at the Kamado family the Kakushi bowed before showing everyone their new room. It was hard on itself to make them accept it and now that I'm sure they are safe, a burden got lifted up my shoulder and I felt much lighter than before.

Now we continue where we left off

I was fading in and out of consciousness,' I guess that I lost too much chakra'

I thought before slowly walking toward my house, my head was spinning and I didn't feel so good, I pushed myself to walk toward my house inside the Uchiha compound before slowly finding a bed and immediately going to sleep, I dozed off as soon as my head landed on the futon.

Time Skip

The sunlight managed to go through the closed-off window before landing on my face, my eyes twitched, I slowly open my eyes to see that the room was illuminated by the sunlight even though the windows were closed, this didn't freak me out whatsoever because this was one of the many seals placed in this compound.

I slowly got out of bed feeling fully energized but I was hungry, I hadn't had any sort of food whatsoever for a whole day and I exhausted more than 80% of my chakra yesterday by using the flying rajin and sealing off the mark, and for someone that eats as much me, this made me extremely hungry.

"I could eat anything right now, I hope I have some leftover food or I'm going to have to wait a while before I get any food, "I said as I stretched my body, I wanted to make sure that I'm not too stiff and stay a bit flexible

I walked in the direction of the kitchen before I smell something good, it was coming from the kitchen, and from the earthy scent that I got from it, I could guess that some veggies were added to it.

I also smelled some seafood along with something sweet on the side, I was drooling, I was hungry and I could smell food, I felt like my brain was playing tricks on me but I didn't care and still followed the scent, After a while, I was in front of the kitchen door. I breathed in deeply before sliding the door open to see Tanjiro and his family peacefully eating some food.

"Good morning," I said waving at them.

"Good morning Atoru," Kie said

"I wanted you to join us but you were asleep now that you are awake come eat with us, "She said with a soft voice

"Come eat with us Atoru, mom's food is the best, "Shigeru said with a smile

I accepted because one I'm very hungry and two they are very stubborn people, I ate food with them it was nice but I ate a lot more than everybody else, when I was done I was still hungry but this was a manageable level, that I could train in, so after eating, I thanked them for the food before walking toward the training ground where I picked a wooden sword and started to train, it not like I will get stronger if I do nothing all day, I could sense the presence of the kids watching me train,

Time skip to one hour

I was soaked in sweat but I still continue to train my body, I soon felt the presence of Tanjiro's dad coming toward my direction, and after 3 minutes or so I saw him walking down toward the training area.

I saw him pick up a wooden sword before he say"You don't mind sparring with me"

"I will gladly accept, "I said excited at the idea of a fight with him,

He got into his stance, and I got into my stance, I could not sense any intention coming out of him, he was a blank page that I could not read but this was fine with me, I just breathe in deeply as a leaf fell off the big tree in the training area, the second the leaf landed on the floor, we both rushed at each other.

We traded blows over and over again but most of the time, I didn't get a read on him, he was like a calm ocean that anyone would underestimate but that was just an illusion of what he truly can do, I clashed with him over and over again and I then noticed that he was using the hinokami kagura on me,

He was getting faster and faster, all the minor mistakes that he was making earlier were no longer happening, and his strength seem to be getting better and better as the fight go on, but I know that he is just getting used to his current level.

After 5minute or so I could tell that he was finally going all out and for the first time since the incident I was getting pushed to do more than just trying, and that made me excited, happy even,

He was not getting fatigued no matter how many blows we struct at each, since this fight started no hits were landed on each other, we only exchanged blows. After a bit, he stopped.

I wonder why before he looks at me with a stern look on his face saying"I want to be a demon slayer"