
Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

I put the meat in a bowl for myself before going to the kitchen area, where I sat down, and said"itadakimasu.".

After my small prayer, I took out my chopstick before starting to eat the slice up meat of the boar,

Time skip

I finished eating the boar and it was frankly so delicious and tender, I loved it.

My body finally felt somewhat full so I could finally go to bed and sleep.

I felt the presence of a small child coming in my direction, and from the density and size and also the color of his chakra I knew who it was so I waited,30 seconds or so later Takeo slide the door open.

Now we continue where we left off

"Teach me," He said as soon as he saw me

"wait, what, teach you what, "I said looking at the small child.

"The cool move you were doing while fighting dad," He said excitedly

"It's basically the hinokami Kagura, so your dad can teach it to you," I reply,

He looked like he feared that I would say that.

"Kid, I may not look like but I'm not stupid," I said to Takeo

"What do you mean by that," He said innocently

"I know the reason you ask me is that your dad most likely said no, and you trying to get it from me," I said to the small boy, he looked like a carbon copy of Tanjiro the only thing that made them look apart is that, he had a beauty mark beneath his right eye, just like his mother, and lacked the scar on the top of his forehead.

Takeo also wore a cloud-gray iromuji-kimono with a sea-green haori on top of it, along with a pair of Tobi pants and boots. He also sported a turquoise and black patterned scarf.

"I will train you under one condition," I said looking at the disappointed little boy

He seem to perk up at this, he looked up exited saying"What is it"

"You get your parent's permission," I said as I walked toward the kitchen where I can wash my dishes.

He looked frustrated and I could practically smell his frustration, "What you ask me to do is technically impossible" He said looking at me like I had given him the hardest test out there

"If you are as hard-headed as your mom, I'm sure you will pull through, "I said remembering how hard it was to make them accept to even come here.

"Here are some exercises to help you in the meantime," I said taking out, a small book out of a storage seal, that was located on the right side of my pouch. I tossed the book at him and he caught it.

He looked at it and said, "How is breathing going to help me with this"

"More than you could comprehend my small friend," I said to Takeo

He flip the book around to see who is the author before he looked back up at me saying, "How is a book that you wrote going to help with any of this"

"I had some people that were willing to do their breathing style in front of me and from what I saw and what they told me I made a book about it, be grateful you get to read it"I reply

"I am, it's just why did the title have to be breathing style for dummies," He said looking a bit offended.

"It's because I had to dumb it down to a level a normal person would understand it clearly, "I said as I finish washing the dishes.

He took the book and walked outside, i suddenly lost the feeling of wanting to go to bed so I decided to take my nichirin blade while it was still inside the sheat.

I also put on my demon slayer outfit before walking outside and watching as the sun set,

"I'm going to kill some demons to clear my head," I said to no one in particular.

Time skip

Atoru was sitting on the rooftop as he was looking at the sunrise."Let me go please, I promise I won't ever lay a hand on another person ever again"Something under neat him screamed, and if we look closely at what he was sitting on, we can clearly see it was a humanoid figure with very sharp teeth and eyes as red as blood. The figure had white hair and grey skin.

"Did you stop when the people you were killing begged for mercy?" I said comfortably sitting on his back.

The light of the sun slowly approached me and the demon, I got up from his back and I saw the hope he had in his eyes, he thought that he could escape but he realize his legs and hands were not regenerating so he was just there on the floor feeling very hopeless.

"That emotion you are feeling right now is the same one that all your victims felt, it is not good when you are the one feeling it huh," I said looking at him.

I watch him get completely get reduced to ash by the sun, "That was quite brutal coming from you" I heard a familiar female voice said

I turn around to see Shinobu looking at me, "He gets pleasure from killing innocent children in the most painful way possible, I have no sympathy for him whatsoever" I said looking at her.

"Also what bring you here, this place is not inside your section," I said to her surprise.

"Do I really need a reason to visit you?" She said with a smile.

"Something is fishy here, this is not how you usually act, "I said looking at the petite girl.

"is it a sin that I wanted to spend some time with you," She said pouting

'That explains her personality from earlier' I thought

A/N Does anyone here wants him to have an ms if yes, I would have to find 2 ability that fit him if no the story stay on the path that I had laid out for it,