Im fine

Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

We ate in a peaceful silence, She normally falls asleep after a long journey like these but she is awake and she doesn't look that much tired than usual.

It was Kanae and she looked happy, when I got close to her, she said with a smile"Did you two have fun"

"Yeah, we went on a tour all around Japan, it was nice, fun fact did you know that Shinobu was a slight glutton," I said with a smile

Shinobu hit me on my head but I felt nothing, to be honest, Kanae just chuckle at that,

Kanae seem like she remember something before she said"Oh I remember now, it's my turn to do your hair"

I just smile at that because at best my hair gets softer at worst I have to deal with a very feminine hairstyle for a while I can deal with that.

Now we continue where we left off

I touched my hair that was long overdue for someone to cut some of it off, I had already changed into much more casual clothes but I was still wearing my black glove.

I reached where Kanae was waiting for me and I sat down and stayed still as Kanae did my hair, she had some scissors in her hands which worry me a bit, I don't know how much I trust her with scissors, in her hand, she can either do something good or make me get the worst hairstyle to ever exist but I trust her.

She brushed my hair before cutting some of the extra, she seem to enjoy herself and I could feel every single one of my hair, I was too sensible for my own good,

I don't know how long I sat down for all I knew was that the sun was setting when Kanae started to do my hair and right now I can see the moon go down and some early light from the sun rising.

There was a bunch of hair on the floor that I will have to remove later but this wasn't any of my priorities for now.

She gave me a mirror, I looked at myself through it and I must say, she did better than I expected, to be honest, I expected my hair to look like the hair of some sort of princess, I'm glad it didn't end up like that.

"So what do you think"Kanae said with a smile.

"It looks better than the last time you did my hair that's for sure," I said honestly

"I think it's about time I check on the Kamadoes and see how they doing, "I said remembering that I didn't tell anyone I was leaving but instead just left in the middle of the day.

"Dont overwork yourself, "Kanae said carefully

"Me, do you take me for someone that will overwork themself," I said

She looked at me with a deadpan expression before saying."Atoru you know as well as I do that you and overworking go hand and hand"

"Tell me one time that I had overworked myself," I said

"Last week Friday afternoon "She reply in a heartbeat.

"I did not overwork myself that time, I was just sleeping, "I said

"Sleeping on the hard floor, face first and covered in sweat," She said with a deadpan expression

"I really don't care if your body is able to take all of that on, your Training regiment is pure torture so could you please for me, take at least a day or two off to let your muscle regenerate"She said looking at me

"bu..."I try to say before I got cut off

"I don't want to hear anything about your body regenerating fast enough to endure your torture, please just lower the intensity," She said cutting me off

I frankly saw her point and where she is coming from, but at the same time I promised myself to never get stuck in a situation where I wished I trained more, so I decided to say"I will meditate more and try to rest a bit more, but I'm not lowering the intensity"

"you are very stubborn, "She said as she sighs

"I better not find you on the floor again because if I do, you will lower the intensity of your training, deal, " She said looking at me sternly

"Sure that seems fair," I said sighting

"Now that is taken care of, strip, "She said suddenly

"What, did I hear you correctly," I said

"Yes, now let me see if you healthy," She said looking at me

"I feel completely healthy," I said removing the only white shirt I had on.

"I want to check your vitals," She said as she took a stethoscope and placed it to the left of the center of my chest to hear my heartbeat.

"Take in a deep breath and hold it," She said

I took in a deep breath in held my breath until she told me I could let go.

"Your heartbeat is fine."She said breathing in a sigh of relief

"Why are you acting like I got sick, I'm as healthy as it gets, "I said confused

She didn't answer my question but instead turn on some sort of light in my eyes, which blinded me for a bit, "Why the sudden worry" I said

"You do not feel it, "She said looking at me confused

"No, I feel fine," I said confused

"Your skin is burning, matter of fact you are way too hot even by your standard"She replied

"What do you mean, I'm fine," I said

I stood up, but because of how fast I went from sitting down for a whole night to standing up so fast, my head was spinning around for a bit.

I looked down at her before saying"I'm fine trust me, but you should get some sleep."

I walked with her toward the room where I put her to sleep, it was strange that no one was awake usually during this time, they usually are up early.

I drop her off on the bed before I lay on the bed going to dreamland.

A/N Im sorry again this chapter late but today it was because of personal issues