
Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"The fuck a DNA test,"he said

"To put in short its a test that you can do to see if two people are related, "I said

"And what give me the assurance that you cannot just Rigg into your favor,"He said

"Even if we were related i would of never followed you, someone that i barely just met where were you when my mom got sick and eventually died,were where you when my dad died,You were not there, and one day you just remember you had family and you suddenly care about them,Fuck off"He said with vein popping on his forehead

"Leave"He screamed out.

I left as he asked but i didn't go far,i needed to get my energy back up before running back home,so i went into the village to eat until I'm full.

Now we continue where we left off

I walked down to the village to get something to eat before leaving and from what I could gather they are relatively safe, so as long as Muzan doesn't find out where they live they should be fine, I was at the bottom of the mountain soon enough and so I decided to get some food

Meanwhile with the twins.

"Dont you think you were being a bit Harsh," Muichiro said to his twin

"I don t care if I was mean," Yuichiro reply

"Why do you have to be so mean to everyone that comes here," Muichiro said getting mad

"In this world being nice or good will do you no good, the world will just swallow you whole, it doesn't care if you are a good or evil person, so why should I care"Yuichiro screamed out

"Mom and dad wouldn't be happy with how you are right now, "Muichiro said

"Mom and dad were nice and look at where that got them, Dead and that left us to live alone," Yuichiro screamed out

The two twins got into a heated argument, normally this happens once in a while but this time it was bad, it was the worst argument they had so far, and it was so bad that they forgot to close the door.

Time skip to nighttime

The night at the tokito household was quiet, the two boys didn't even speak to each other, the moon outside was beautiful, it was as bright as ever and the sound of the night were happening outside, the sound of cricket chanting and the sound of the wind going through the leaves and bushes was just beautiful.

But nature is often cruel and with that cruelty come demons, The door of the house was ripped open as a creature that only belonged in legend was seen, It had a human-like appearance but anyone could tell that he was not human, he was the furthest thing from a human with his sharp fang white skin and blood red eye, his body was also demonic in nature with him having demon like claws.

The moonlight shown through the house, revealing that the demon was grinning while looking at the terrified face of the two twins.

As soon as the twin saw him, the demon rushed at Yuichiro and slashed him across the chess, Yuichiro started to bleed out but the demon didn't even hesitate to go for the kill, Muichiro was frozen with fear, This demonic creature was about to kill his brother but here he was, standing away frozen with fear not being able to do anything.

As the demon was a centimeter away from Yuichiro's neck, He got kicked away and when he looked back up, he saw Muichiro with a butcher knife and his hands, the demonic creature noticed that his neck had a cut mark on it, and he was piss that he was hit by a child, so he rushed at Muichiro with intent to kill flashing in his eyes.

The demon rushed at Muichiro with murderous intent in his eyes, he was going to make this child pay for damaging him, he will enjoy killing two kids. The demon appears in front of Muichiro and sent his claw at Muichiro's throat aiming to kill him right there, Muichiro dodges the attack before retaliating by slashing his knife at the demon's neck. He reached for the demon's neck but he was unable to cut it because the demon's neck was tough.

The demon bent his body in some way that shouldn't have even been possible before he punched Muichiro in the gut, The punch knocked Muichiro down to his knee at the same time Muichiro got on his knee something glowed on his shoulder before vanishing.

The demon was surprised at what that glowing thing was, but he didn't care he was bout to kill those humans, as soon as he thought that, his vision went upside down and he could see his body.

The last thing that the demon saw before disappearing was the figure of a man looking down at him, he didn't have time to get any of the man's features before the sweat and cold release of death took him away to the afterlife.

Pov Change to Mc

I rushed toward Yuichiro and started to heal his wounds because he was more injured than Muichiro, because I have been using my healing ability a lot lately it has gotten pretty fast and so I was able to close his wounds and make sure he will live to see another day, when I was done with Yuichiro I rushed toward Muichiro to see that he had a small hole on his gut, it was about 2 inches deep, and he was bleeding out but unlike his brother he was still conscious, he looked at me before he passed out.

I put the twin body next to each other before starting to heal them both at the same time, even if I had closed the external wound, the internal one still remain and I don't want to be interrupted so I put down a barrier seal around me before I started to heal the twins.

I turn on my Sharingan so I could see their blood vessels, their muscle tissue, and their lungs filling up with air, Muichiro's heart was beating noticeably faster than Yuichiro probably because he had to fight a demon.

After making sure they were stable and not at any risk of dying, I teleported back to the butterfly mansion to get help from some real doctor.