Shadow clone

Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"If I remember correctly back where I'm from, there is a breathing technique to help you from the cold, if i remember correctly someone climbs mount Everest with only shorts and some socks, so i think i can do it, "I said before noticing a lake that weirdly hadn't frozen over{A/N I did the research and yes someone actually did it, and also yes there is breathing that help you against the cold and the man name is Wim Hof,}

"This lake is giving me ideas on how to improve while I'm up here, but for now let's get exhausted, "I said as I immediately started to do physical exercises in the freezing cold, my only goal for today was to maintain my breathing in the freezing cold, keep myself warm and to push my body to always breath properly even if I'm half dead.

Now we continue where we left off

It was very cold and every time I did a push-up, you could see the cold air leaving my lungs.

Even as I was doing some pretty fast exercises, I didn't sweat at all but steam was getting emitted from my body, my lungs were getting filled with cold air but this didn't bother me, every time I breath, I made sure I absorb the same amount of oxygen I did the first time, to make myself be more consistent.

"994,995,996,997,998,999,1000," I said finishing doing my push-up.

I looked toward the lake that was at the top of the mountain but for some reason wasn't freezing at all, I walked toward it before jumping in.

As soon as my body enter the water, My muscle tensed up because of the extreme cold, the water was colder than it was.

I used my breathing style while swimming and tried to stay consistent, which I was miraculously able to do, I then made the ram hand sign and created around 30 shadow clones.They were all here for one reason to train as much as they could, I know that i can't get physical strength from this training method but I can gain skill and experience from them.

I looked at all my clones before saying"Remember that one of my rules was to not make any jutsu with too much destructive damage"

They all nodded,"Good, so do to that rule the same thing people do to their new year resolution" I shouted.

They all seem to understand and they all went to work.

I on the other hand just decided to continue to practice my breathing technique, I want to still be able to breathe correctly at death door, or even with one of my working lungs getting destroyed,

I kept going to the bottom of the lake to explore what was down there, but apart from some very pretty sea life and some breathtaking plants, and also a thriving ecosystem there was nothing to truly explore there.

I did take a few souvenirs, I'm not even going to question why sea life exists in this cold water, I'm just going to leave it all to my ancestor's logic.

I placed the rule of not making any destructive jutsu for one reason, The area of effect. I will have no control over it, but with what I find out yesterday, I'm going to have leave that way of thinking behind.

I made the ram hand sign while I was under the water, and a perfect copy of myself appeared in front of me. The clone knew what to do and we started to spar underwater, and every time, I went up for air,the clone will do anything in his power to stop me, and if i manage to reach the top of the water for air,i will only have a small amount of time before I need to continue fighting my clone.

I did this for one reason, there are some aquatic demons around japan and if I get stuck underwater with some of them,the lack of air might make me lose against them, they probably are faster than me underwater so that is why i let the clone use jutsu to make itself faster under the water.

This continued on for longer than i expected,at some point we were fighting under the water for at least an hour and I needed air badly, I could still hold my breath for a few minutes longer but I'm not going to risk it to when I'm very close to death.

I swim up and fought the clone along the way, until I finally defeated it and reached the surface, i got the clone's memory and experience which gave me a light headache but I could manage, after getting my bearing I swim toward where I jumped in the lake and got out.

I then dispersed all my shadow clones, I got a minor headache for it but I could ignore it,"I'm going to need a bath after this"I said as mother nature made it windy, I felt heavy from getting out the water and cold from the cold wind blowing on my face with me being in nothing more than boxers.

The top of the mountain looked like a mess but for some reason, even if mostly everything was destroyed, it was already healing, new young trees were growing next to the trees that had holes in them.

The grass was growing where it was previously destroyed, and the sound of the lake behind me gave me some sort of peace, so i meditated there. I sat down, closed my eyes, and proceeded to meditate for the next 3 to 4 hours uninterrupted.


I breathe out a cold breath of air before opening my eyes, I stood up and walked down the mountain toward the direction of my house, my boxer was frozen solid and it was an inconvenience that I couldn't ignore so that is why I went back home.

I saw my house in the distance and the annoying itch that was my frozen boxer was getting annoying, so instead of walking to my house,i instead body flickered toward it. It is easier and it saves everyone time.

A/N I wrote the chapter a lot earlier but it somehow got deleted so i had to rewrite