
Last time in i was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"I may not rest a lot but I know at the rate that you are making those poison that you need rest,"I said softly

"You can't force me" She replied

"I know but i can tire you enough that you actually sleep,"I said politely

She disappears from the bed and appear in front of me aiming to do something with either my face or my throat but I blocked her attacks with one of my hands.

"You sure have a spicy temper," I said holding in her hand that she was trying to get free from my grip.

When she noticed that she couldn't break free, she stopped struggling and said"Fine,i will rest"

"See that wasn't so hard,"I said softly putting her back on the bed.

She looked embarrassed that her attacks and her resistance were futile.

I planned to go out after I put her on the bed but the look on her face said it all, so instead I decided to stay and keep her 'company'

Now we continue where we left off


"Finally, she fell asleep," I said looking at the sleeping figure of Shinobu on my chest.

"She sure had a lot of energy," I said as I slowly removed myself from her grip.

It was harder than I thought because she has an iron grip on me and wouldn't let me go no matter how much I struggle.

"I won't be gone for long" I muttered next to her ear.

Her grip didn't loosen at all, matter of fact, it tightened.

"Fine, I will stay," I said realizing that I wasn't going to go anywhere anytime soon.

I sighed looking down at the small figure that was holding onto me like she was holding unto dear life.

"In terms of strength I'm stronger than her by a large margin, but for some reason, I can't get out of her hold" I muttered

I slowly use my hand to caress her on the head trying to make her relax while she is asleep, while I just look at the sealing of the room, I could see a bunch of weird symbols on the ceiling.

The more i look at it, the more exhausted I became,I knew for a fact that the seals on the ceiling were not seals that force me to sleep.

On the contrary, they were made to wake you up if there was any danger nearby, I yawned feeling very tired,it was getting harder to keep my eyes open,"I'm just close my eyes for half a second"I said as i slowly close my eyes.


When i reopen my eyes again,i saw the moonlight entering the room through the window,I still felt the weight of Shinobu on me but this time,she didn't have my body locked in an iron grip.

I slowly got out of bed and made sure not to wake her up, i wanted to walk to the kitchen to get something to drink, I was thirsty.

I stood in front of the bed strangely still tired but I'm sure the second i start moving again,i will get all the energy that i currently lacked.

I looked at her sleeping body before converting so she doesn't get a cold.

"I was right, she was tired,she just was too stubborn to admit it"I said looking at her sleeping figure.

I then sight before walking outside the room,I slide the door open before walking toward the kitchen.

I reach the kitchen and slide the door open,I walked toward one of the counters before slowly lowering myself to about the same height as the counter before I open it.

It was empty, there was nothing in there.

I felt disappointed at the sight of no drinks,so instead, i just found a spot outside where I could gaze at the moon, and sat down there.

"The sky sure is beautiful tonight"I heard a familiar voice behind me said

I looked back to see someone that I haven't seen that much today. The person that just talked was Kanae.

"Yeah,it is,"I replied

"I saw you looking for a drink so here take this,"She said handing me a drink.

"Thank you, "I said taking the drink

"what are you thinking about"She said slowly sipping on her drink.

"Rengoku birthday is in a few days and i frankly don't know what to do" I said sighing

"Just act normally,he is your brother and we talking about Rengoku here, you will have to act like a complete dick to mess this up,and even then that is not a guarantee that he will hate you"Kanae answered

"You are right about that,Its hard to mess up with him around,"I said with a thoughtful look on my face.

"Atoru what were you doing on top of that mountain," Kanae said switching topic

"Learning how to breathe correctly, and mastering the basics"I answer

"And you want me to believe that all the noise and shockwave coming from the mountain were made by you breathing and practicing the basics,"She said with a face that told me she didn't buy it

"Yes," I said looking back up at Kanae.

"You not telling me the full truth,"She said

"Demanding much,"I said before sighting and saying"I made some clone practice some jutsu on top of the mountain"

"That checks out, are you planning on fixing the mess you made up there" Kanae said

"Wait, did you go up the mountain,"I asked

"I went up the mountain right after you came back,i wanted to see how much damage you caused and surprisingly it wasn't as I thought, but the mountain was still a mess," Kanae said

A/N Im willing to take criticism,tell me something that you want me to add or do less off,i will try my best to improve it.