Happy birthday son

Last time in I was reborn in demon as an Uchiha

"I'm sorry I don't have any more info," The crow said

"No need to apologize, you did your best at reporting the info you currently have," I said patting the bird's head.

After Kaname gave me the necessary information that I need, I told him to fly over to the city if he found anything suspicious to report it back to me.

I walked around the outskirts of the city when I heard some noise in the bush, I quickly got on guard, and held my blade ready to draw it at any moment.

"There is no point in hiding," I said unsheathing my blade while keeping my eyes where I heard the noise.

"You have better sense than most demon slayers" I heard a voice from the bushes say.

The figure that was hiding in the brushed step out and I could make the figure of a man walking toward me but he was under the shade so I could see that much.

And now we continue where we left off

When the man walked out of the Shade, I was shaking, I couldn't believe what I saw before my eye, 'this couldn't be true no matter how much I see, This is not him' I thought trembling a bit after I saw the demon I was supposed to kill.

"What is this face, aren't you going to say hello after not seeing me for a while." The demonic figure said smiling at me

In front of me stood a demonic version of my dad. He looked like a young adult of tall stature and muscular-athletic build. He had a demonic grin plastered on his face as he was watching my Reaction, he look so demonic right now that it caused me to shake in anger, how dare they use my father's body like?

Instead of his long bright yellow hair with red streaks akin to flames along with two shoulder-length bangs and two chin-length bangs on the side of his head, his hair was darker in color. He still had yellow hair but now there was darker along with the red flame-like tip in his hair.

His eyes were completely black and two black horns were protruding out of his skull, he had veins all around his body and was wearing the flame haori that we get when we master flame breathing, his demon slayer outfit was still on him but it was orange and some of his chests was exposed.

The thing that scared me the most was the fact that inside his pupil I could see the kanji for upper moon in his right pupil. And on his left, I could see the kanji for the number 3.

I was stunned and shaking until I remember that this is no longer my dad, this is a demon and as a demon slayer, I should do my job.

I unsheathed my blade and pointed it toward him.

"Is this how you going to welcome your dad," Shinjuro said looking at me and grinning like a madman.

"Why are you here, "I asked my dad while gripping my sword.

"I wanted to surprise you for your birthday," He said maniacally

"Why do you mean, "I said feeling a bit concerned

"I came to give you one last lesson and this time if you lose, I will eat you," Shinjuro said looking at me.

I rushed at him and started clashing my blade with his, I wanted to kill him before he kill and eat some human flesh so he at least dies as a human and not a demon.

That if he hasn't eaten anyone yet. We clashed before he push me back, but as soon as my leg hit the floor, I mutter "Flame breathing First Form: Unknowing Fire "

I rushed at him with great speed and aimed for his head, but at the last second, he tilted himself backward dodging my blow and before I could redirect my blade to cut his head off, I get kicked away.

As soon as I got my barring back, he was already in front of me, and was about to strike me in the shoulders with his blade.

I tilted my body to the side barely dodging the hit but I didn't get out of there unscathed, my demon slayer outfit had a slashing mark on my right shoulder.

I gritted my teeth as I felt a burning sensation on my right shoulder where he hit me.

"You are already feeling the effect, I'm guessing that you are weaker than I thought, I should have expected this from you, you are a disappointment no matter how I look at it," Shinjuro said looking at the sorry state that dared say he is his son.

I gritted my teeth as I rip off some of my demon slayer outfits and wrap them around the shoulder that was injured.

"How many human life did you take to get this strong," I said with anger in my voice

"None, lord Muzan gave me a lot of blood and I was able to achieve this strength that I never thought was possible"Shinjuro replied before he paused and said"You are going to be my first meal, be honored that I choose you"

He said all that while he was looking like I was an insignificant insect.

Veins started to appear on my face as I shouted out"I don't care if you consider me a disappointment, your words mean nothing to me especially now that you are a demon"

He look at me impressed before he said"Why don't you become a demon, you will become stronger than you could ever imagine, and you will finally stop living in the shadow of your brother Atoru"

"Imagine as a demon you will finally be able to beat that monster and be the older brother that protects his little brother that you wanted."He said extending his hands toward me.

"If I become a demon, I will no longer consider myself Atoru brother, I don't want to see his pained expression after he was forced to kill me,

I will be the older brother that he looks up to"I said getting into a stance.

A/N this was foreshadowed to happen a while back and now I can finally write that father-son fight.