She seem familiar

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

"Yes"She answers

"Did you only eat breakfast and went straight to work? "I asked

"yes"She answers honestly

I body flicker to the kitchen and took some food and my body flicker back to the room before she even blinked.

"You know as well as I do that you must eat in other to no pass out from such intense work" I said as I was cooking the food in front of her.

"I know but while I was eating Gyomei barged in with the unconscious body of Kyojuro" She answers honestly

"I get it but now it's time to eat"I said as I finish cooking the food that I took from the kitchen.

She was relatively weak and I dont really think that not eating breakfast will have done so much.

She would have been weak yes but to the point that I had to feed it to her by spoon, something was wrong, but for now, I will just put it to her getting sick

Now we continue where we left off

"She fell asleep, "I said as I watched her sleeping figure inside her office.

She just ate and slept like there was no tomorrow, I have never seen her sleep so peacefully and so easily.

"Something here is definitely wrong" I said as I watched her sleep, her skin was as pale as ever and I couldn't just stay still and watch it, so I did the only thing I could do at this moment.

I touched on her forehead and started transferring some on my chakra to her, ' I hope this work' I though as I sent my chakra more carefully and faster, chakra work like life force energy meaning the healthier and the more energetic that you are the more chakra you have flowing through you.

But everyone have there special type of it, everyone is special in that way but even if they all different something, they all have something in common, they work like your immune system, if a foreign chakra enter your body they will attack and neutralize it.

This can be avoided if I can match her chakra without making any mistake or her body will try and neutralize it which will cause more harm than good.

As I sent more chakra into her body, I felt a tug, something was pulling all the chakra that was meant for Kanea, something here is not adding up.

"So that what happening," I said as soon as I realize what was going on.

"This is bad" I said as soon as I realize what my realization implied, she is pregnant which is great and that mean I'm going to be dad, I'm fine with that matter of fact I'm overjoyed by that, but that also mean one thing.

She can die from this, best case scenario she become like Kagaya too weak to even wield a sword worst case she died. (A/N You don't say)

I never really thought of the fact that something like me can only be made with sacrifice, I for a fact know that when I was a kid, I ate a lot more than everyone else.

"This is exactly what happen in the book, "I said as I remember the book that I read 4 years ago.

"If this is what happening inside the book then I can fix it, it just needs time," I said out loud,

I could fix the drain of her energy if I just make a storage seal that will seal around 25% of my chakra, I will probably need to replenish every month and she would probably need to stop working so hard.

'For now, this should be enough ' I thought as I felt the tugging stop, I was relieved and so I stopped sending chakra into her body.

I slowly put her on my back and walked back toward the room, it didn't take long to reach it and when I did I got up and laid her gently on the bed.

I walked out of the room and went to the kitchen, I just need a 'light snack' before I do anything else.

I reached the kitchen and it was surprisingly empty , I walked toward the food is kept and open to find that it was empty.

There was no sign of food or ingredients, I then remember that I basically used everything to feed Kanae, I probably didn't notice because that how much food I eat but for her that abnormal, and now I know why.

"Guess I'm eating out today, "I said before I made the ram hand sign and disappear from my spot. I teleported near one of the villages that I knew had one of the best food that I could eat.

'I can't work on an empty stomach but as soon as im full I will work on that seal' I though to myself

I walked toward the town and as soon as I got inside I went toward the shop that sold Sakura mochi. I had a sweet tooth and I don't think that going to change anytime soon.

When I arrived there someone was already there and we're eating what I could count we're their fifth serving.

She seemed familiar somehow, like this wasn't the first time I saw her,

"May I use this sit or is it occupied?" I said politely because this was literally the only place I could sit, this was a very small business after all.

"No, it's not occupied you can sit"She said as she remove the plate that was in the seat.

I sat down and immediately looked at the menu, I was hungry and I couldn't do anything think when I was hungry so it was better if I had eaten something before I get to working, Kanae should sleep for about a day in her current state that more than enough time for me.

'Anyway im just here for food so I might as well grab it and leave this place, Kanae need my help' I though as I order some food.

I waited for the food to come and forgot that there was someone next to me.

"Here is what you order"The chef said handing me my food.

I thanked him before leaving the shop, I needed ink like won't of it, seal don't just magically appear ink is use to make it.

So after finding a ink shop and buying more ink than I could imagine I went to find a shop that sold paper.

I spent 900thousand yen in total, yes I spent that much money on ink and papers, is it to much.

Yes, do I care no.

I don't care if u have to spend all my cash I need material to make the seal and a lot of it.

When I got everything I instanstly vanish from spot and appear back at the mansion.

"Time to work on some seals"I said as I walked into my office, I made the ram handsign and created 20clones that started working on the seal with me.

A/N this chapter may be shorter because I was rewriting the first 10 to 20 chapters