empty seal

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

Stressing myself over it wont do anything,if i can keep my head clear,i can find why i keep feeling it,its a weird feeling getting that chill no matter what i do.

On the brighter side, Haruto to a just very gifted genetically and he abnormal growth his normal, now I know why I looked like a teen when I was only 11, I still look older than I actually am but that will stop after I reach 19.

Senjuro is still trying to match the two techniques but his body won't allow him, on a good note he can now open the first gate but that about it.

A normal person with no training can enter the first gate when their life is in danger but Senjuro can now enter it at will, granted he will be exhausted afterward but he can do it at will.(A/N basically your body removing your limiters)

I feel like I'm training a bunch of monsters but who cares.

And now we continue where we left off


"Senjuro that is enough for today"I said as i noticed him trying to push himself more than his body could handle.

"I..*pant* can *pant*go on....*pant* for a bit longer," He said and between panting heavily, I looked at him and i could tell that his muscle could tear at any time.

His muscles looked so beaten and bruised that you may think that he was in an accident, his muscles were giving out some steam that was barely visible to the human eye.

"Sorry little bro,you can't,your body will give up on, literally," I said bluntly, I will not sugarcoat if his future is in the line,what would be the point of training if you become paralyzed down the line and cant even hold a sword.

He stopped trying to open the second gate and as soon as he did that, his muscle went limp due to overuse. He fell on his back on the wooden floor covered in own sweat.

His chest was going up and down very quickly and it never seem to slow down, sweat was pouring out of his body like rain falling out of the sky.

I approached him and when i got close, I handed him a bottle of water, he try to lift his hand to take it from me but his body wasn't responding no matter how much he try.

I squatted down to his level before,

"Seem like that's your limit,"I said looking at him while his breathing slow down heavily.I did have to actually make him drink some water because of how much he was sweating.

He wasn't the only one tired though everyone here was sweating like crazy',i would have to clean this place up, when this is done'I though to myself as when they will have to leave,the smell os just going to conquer this place and there is no way I'm leaving it like that.

Kanao was sparring against Tanjiro and the twins were having a three-way fight with Takeo,i frankly feel bad for Takeo because even if its a three-way fight,the twin will target him unconsciously, he is holding his own tho and i got to say, I'm impressed that he hasn't passed out yet.{A/N Takeo fine}

"Drink up"i said as i gave him a small amount of water, he drink it slowly, as to not accidentally choke on the water, after around five minutes, the water that I brought was empty,i took the empty bottle and placed it in a seal before I flick Senjuro on the forehead.

"Ouch,"He said as he held his forehead in his hands,

"That for pushing yourself too much, "I said looking at him before i got up and said"You need to let your body rest, we will continue tomorrow"{A/N says you}

He looked like he wanted to argue for a second but he nodded and slowly got up.

"Tanjiro could you please guide Senjuro to a bed, where he can rest, "I said looking at Tanjiro, He accepted immediately and helped Senjuro.

I gave the other a few pointers before i warp it up, there is no need to push them so hard, there is no rush.{A/N the clock is ticking down}

They cleaned the dojo,i could have done it but hey they were here and i haven't really gave them that much discipline training because they don't need it, but that a start.

It was spotless but the smell remained and so i made them use a few things to remove the stink,it worked and the smell was gone, but now that it was gone, the dojo mostly smelled like a mixture of flowers and lavender.

I walked toward my room as soon as we were over and i had let them go,they were all exhausted,i was not,i barely even broke a sweat but hey at least now i can start my own training.

I arrived at the room and slide the door open, as soon as i did that I heard Kanae's voice say"Atoru you are here thank god,"

I didn't like that, 'something wrong also where is Haruto' I thought as I didn't notice him anywhere.

"Where is Haruto"I said when i finally saw that i couldn't see him,i was just a bit worried.

I heard a very long-winded sight from her part, "Haruto fine,he is with Shinobu right now" She explained.

"Then why did you look so stressed a second ago"I said tilting my head to the side a bit,i was looking at her from head to feet and nothing seem wrong,she looked alright physically and in her body seem in top-notch condition.

i approached her bed to get a closer look and i could finally see it,the seal died,there was literally nothing left inside it, no chakra at all.

she strangely stayed quiet during all of that and it was a bit unnerving

"If you worry about the seal, it is fine it will recycle it on its own"I explain to her and she seemed relieved.

"i though i broke it"She said as she let out a sigh of relief.

"It fine, also don't move too much you still need to recover"I said reminding her that was still supposed to rest.

A/N comment any idea that you may have,i will read them and i will most likely use them.