Last preparation

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

"Yes pretty flower"I said as I look at the flowers.

He continued to look at thing and saying what they were, it seemed like he was paying attention when I was telling him what was what.

I continue to walk around with him before I heard him mutter out something.

When I look down I saw that he was sleeping.

He fell asleep in my arms.

"Dada loves you too," I said as I kiss him on the forehead.

I walked back to the room where his cribs was and laid them and there while I watch him sleep.

I was the one taking care of him as of now, Kanae was helping Aoi and the Kakushi collect medical herbs to heal the injure and make some first aid kits.(A/N basically stacking up on heals before the fight start)

I looked at his peaceful and oblivious face as he slept.

I felt sleepy and so I went to sleep next to Haruto, my guards were still up even if I was a sleep.

Now we continue where aw left off


After days of gathering resources and going over formation, the day where we were going to finally attack the demons was approaching very fast.

We were literally a day away from the assigned date that Kagaya set.

I trained with the pillars basically everyday in the whole point of the training was to see if they were strong enough to make me bleed.

Long answer short even when all of them attack me at the same time and even synchronized their attack the best that they could do is push me to take it a bit seriously.

They did land a hit, granted the seal I had given Kanae was running out of chakra and it sent me a signal telling me that.

The slip second it took me to take that in was the moment I got pushed in the face by Sanemi.

I felt like he enjoyed that moment a bit too much.

Like who would give me such a evil smile after punching me, no blood came out thought, it just moved my head an bit.

I wanted too see how will the react to facing someone that is so far above them it's not even funny anymore.

Gyomei was the only person that was a threat and even then he only become a pain when he turn on the seven gates.

Granted im still on my base form during all of this but when he go 7 gate, I turn my sharingan.

All of them are allowed to use the gate and I don't, that was to give them a chance at winning.

A small chance but a chance nonetheless, I never truly realize how far above everyone I was, the gap between me and Gyomei who is the second strongest after me is huge.

It like comparing a normal demon slayer to an upper moon.

No matter how you slice it, the demon slayer is dying.

My training was mainly to test out how much endurance they have during a battle, I can confidently say that they can fight heavily injured for a while.

Gyomei and Sanemi work well together while Tengen works well with Rengoku.

I feel like Sabito would work well with Giyu.

Obama's work well with Tanjuro which I didn't expect but if the situation call for it, all of them can work together no matter how you switch it up.

I was given permission to do anything that I know will help them grow by Kagaya.

It feel weird training the people I think of older brothers and friend.

I beat them and a clone heal them and the cycle continue, it worked wonderfully, they got better after each beating.

The constant threat of fighting someone so strong pushed them beyond their limits. This also helped, with so many people coming at me I can now work on keeping eyes on multiple people at the same time.

It also though me to not get baited, to not actually kill each other we used training swords, I didn't want to accidentally slice someone in half.

After training them I just walk home and take a bath, before I meditate for the rest of the day.

I do eat during my breaks and I found a way to reopen the portal.

So as soon as the day come, i go back home and meditate,after meditating I usually just take care of Haruto.

He need all the time and attention in the world I'm just sad that my work make me not able to be with him physically all the time.

I could always leave a clone with him but that wouldn't be me and that would feel cheap.(A/N that would feel cheap to him)

I can even imagine the talk I'm going to have in the future with him about that.

I would rather avoid leaving him with a clone because at the end of the day it's a clone and even if it want to spoil the child it still chakra and when that chakra run out he will be gone.

I don't my baby boy to be in the face of danger while I'm none the wiser, he is smart for a child and he is pretty intelligent but at the end of the day he is a newborn and he is pretty uneducated about mostly everything around the world.

I held Atoru in my hand for the last time as tomorrow is the day that we fight the king of demons, he looked so happy to see me.

I held him and played with him until he fell asleep where I tucked him in bed and went outside to have a pep talk with all my tsugoku,

They all realize the danger of the battle of tomorrow and they all still chose it.

I went back to my room to sleep on last time before having to fight with destiny.

I open the door to see Kanae was inside, she looked a bit down and I immediately knew why.

A/N chapter late because I had a long practice today