Father vs son

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

As they ran a door opened in front of Senjuro but Rengoku reacted in time and pushed him away while he fell in the hole.

When Rengoku landed he was in a rather traditional Japanese house that looked like it was made for a swordsman.

He look around and notice a lot of fire emblem and this made him realize who he was about to face, Rengoku looked at the demon that walked outside the room.

He looked at his demonic father but now there was something different about him, he could tell his father was way stronger than he was last time.

It felt like he got injected with a lot of muzan blood.

This fight might cost him his life if he Is not careful but he his willing to make that sacrifice so that his friends can live happy life for the rest of there life and so that the world can be free of demons and with those thoughts he unsheat his sword and got ready to kill his dad.

Now we continue where we left off

Shinjuro had a red blade on his back and it felt like he could cut everything with his blade. he seemed stronger and Rengoku could feel it but it was not his father was the only one getting stronger all this time.

He was also training everyday and pushing his body beyond his physical limit making him stronger than he was the last time they fought.

Shinjuro rushed toward his son as soon as a noise was created and Rengoku was ready for it.He blocked his father attack before he got into the offensive.

He try to go for the head but shinjuro seem to be predicting all his move before he make it, Renhoku could tell that cutting his own father head is not going to be as hard as he thought.

He was wy faster than before and he wanted to see if he could compete with his dad without pushing his body to the limit.

He did not want to push himself past the limit and be unable to fight for a few hours or day, he know this is the final battle so any helped is needed.

He wanted to not waste all of his energy in this fight and that he could go help his brother in the fight against the final battle.

He knew his brother was currently fighting the king of all demons and he could feel it as he could feel the shockwave from there fight.

It was pretty hard to miss the sound that was being made from there battle in the thing on everybody mind is to kill all the moons so that Muzan doesn't get reinforcement when he fighting Atoru.

Rengoku try to cut his father head again by swinging the sword at him but Shinjuro block the sword with his sword before he try to slice Rengoku neck.

Rengoku pulled back his sword and blocked the hit before he went on the attack, he try to cut his dads leg but Shinjuro blocked the attack and return it back at him.

They kept clashing over and over again and Rengoku could tell they were about the same level and a battle of stamina with a demon is not what he want.

So he created some space between him and the demon before he open the third gate and rushed back at his dad.

He was now much faster and much stronger than before, he could now speedblitz his father and upon noticing this Shinjuro started to adapt very quickly.

Rengoku was much stronger and much faster than his father but the gap between him and his dad was quickly closing it was as if the demon was adapting to his speed.

Shinjuro eyes begin to follow Rengoku body moving around, he seem to be adapting way to quickly.

Rengoku noticing how fast Shinjuro was adapting to him try to kill him.Every time he try to kill Shinjuro he miraculously either dodge or block his attacks.

Until on point they started to be on a equal footing and were fighting across the whole room, all that could be seen all across the room is a dark red blue fighting a red fiery blur.

If you blink you would of missed them and if you didn't know a fight was happening you would probably think that nothing is happening.

There were moving so fast now that even blurs couldn't even be seen no more, after images showing where they clashed were seen though.

It seemed like the speed they were moving they would eventually become faster than light but no human body could handle moving so fast.

Even if they were fighting with such intensity nothing around them were getting destroyed.

In a weird show of workmanship they did not damage the battle field at all.

Even if there blows had a lot of power behind them it was contain and was release when it was needed.

There footwork were nearly perfect and there powers was now once again equal.

Rengoku was not already tired unlike last time he used this technique and he could go on for another 4 hours before the technique start to take a toll on his body so all he has to do now is try to kill his dad before that.

He mixed the gate and heavenly breath technique for great result and was now again stronger but Shinjuro was adapting very quickly.

He kept up with all of Rengoku blowed and even pushed back a few of them.

No matter how hard Rengoku pushed his father pushed the same.

They are equal in power so now the only thing that would determine the winner is workmanship and skill.

Rengoku knew that he had a bit less fighting experience than his dad so he was a bit cautious and he wanted to show his dad how far his workmanship had come.

The battle between father and son was getting close to its climax