Breaking a susano

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

The real body did not stand still and was running around and it was making it harder for Tengen to find him with all that noise.

While Tengen was struggling to kill upper moon 4 somewhere in the castle Tanjuro saw upper moon 5.

And as soon as his eyes and the moon, met he put his hands on his sword sheath before Gyokko head fell clean off his body.(A/N that has to be a record)

He had die, he got speed blitz, Gyokko had to fight somebody that even Kokoshibu would struggle with, that was a horrible match up for him and when he try to regrow his head, he saw that his wounds look like they got cauterized.

The man had no emotion on his face, and just like that upper five was defeated without much effort needed.

After he killed Gyokko, Tanjuro started running toward the direction of Atoru.

He was one of the few people that could go help Atoru right now and not be something that will distract him.

Now we continue where we left off

As everyone were fighting each one of there respective moons, Atoru was still fighting Muzan and at this point, He had stopped Muzan from using his blood demons arts, he also manage to completely remove the demon kings healing.

That would have been great news if the demon king was not encassed inside a fucking Susano with higher defense that he had ever seen in his 15 years of living.

This armor was near unbreakable and it was not easy to do any damage to the king of demons at all but Atoru had an Idea.

He started throwing paper and putting seal at seemingly random spots on the battle field, he could see that even if the Susano cover nearly everywhere from Muzan.

It did not cover the floor as muzan still need to walk to move the thing and so that gave him an idea, he wanted to bait the demon king into stepping into one of the seal to deal some damage.

Granted he could of went to the 6 or 5 gate and just brute force it but if this is going to be a draw out battle he might as well try not to break his body in the process.

He breathed in deeply before he did a bunch of hands-sign and threw a huge fire dragon at the Susano.

The fire dragon hit the Susanoo and made some cracks but the crack disappear as soon as it appears.

'So his defence is not as tough as I though' I though to myself as I notice the crack on his Susano.

I smiled lightly before I started to run around to see how mobile he truly was, how fast could the Susano turn around, the answer to that question was pretty fast but still to slow to follow where I'm going.

He could still look around to see where I was but his Susano couldn't keep up with him.

He suddenly walked toward me before something inside the Susanoo exploded.

The Susano contain the explosion on the inside causing him to be the only living thing that got hit by the explosion.

"You very stupid for a demon king" Atoru taunted as he saw Muzan burned body walk out of the explosion.

Muzan wasn't healing because Atoru mangekyoSharingan was activated and he was using the ability to remove the healing.

His left eye was spinning like crazy and it hurt him a bit, Muzan regeneration was no joke but to stop it completely caused him a lot of pain.

Muzan created some tentacles on his back as he tried to remove one Uchiha from the face of the earth.

The attack manage to get out the Susano and was now coming at Atory at full speed.

Atoru dodged the attacks by tilting his body to the side before he rushed at the demon king and punched the Susanoo will all his might causing it to crack.

Atoru started moving so fast that only after images were left and more cracks started appearing all over the impenetrable defense that the demon king though he had.

As Muzan attention was fully on Atoru, he felt a painful slash that cut his arm clean off.

When he looked back he saw that they was a hole in the susano and that one of Atoru shadow clone had slipped in.

Before he could ponder more on that though, he felt something grind on his skin as he was hit by a rasenshurincan.

The clone died in the explosion and the Susano was able to tank the explosion for 2 seconds before it broke.

As the explosion died down, Muzan looked like a burn charcoal while Atoru was just smiling.

"Have you parents never told you to not play with fire" Atoru taunted.

"This must feel like an early cremation to you, I'm sure this is not the first time" Atoru taunted again.

He was getting under the demon king skin and it showed.

Even if Muzan now had no facial feature you could see the rages in his eyes as he looked at Atoru.

This fucking pest dare to make fun of him.

He will murder this king and showed who Muzan tried to created a bunch of blood demon art to attack Atoru with, nothing came out.

When he looked at Atoru his right eyes was spinning while he looked at him.

Muzan decided to created a smoke screen by destroying the floor below him and throwing the debris at the kid.

Due to the improved vision that his eyes gave him, Atoru was able to follow him pretty easily through the debris.

Atoru blew out a huge gust of wind that pushed the debris away, Atoru titled his body to the side as a tentacles slash pass by him and destroyed everything behind him.

"This could kill me if I'm not carefull," I said as I saw how close I was to getting hit.

A/N this should give an idea on who stronger.