Head flying

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha.

After analyzing the demon king and getting all those info from him, I breathed in deeply before I rush at him and started to clash at him again.

I was correct when I though that he looked weaker, he was weaker than he was when the fight started and so I was easily able to overwhelm him and start beating him down again.

For some weird reason he didn't use the ability again, it was as if the ability had a cooldown or it needed something special to activate.

If the technique as a cooldown I need to figure out how long the cool down is and if it's something else I must figure it out because I'm a very curious person.

I went for his head before he vanish and appear behind me aiming a blow at my heart, I substitute away and a log replaced me.

The log was completely destroy by the demon and I watched as the log turned into ash

Now we continue where we left off.

I then felt his chakra nearly triple, his muscle and his vein started to bulge a lot.

His teeth stated to get longer and his nail got sharper and I could visibly see some veins move around in his body.

I breathed in deeply before I rushed at him and started to beat down on the demon king again, I was not about to let him power up while I'm watching.

I don't want to gamble on that and as he was getting stronger, he was not standing still but he was now getting beat up by a 15year old teenager. (A/N soon to be 16)

I wonder how he feel like getting beat by somebody that hasn't fully developed yet, l know for a fact that I will reach maturity by 19 if what I read from the books were right.

I notices his cell absorbing heat at abnormal rate that wasn't normal so I jump back as he explode blowing up and destroying anything waiting a 100feet radius of him.

The explosion happened the second that I noticed his cell absorbing heat at an incredibly fast.

I was able to get out of the range of the explosion by shunshining away, I was safe but the explosion that happened and the debris that went flying were kind of blurring it eyesight.

They were so many debris in the air and all of them were infused with chakra and so to avoid overloading myself.

I trusted my gut and jumped back as a wip that was hidden behind a debris attack the spot that I was previously standing on.

My body started automatically dodging stuff that I could see well as they were so many debris flying everywhere.

I breath in deeply before I block something, I saw that it was a first that was covered in steel, as I use my blade to clash against the steel arm.

I then ducked as some sort of needle barely missed my neck, I then finally notice that this whole room was trap.

"This is getting fun"I said as I felt my blood started to pump and my blood go toy muscle before I school myself out of it.

"Go for the kill"I reminded myself that this was not a fight that I should really try to make longer so that I could enjoy it longer but a fight that I must end soon as this man was a monster.

Pov change Tengen

All of the body that upper moom 4 Zohakutan threw at Tengen, he was able to counter and launch his own attacks.

Tengen was looking around and searching every minute detail to try and find the real body, Tengen moved his body as a lightning strike pass by him.

He could see it coming from mile away, he saw the mess up body of Zohakutan and he looked around to try and find the real body.

This was a guessing game and he didn't like it, he needed to accurately guess where the body his and swing at it and hope that it cut the neck.

Tengen was also running out of bombs to use to help himself as he had used most of them to defend or create a diversion.

He knew he had packed a lot of explosive and gun powder but being the god of festivity meant that he would not do anything half-heartedly.

If he was going to kill a demon with style then he will do it in the most flamboyant way possible and he had a score to settle with that demon in particular so he will make sure he use the most explosive and most flamboyant explosive he has on himself.

And with those thought in his mind, Tengen rushed at Zohakutan again while spinning both of his sword at an inhuman speed.

He was also dodging all the attacks that were coming at him before he sliced the demonic figure in half.

The demon was not dead and started to regenerate and so Tengen started to cut it over and over again, the demon regenaration could not keep up with Tengen movement.

While slicing the demon to piece Tengen looked around the room trying to find the real body, the one that if he die this moon would actually died and he found nothing.

All of Tengen senses told him to jump back and so he listen to them and a tree branch that was aiming at his heart attack where he previously stood.

Zohakutan was not the one who did it as he was currently more focus on healing so it probably was the man body.

He look around before he saw it, a tiny thing the size of an ant was running away from him, Tengen rush at it the second he got the chance and was ready to cut this little shits head.

His blade arrive near the demon neck before a clean slashing sound was heard as the demon head went flying and his body crumple away.

Tengen then dropped on the floor a bit winded but he had some more left in the tank he just needed sometime to win.

Tengen vs Zohakutan (winner Tengen)