
Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

If you look around closer you could see Shinobu frozen hairpin on the floor, after a few minutes of complete silence a cracking sound was finally word.

Her body shook as she try to fight the cold, her eyes were now back to normal as she was no longer using the heavenly gate.

Although she was now experiencing the side effect. Her demon slayer uniform seem to have detected that it was cold as it started to heat up.

A small smile made itself appeared on her lips as she muttered out" Guess you can't be too prepared"

She looked at her uniform and notice a small barrier around the uniform and she smile softly before she weakly sat down to recover and as the demon slayer outfit was slowly but steadily healing her.(A/N I'm giving you a clue of what might be the reason for that it starts with A)

Doma vs Shinobu (Shinobu win)

Now we continue where we left off

While Shinobu was getting healed and recovering her energy, somewhere else in the infinity castle a battle was happening.

"Moon breathing Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy," Kokoshibu said as he makes multiple curved slashes layered over one another, creating a rising vortex of sword slashes and crescent moon blades.

"Stone breathing Third Form: Stone Skin"Gyomei said as he unleashes a series of slashes with his axe deflecting all the moon slashes coming toward him.

"Wind breathing Third Form: Clean Storm Wind Tree "Sanemi said as he unleashes a whirlwind of slashes around his body that defended him all of Kokoshibu incoming attacks while he slice up the surrounding.

Sanemi then rushed at the Uppermon demon before he started to attack it relentlessly, he was not stopping at all and as Kokoshibu was blocking his attacks.

Gyomei appeared next to him and launched his flail at the demon head but Kokoshibu was able to see the attack coming as he duck out of the way but as he was ducking out of the way, he could see the blade of the twins trying to chop his head off.

It seemed like Gyomei was just a distraction so that he would sent himself to death, he noticed that and tried to move his head back up to avoid the twins blade but it seem like Sanemi blade was coming down on his neck.

As he saw his life about to get ended by those demons slayer, his only sharingan eyes started to spin very fast and a look of recognition appear on Sanemi face as he plunge his blade faster toward him.

A slashing sound was heard as Kokoshibu looked fine, the only bad thing about him now was that his Sharingan eyes now had a slashing mark across it and was now blinded as Sanemi had slash it, instead of going for his neck.

Kokoshibu removed the eyes out of his eyes socket before near immediately his actual demon eye showed, he no longer possess those powerful red eye but at least now he had all his eyes.

He crushed the eye ball in his hands on anger as he looked at the pillar and said"I'm going to admit, I underestimated all of you, but that end here"

After he said those words he rushed toward them with his blade and the clash continue, now that no longer had those eyes, he had to use all of his eyes and sense to be able to keep up with all of them.

He had access to the transparent world that he thought was the peak of what the human eyes could see but after having a Sharingan he could only call it the transparent world a cheap copy of the sharingan.

He could see so much more and so much cleared with the Sharingan but now that he doesn't have it, he will have to adapt back into having regular eyes to fight, or as regular a demon eyes could get.

He had 2 strategy in mind and one of them required him to either kill Gyomei or Sanemi while the other idea is telling him to go for the twins.

His samurai pride kicked in and he decided to rush for Gyomei who he could see was the strongest out of all of them.

He was not going to attract the weakest or the second strongest, as he started to attack Gyomei, he noticed that the other 3 were moving in some sort of weird motion as they started to get close to him.

He was on guard but it seemed like they were expecting that as Muichiro gave Yuichiro a boost, Yuichiro flew toward him before he then notice that Sanemi was not in his line of sight and as he thought that his body moved automatically as he dodged a slash attack to his neck.

His neck started to bleed a little as he did not fully dodge the attack, he touched his neck and saw the blood before he got a bit enrage and then he remember that Yuichiro was flying toward him.

He got the time to move his head to the left as half of his neck got cut off by the boy, thankfully he started to regenerate it but he suddenly got his on the other half of his neck as Muichiro slashed it.

He used his hands to kept his head from falling as it was healing but Gyomei flail hit the head as Sanemi slashed both of his hands.

His head went flying as his body stood still with no head or brain to pilot it.

A new head started to form and Muichiro and Yuichiro were already rushing back at him.

Gyomei and Sanemi made sure that his hands stayed cut while the twins made sure that the head never fully regenrate before they cut it and this cycle continue for a full hour before Kokoshibu's body disintegrate into ashes and flew away.