Rough, Not Smooth

Su Mu suddenly stood up.

If he did not hear wrongly, just now, he had heard the words "Fire Tribe" from a warrior on the attacking side.

He now looked at the attackers in a new light, in the way he used to look at the Fire Tribe in his previous life.

Compared to the Tree Tribe, they were even more ferocious!

Su Mu did not expect the Fire Tribe he had been thinking about to suddenly appear in front of him.

Their image was similar to the image of the Fire Tribe in his heart…

"As expected of the future overlord tribe, they've been burning, killing, and plundering since they were born!"

He sighed in his heart.

Knowing that the attackers were from the Fire Tribe, Su Mu prepared to return to the Water Curtain Cave.

It was best not to provoke such a future overlord tribe.

"Black Egg, let's go!"

After saying this, Su Mu was directly stunned in the next second.

Where was the black egg?

Wasn't it here just now?

He looked into the depths of the forest and could vaguely see a black ball jumping in the forest.

"Damn, it escaped so quickly!"

Cursing under his breath, Su Mu's figure shot out and disappeared from his spot.

In the past, he was very interested in the conflict between the two tribes and liked to touch the corpses after the conflict.

As he ran, he thought to himself that it was a pity.

If not for the Fire Tribe, he would have been able to obtain some more cultivation technique fragments.

Five minutes later.

Five minutes later, Su Mu's figure caught up to the black egg.

After cursing, Su Mu left the black egg behind without looking back.

In the Water Curtain Cave.

The black egg returned half an hour later than Su Mu.

When it returned, Su Mu had already finished the beast meat and was eating it happily.

A fragrance filled the dark cave.

The black egg's body swayed slightly as it arrived beside the roasted meat without hesitation.

Its body swayed, and a piece of roasted meat seemed to have transformed into a grayish-white color.

"What are you?"

Every time this happened, Su Mu would be surprised by the origin of the black egg.

It was rough and not smooth and round at all.

He had never seen anything like this before!


Although the black egg could understand Su Mu's words, it still could not speak.

This made Su Mu heave a sigh of relief.

It was good that it did not know how to speak…

It would not be so easy to fool it if it could speak…

The flame of the roasted meat shone on Su Mu's face.

He was wondering if he should relocate.

Now, he had already confirmed that the Fire Tribe had indeed appeared in his area.

After thinking for a moment, Su Mu decided. He prepared to explore the south and find a new suitable place to live.

The time of moving would be set to…

After the girl died…

In Su Mu's Stone Statue House, after Rong and Xi returned, they stood at the door and silently looked at their parents, who were cuddling and snoring weakly.

"How long until Mother and Father return to Lord Totem's side?"

Rong was only nine years old, but his body had grown to about 2.5 meters, and the muscles all over his body were bulging.

From afar, it looked like a walking ferocious beast.

Rong tried his best to suppress his voice and asked his sister beside him.

A light flashed in Xi's eyes. With sadness, he slowly said, "Five sunsets…"

Perhaps it was because Rong and Xi's voices were too loud, they startled the boy and girl.

The two of them slowly opened their eyes. When they saw their children at the door, their faces revealed long-lost smiles.

Rong and Xi hurriedly went forward and helped their parents up.

Patting Rong on the shoulder, the boy said with admiration,

"The Tree Tribe has been subdued?"

Rong nodded and replied softly, "Yes…"


"Report to Lord Totem!"

Hearing his father's words, he skillfully killed the big fish he had brought.

Fish blood dripped.

A buzzing prayer sounded…

"Lord Totem, with your blessing, our Fire Tribe has successfully subdued the Tree Tribe. So far, the Fire Tribe has subdued a total of three tribes.

"Lord Totem, don't worry. I'll definitely let your glory spread on every soil in this land!"

In the Water Curtain Cave.

Su Mu, who was cultivating, opened his eyes.

A disjointed voice sounded in his ear.

From the sound of it, it should be the girl's son…

"…Totem… Fire… Subdue… Tribe… Light… is scattered on… the… land."

Su Mu nodded to himself.

He liked this son of the girl very much.

In the forest, every time something big happened, he would tell him immediately.

Just like now, through the intermittent voice, Su Mu guessed that the other party was probably telling him that a tribe called Fire had appeared in the forest.

He was basically saying that the Fire Tribe had subdued the other tribes. The last few sentences were just additional There was no need for him to dwell on those.

Nodding in satisfaction, Su Mu replied, "Not bad. Continue to be vigilant. Remember to tell me when the Fire Tribe appears again."

In the stone statue house.

Su Mu's voice sounded…

"…Continue… Fire Tribe… I…"

After so many interactions, Rong and the others had long learned to automatically finish Su Mu's sentences.

After Su Mu's response appeared, Rong only pondered for a moment before he completed the sentences himself.

"Lord Totem, do you want us to continue developing the Fire Tribe and let your glory be spread on more soil?"

As a priest of the Fire Tribe, Xi nodded when she heard Ron's words.

Her thoughts were similar to Rong…

The girl and the boy's eyes revealed joy. Obtaining the approval of Lord Totem was the happiest thing in their lives.

"Xi, don't forget to send roasted meat to Lord Totem tomorrow."

Xi listened to the girl's instructions.

During this period of time, she had been learning her mother's roasting technique.

She could do it just as well now.

The next day.

Rong had left early.

He prepared to bring the warriors of the tribe to continue searching for the next target to subdue.

He wanted to realize Lord Totem's "wishes" as soon as possible.

Xi finished today's roasted meat under the girl's gaze.

She jumped up and jumped into the lake. She raised the roasted meat in her hand high to prevent it from being stained with water.

Arriving in front of the waterfall, she bent down and protected the roasted meat under her before quickly rushing into the waterfall.

She grabbed the protruding rock and climbed into the Water Curtain Cave agilely.

In the cave.

Su Mu was still cultivating.

The black egg had long arrived at the entrance of the Water Curtain Cave.

A happy emotion emitted from its body.

Xi was overjoyed to see the black egg. She put down the roasted meat in her hand and imitated the actions her mother had taught her. She knelt towards the black egg.

She took out the portion of roasted meat that belonged to the black egg and placed it in front of the black egg.

She then brought the remaining roasted meat to a place that was five meters away from Su Mu.

At this moment, Su Mu was still cultivating.

The mini figures of the five elements alternated beside him.

After happily putting down the roasted meat, he silently circulated his fire element cultivation technique…

Ten minutes later…


Xi heaved a sigh of relief.

Cultivating a fire element cultivation technique beside Su Mu increased the effect of the cultivation by tenfold.

Opening his eyes, Su Mu was still cultivating.

Xi calculated the time. She had spent all of the time that she was allowed to stay in the Water Curtain Cave.

She prepared to quietly leave as usual.

When she arrived at the entrance of the Water Curtain Cave, Su Mu's voice suddenly sounded from behind…

"Tell your parents that I want to give them their names. Ask them if they're willing."