Should We Kill Rogues?

"Sir, there are a total of 513 people in this group. Moreover, their strength is much stronger than the rogue organizations we destroyed in the past."

"Sir, I suggest that we use all our warriors. Otherwise, it's easy for us to suffer casualties."


Rong, who was originally sitting on the protruding rock, frowned when he heard the suggestion of the ten people below.


"I'll decide on this tomorrow!"

With that said, he quickly left the Nameless Tribe.

His tribe's spies only detected rogues but not the Plagues and Spirits.

This was not their fault because when they detected the Plagues, they had already fallen into Spirits' trap.

In the end, they became the nourishment of the Plagues. Not everyone was Su Mu and could easily use the Five Elements Breathing Technique to block themselves and avoid the detection of the Plagues and Spirits.

No one in the entire Nameless Tribe had Su Mu's ability to secretly take down the Spirits!

Eastern Region, Water Curtain Cave.

Rong hurriedly rushed back and looked at Su Mu's cave…

"You can stop. Lord Totem hasn't returned yet."

Xi stood beside Rong and reminded.

Rong sighed and was about to speak when he was stopped by Xi.

She covered Rong's mouth with her hand and then pulled him to the stone house where Su Mu's stone statue was placed.

In the stone house, it was clean and tidy without a trace of dust. The burning fire was like an eternal flame, shining on the stone statue that had a 95% resemblance to Su Mu.

"If there's anything, report to Lord Totem first and listen to Lord Totem's arrangements."

Rong nodded and understood what Xi meant.

Xi had probably guessed that his tribe had encountered a big problem. She was worried that her suggestion might be wrong, so she got him to consult Su Mu.

If Su Mu had not left, Rong would have used the opportunity to ask him a question.

Now that Su Mu was not at home, Rong could only regain his identity as the leader of the Fire Tribe and choose to ask Su Mu through the sacrificial method.

After figuring it out, he quickly ran out of the stone house and spent a few breaths to capture a big fish from the lake.

After returning to the stone house, he skillfully bled it…

Rong raised the fish and knelt on the ground, recounting his troubles piously…

"Sir, should we kill rogues?!"

Rogue Mountain Stream.

Su Mu was cultivating when a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear…

"…Rogue… Kill!"

[Five Elements Breathing Technique -1 day.]

The voice that he had not heard in a long time sounded again.

Su Mu instantly wondered if Rong and Xi had encountered another rogue when he was not there.

This Rogue's strength might not be simple, so Rong asked him if he should kill the rogues…

Thinking of the monster behind the rogues, Su Mu replied cautiously,

"Rogues should be killed. Remember, be steady. Don't brace yourself and go all out!"

Su Mu was afraid that they could not hear him clearly, so he repeated it twice.

Water Curtain Cave, on the shore.

In Su Mu's stone statue house.

Rong He, who was praying piously, received Su Mu's reply.

In the next moment, Su Mu's voice sounded in the house…

"…Rogue… Kill… Go all out…"

"…Rogue… Kill… Go all out…"

"…Rogue… Kill… Go all out…"

Su Mu's response appeared three times in a row.

At this moment, Rong understood what to do!

As expected of the totem lord who had taught him the unification of the tribe, cultivation, and various knowledge!

This decisiveness and domineeringness was something he could not compare to!

He stood up with endless pride.

It was only 513 rogues, but he was actually treating them so cautiously!

Compared to the domineering Lord Totem, he seemed to be too careful.

Rong smiled as if he suddenly understood something. He pushed open the stone door and prepared to return to the Nameless Tribe to do the pre-war mobilization Lord Totem talked about…

Then, he would completely destroy these 513 rogues!


He had just taken a step when Xi's voice sounded…

"Rong, we should return to the Southern Region tomorrow to pay our respects to our parents."

Xi's sudden words stunned Rong on the spot…

He looked at Xi suspiciously. "Are you sure it's tomorrow?"

Xi did not say anything else. Instead, she took out the stone tablet she used to record time and placed it in Rong's hand…

One day, two days…

In the end, it was exactly 355 days. Accounting for the 5 days it took to travel, it would be exactly 360 days.

It was in line with the duration of a year Lord Totem told them…

Rong was dumbfounded…

Now that the arrow was already on the bow, he had no choice but to fire.

The Lord Totem had already given the order. Could it be that he had to go against the Lord Totem?



Absolutely impossible!

Thinking of this, Rong came up with a solution.

Since he could not participate in the battle, he would send out everyone to defeat the other party!

How could the 513 rogues possibly handle the thousands of warriors of the Nameless Tribe?

"Alright, I'll return tomorrow when the sun rises."

With that said, Rong hurriedly ran towards the Nameless Tribe.

In the Nameless Tribe.

The warriors held their weapons in their hands and rested. Their captains had briefed them about the war that was about to happen soon.

They had to be vigilant at all times and act according to how they were trained.

In the stone house, the ten captains did not leave and had been waiting for the other party to arrive…


The stone door of the stone house was pushed open violently.

Rong arrived at the stone house and under the excited gazes of the ten captains, he imitated Su Mu's usual expression and announced with a calm expression, "Go all out! Destroy the rogues!"


"Sir, I want to take the lead!"

"I'll take the lead. I haven't taken the lead for a long time!"

Rong stretched out his hand and pressed it down. "Don't fight. This time, we'll use the encirclement strategy. We won't let a single rogue escape!"

"Pass down the order. We'll set off at dawn."

The ten warrior captains of the Nameless Tribe quickly left to gather their team members to prepare for the upcoming battle.

At the same time, these captains also passed on the encirclement strategy Rong had mentioned to the warriors.

They had already put on their leather armor and bone weapons with sharp iron blades.

Everything was ready. They would only wait for dawn to unleash the strength of their Nameless Tribe to the rogues!

At this moment, Rong called the ten captains over and said that in order to test their abilities, he would not attack this time.

The ten captains patted their chests and guaranteed that there would definitely be no problem!

Then, he quietly left the Nameless Tribe…

"Indeed, the excuse Lord Totem gave me is indeed very useful."

Rogue Mountain Stream.

Su Mu stayed in the stone crack. He thought that Rong should have already dealt with the rogues by now, right?

He should not be injured, right?

He had instructed them three times to be stable. It should not be a problem!

The sky gradually brightened.

In his daze, Su Mu heard an angry roar from the mountain stream.

He guessed that they had probably discovered that ten of their friends had died in one go and were furious…

Thinking of this, Su Mu could not help but mutter softly,

"When will that tribe come?"