Chapter 7: Stranger meets stranger

" Did you get any class?"

" No, it is showing None. But brother why didn't you accept the offer?"

" I already have skills and trait. Also, I am D rank. I have formulated my own path. I don't want to complicate it. But you are awakened after expulsion, your path is blank slate. That is why I suggested you of accepting it."

They hunted the monsters nearby. " Brother, why are you not consuming any cores?"

" I can only consume D rank cores. The monsters here are F rank ones, that is why you can consume the cores."

They walked deep into the forest. They saw a man chasing half dead boar towards them. The younger brother tried help the man, but he was stopped by his brother.

" Do not touch other's prey. Look at the man he is not even injured. He does not need our help." Again, they saw that boar running towards them as like asking them to save it from that madman. A spear pierced its neck and ended its misery.

" Hey, thank you."

" Why are you thanking us? We have not done anything." Asked younger one.

" Ah, you got the answer yourself. You did nothing. That's the reason. I was training with this little one. If you have killed it, I would have been sad."

" Are you trying your skills of new class?" asked the younger one expectantly.

" Class what class? I am not in school, boy. Or are you asking me about my social class."

" Apologies for my brother's impudence. I am David and this is my younger brother Sid."

" Don't worry about that. I am Silver. But you didn't answer my question."

" Class is like specialized job, it gives skills related that specific class. That is what I am guessing."

" What is skill? Is it like coding, hacking etc.?"

" No! Have you played games or read fantasy novels?"

" Oh, you are saying like fire ball, water cannon like that. How do I get class then?"

" Did you not receive request from world system? It offered class."

" You see, I hate system novels generally. But after reading web novel ' I Hate Systems', I have aversion to system. Even though I did not read it fully, it gave me glimpse of system cruelty. In many novels MC cannot even make decisions because of system quests. If class is given by system, I will deny the class."

" Sadly, all people have system including you. Think or say 'status'. You will understand"


"How!? How do I remove this?"

" I don't know how to remove. I don't even know remove is correct word. It may be disconnect, delete, uninstall, etc. Don't worry about that, it is basic system. If you gain power, you will know more."

After contemplating few minutes, he asked," This basic system has nothing. Can you tell me how to get skills? Will eating these cores give skills?"

" No, eating cores will increase only your power. But there is the threshold. After reaching it, you will have to clear the trial; There you can buy skills."

" Thank you very much, you cleared my doubts. Is there any way I can repay it?"

After thinking a while, David said, " I don't need your help now, but we can help each other."

" How?"

David explained about ranking system and assumed that Silver was Basic(F) rank. Then some more information added to Silver's brain. It took several minutes for getting reply.

" So, I can leave whenever I want. Okay, deal."

Humanity ruled the world. Did they achieve it using strength? No, then intelligence? No. They grouped themselves to survive, does that mean they are united? No, they used each other. Humans are hypocrite by nature. The conclusion is " They can incite hope (HOPE), make themselves trustable (TRUST), they are hypocrite (HYPOCRITE)."

Why was I thought about that? Simple, 'I am also a human. Okay, from now onwards I am Silver. If someone I knew asked about this, I will tell them my full name is Silver Bolt.'

Thus, Bolt joined a group of brothers for his own mental stability (sanity) or for keeping his humanity alive.


Author's Note: 


Sid (David's younger brother)

Silver (Bolt's alias)