Chapter 11: End of quest

A wounded boar was escaping while a hungry dog (not wolf) like forest dweller chased it. The boar was started to slow down, the dog sensed it jumped above it to give a finishing blow, but boar suddenly stopped.

When the dog watched the boar stopping, it was already in mid-air, it fell in a pot, thorns filled pit. A bone thorn pierced it's gut, it couldn't move. As it saw the boar standing beside the pit, it was angered. It tried escape, but the wounds widened, blood loss was massive, the dead slowly approached it.

The boar watched the dog until it was dead. It was startled when the dog disappeared. It ran, it's only thought was anywhere better than there.


Bolt checked, which part of his body were undamaged, his upper body was safe, but his lower body was severely damaged. Most of them was internal damage. Bones neither broke or shattered, it was cracked all over lower body. If he didn't land safe, he would be dead on impact.

He stored the bodies. Then using two long spears as walking sticks, he moved from there. He killed the monsters, which rushed at him, then stored them.

The only monsters interested in him were E and F rank monsters. So, he could easily kill them. The night came, he didn't find any place to rest well, the monster activities started to peak, so he wanted to make temporary place to rest.

He found an open place, he stood at the center, placed a boulder in each direction (Eight direction), made it look like a circle and he made another circle of boulders, filling gaps of first circle.


Now many have doubts about his space-time skill. All I can tell now is,

1. He can store as many as he wants (Non-living).

2. He can only store the things while touching them. (Touch may not need to be skin touch, he have to feel the objects.

For example: When he was flung away, he used monster carcass to his motion. There his back and monster carcass made contact, there was his dress between them, but he can store them.)

3. He doesn't need to be contact with object, when taking out.

4. He can place them some distance away from him, the maximum range is 6.5 meter.

5. He can't store living beings.

6. He can store moving objects, but when taking out they were in rest (don't move).

7. Don't argue with me, kinetic energy cannot be preserved, but thermal energy can be preserved.

8. Time flow still only has two options.

These are the skill properties he found at this point of time.


'E and F rank monsters can't move the boulders, if some capable of it will come, I either way die I can't even run.'

He filled the gaps among the boulders, using soil. He rested in the center of false safety. He didn't know when he slept.

Next day, he was relieved, that he wasn't attacked. He stored the boulders.

' I have to find a cave.', that was the only goal he had then. He already had food and water.

"Quest completed"

He hadn't interested in the quest after facing the lion. But his thoughts and the quest aligned, that was survival.

After many hours of searching, he found a cave, it's entrance was well hidden, it was quite deep, there were many folds of walls at the end of the cave. He could fit in the gaps of folds and hide there. That was exactly he done.

' Don't move any more, just eat, sleep, do the necessity the bare minimum until the bones healed.'


Author's Note:

MC is coward.