Oblivious Husband

Public appearances.

Kai thought they were dreadful and boring. He was always forced to go to them whether he wanted to or not. They were an excuse for Gallahan to show him off to the world.

Not to mention, there was nothing in it for him, but he had to suffer through them regardless.

'Just another 'perk' of being a Soleste,' Kai thought with a frown.

As soon as he arrived at the party venue, he went through the monotonous routine. He didn't even need to think anymore, his body moving like he was on autopilot.

Pose for the photographers on the red carpet. Proceed to the ballroom. Wave to the crowd. Stand where he was pointed to. Make small talk with the other guests.

Once seated at last, Kai sighed internally. 'I'd rather be at home with Aria right now.' Without all that fighting, of course, Kai added.

At this kind of event, the visitors were always the most affluent and influential. Some of them were nice and relatable, but most were insufferable, too caught up with their self-entitlement.

Born as the sole heir of Gallahan Soleste, he was meant to be one of the latter. But fortunately for him, his grandparents interceded and molded him into the humble Kai Soleste that everyone knew and loved.

He let his mind wander as he took a break from socializing and rested at his table near the podium. Despite what he said to Aria earlier, he did find it strange that she was not at least invited despite being an official member of the family.

'Yes, everyone knows she's very shy, but is that reason enough to completely exclude her?'

A commotion from a distance cut his thoughts short, camera lights flashing everywhere as the photographers gathered around a newly-arrived visitor. One of them moved out of the way after a sequence of shots, and it was enough to give him a glimpse of who it was.

It was the most famous of the current generation of rising models, Vivica. She appeared wearing glittery make-up that adorned her fair cheeks and grey eyes, with her pitch-black hair styled in a cascade of curls.

Kai felt a tap on his back. He turned and saw Gallahan.

"Ask her to dance."

His brows rose up in surprise and confusion. "And why should I do that?" he asked even as he knew he was crossing the line.

"She's my special guest."

"Then, you dance with her."

Gallahan's lips could not have been pressed together any tighter. Already sensing a lecture that would ruin the night for good, Kai sighed in defeat.

"Fine. But just one dance."

It ended up to be not just one dance. And it was absolutely not just a dance.

At some point, the reporters captured pictures of Kai and Vivica in a warm, tight embrace.


"The Gallahan Soleste Annual Charity Event is making headlines tonight for introducing a brand-new power couple. Kai Soleste, the successor to the Soleste Enterprise, was photographed having an intimate time with Vivica Lombardi. It's also worth noting that his wife, Aria Marguerite-Soleste, was not in attendance."

Aria had watched the news with mixed emotions.

Surprise. Confusion. Disbelief. Sadness.

And a great, great sense of foreboding.

"Marriage and love are not the same. For a couple to succeed in marriage, what's important is not the love that blooms between them, but rather, their ability to live together," Aria recalled Gallahan say once. "Your visions of the future are simply incompatible, Aria. It would be hard for you to live together, especially given your difference in status. As you are now, you're only going to drag Kai down."

Now, she knew that this was what he meant. Aria simply could not see herself standing beside Kai the same way Vivica had. Still, letting another woman hug him like that was too much.

And of course, when Kai got back home that night, drunk and dizzy and all, Aria heard the same old excuse again.

"Father's order… He said… For the brand… The company… Vivica's just helping…"

He didn't ask what she felt about them getting all handsy with each other. No apology either. He didn't even care enough to clear up what really happened the day after.

It was then that Aria became sure that she and Kai would not last after all.


Not too long after Vivica appeared in Kai and Aria's lives, things took a turn for the worse.

Vivica was able to garner the trust of his family in a short period of time, whereas she ended up earning their ire even more. That wasn't to say that Vivica was at fault, and in fact, she'd been nothing but kind to Aria.

She sometimes thought that Vivica and Kai were so alike, in terms of their personality and even appearance. She would help out whenever Aria was in trouble, even going as far as inviting her to her social circle when she was about to be ostracized yet again.

Yet, as much as it gladdened Aria to be on good terms with Vivica, and to learn that she's actually not pursuing a romance with Kai, the kind of married life that Gallahan spoke of wasn't getting proven any less true.