Moments that Change the Past (Part One)

"Let's divorce, Kai."

Not even a year into their marriage, and it had already come to this. Even though the signs were everywhere, it didn't occur to Kai that striving for a happy life with Aria just wasn't possible. Not in the world of the rich and the powerful, and definitely not with the way they were now.

Estranged. Disillusioned.

Aria had suddenly become distant after their wedding. They didn't get to spend their honeymoon together, and from there, they'd started to drift away from each other. It was so unexpected that Kai naturally got suspicious.

"Is it Father?" he muttered. "Did he tell you to do this, Aria?"

She scoffed, "Oh, so now you're willing to fault Sir Gallahan?"

The dinner table instantly fell into a much colder, heavier silence.

Out of all those who're opposed to them tying the knot, Gallahan's stance was likely the strongest. He seemed fine with their relationship at first, considering he'd even invited Aria to work in his company and to get to know the family whenever there's a chance. Yet, as soon as they announced their plan to be wed, Gallahan's attitude abruptly took a complete turn.

He had no idea what exactly happened, but seeing how drained Aria looked every time she finished socializing with the people Gallahan would send her way, he had figured at the very least that something was going on behind his back.

One such instance was what went down earlier today. Gallahan was aware that Aria had asked Kai to eat dinner together for the first time in a long while. And it just so happened that everyone was busy preparing for his grandparents' anniversary tomorrow. Gallahan used this excuse to have Kai delay meeting Aria for hours.

He's surprised to find her still waiting for him even when it already got so late. This gave him the impression that she really had something important to say, but no sooner than he realized this, she went on to drop a bomb of a revelation. Her suddenly telling him to file for divorce was something he would've never seen coming in a million years.

"Take this seriously, Aria! If the reason's not Father, then why?!"

Aria was still and unresponsive from her seat, stoic expression unchanging. The sight twisted Kai from within, a recurring feeling he couldn't ever get used to.

"Why don't you tell me anything?! Ever since that day, you've become so closed-off that I could barely recognize you! What in the world is the matter?!"

She's always like this.

Saying things that didn't make sense. Disappearing without any warning. Doing who knew what somewhere out there. Popping in again when it's least expected.

"Everybody only has bad things to say about us, you know. All types of rumors are spreading, and it's a pain dealing with them." Kai had been so stressed with work lately that he'd certainly end up taking everything out on Aria if he didn't start controlling his emotions. "I've heard you've been rude to my friends and family, and since you refuse to talk things out, I'm becoming more and more tempted to believe that."

Still no reply.

Aria looked not the least bit affected by his outburst. She kept her head low, lips curved down into a frown, as he spat out all sorts of painful words that he didn't think he'd find himself using on her of all people. Kai glared at her when nothing managed to earn a reaction. He hoped to make her crack under the pressure of his stare, but it appeared it's to no avail either.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, he raked a hand through his hair. "Tell me honestly," he continued with a grave tone, readying his last blow. "Did you marry me just for my fame and money?"

Kai noticed that this one got her to flinch. It was easy to miss with how faint it was, but he also saw a pang of hurt flash in her eyes. Aria seemed thrown off by his strong accusation.

But right when he thought that she would finally speak up and defend herself, that she would do all that she could to make sure he knew that everything she'd do was out of her love for him, she quickly fixed her expression and covered up her short blunder with a bitter scowl.

"What do you think? Did I really just marry you for your fame and money, Kai?"

"I am asking you!" he bellowed, infuriated with how she was deflecting the question by interrogating him instead. "Tell me the truth!"

"There is nothing for me to say. No matter what, I'll push through with this divorce. End of the discussion."

With very few words exchanged and so many left unsaid, Aria stood up and bid Kai goodbye, leaving their dinner, which had long gone cold, untouched up until the very end.


In the end, Kai had to go to his grandparents' anniversary and board the cruise ship where it'd take place without Aria.

He'd tried contacting her several times but failed. Not only did it seem like she's ignoring all of his calls and messages, but nobody at home knew where she went either. She'd vanish like this so often that it no longer caused concern to those around her.

"I see. A divorce." Gallahan wasn't as shocked as Kai was expecting.

His father was the first to know, though he'd initially planned to keep it a secret for a while longer, at least until he confirmed certain things. But there's no helping it when Gallahan almost instantly asked about Aria's whereabouts. Right before he could proceed to scorn her for not fulling her duties as his wife again, he'd decided to disclose what brought forth this change of plans.

"Well, I guess this is for your own good," Gallahan remarked with a pleased smile, not even bothering to hide his swelling joy from Kai's news. "Finally, there's no deadweight to drag you down anymore."