Chapter Sixteen

Diego was surprised. He wore this look on his face throughout the whole conversation. "Is she the one you are looking for?" Sara asked. He bit his lower lips and avoided her gaze. "Hello" Sara waved her hands in his face just get his attention and make him focus on her.

"Is there a way I can see her?" He asked looking up at her.

Sara thought about it before responding. "I am going to have to see if she's okay about it." She told him.

"Alright!" Diego said. "Can I get your contact?"


"It's strictly business." He told her when he noticed she was agitating. She nodded and gave her phone to him. He collected her number and saved his on his phone. "I will be expecting a call from you then." He waved goodbye as she watched him leave.

Sara stared at her phone, she saw his name on her contact list, "Diego." She called. "He looks cute." She said. She sighed before walking home.


It was evening and Nora and Andrew were having their dinner. It was a quiet dinner because no one said anything to each other. After they were done eating Nora collected the plates and did the dishes. "I will be upstairs. Do you need me to do anything for you?" She asked drying her hands on the kitchen towel.

He shook his head. "Goodnight then. Let me know when you need my help." She said. She was ready to leave when Andrew called her, she turned to look at him. "Yeah?"

"Come and sit with me."

Nora sat next to her brother. "Are you okay?" She asked.

She was really worried about her brother and Andrew knew it so he placed his hands on her hands and with a smile on his face he said, "I am okay. I just want to spend some time with you before going to bed."

Nora smiled after realizing she was worried for no reason.


The next day Nora woke up pretty early in the morning and when she checked her phone, she saw fifteen missed calls from an unknown number. She opened it and decided to call the number but the person didn't pick up. "Who will leave someone fifteen missed calls?" She asked going through the number again. The number didn't look familiar to her at all. She dropped her phone when the door opened and boom Sara hugged her from behind scaring the shit out of her. "Sara." She called turning to face her friend. "What was that for?" She asked.

"Nothing." Sara said. Nora noticed she was smiling from ear to ear.

She stood with her arms folded across her chest and asked, "What did you do this time?"

Shocked by the question, Sara laughed nervously. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Did you go out with anyone I should know about?" She asked.

"What? Of course not!" Sara responded immediately.

It was too early to argue so Nora went to the bathroom to get herself ready for the day. "Have you heard?" Sara asked.

"Heard what?" Nora replied from the bathroom.

"Michael Daniels is dating Kayla." Sara said as Nora choked. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Nora came out of the bathroom with towel wrapped around her body and toothbrush in her hand. "What do you mean? He is dating already?" Nora asked.

"What do you expect?" Sara asked. She stood up and pushed Nora back into the bathroom. "Just do what you have to do before coming out here."

"But.." Nora was about coming out again when Sara pushed her back in.

Nora couldn't believe her ears. How many weeks has it been and he is already in a relationship? Does it mean the time we spent together meant nothing to him for him to get over it like that? And why is he dating her in public?

"Nora hurry up." She heard Sara say.

"I'll be out in a minute."

"You said that few minutes ago." Sara replied. She grabbed her phone to send a message to Diego telling him they will be out soon. She texted the location they were going to pass through and advise him to meet them there.

I did? Nora asked herself. I need to be focus. She brushed her teeth, took her bath and dressed up. After a while she was done and they both went downstairs.


Michael and Kayla decided to get something to eat. Kayla suggested they grab a bite at Oak and Honey although Michael didn't want to go there, he had to because of Kayla. They entered the café, took a seat next to the window and they ordered up something. Just as they were eating and talking, Kelvin and Diego entered the cafe. Kayla was the first to see them so she waved her hands and when Michael turned to see who she was waving at, he saw Kelvin and his cousin. It's been a while Kelvin and his friends met and Kelvin hasn't been giving them reasons why.

Kayla gestured them to seat next to them. "I've got to go." Diego said as Kelvin was about joining to sit with them when Diego stopped him.

"Go where?" Kelvin asked.

"I need to get my model remember??"

Kelvin nodded. "Make sure to bring her."

"I will." Diego looked at Kayla and Michael. He bowed his head to that and left. Kelvin joined to meet them. He pulled his chair out and sat down next to Michael who was giving him cold shoulders.

"Hey." Kayla greeted.

Kelvin forced a smile at her. He turned to Michael and said. "Are you okay?" He was shocked to see that Michael wasn't talking to him.

Michael ate his food totally ignoring kelvin's presence. Kayla noticed the tension between the two of them and she decided to clear the air. "What's going on between you two??" She asked.

"It's nothing babe. Just eat so we can leave here." Michael answered.

"Yo! You are just going to pretend like I'm invincible right?"

"What the hell do you want Kev?" Michael turned his face to see Kelvin. "You have gone MIA for weeks and you didn't tell us anything, not even a text and you are asking me that?"

"I am sorry ok? I have been busy."

"With?" he asked.

Kelvin bit his lips. He wasn't ready to tell Michael the truth at least not yet until he has gotten Nora to work with him. Michael waited to hear his explanation but it never came. "Let's go babe." Michael pulled his girlfriend and they left the café. Kelvin placed his hands on his head as he thought about what he was planning to do. Will it work out? he asked himself.


Sara and Nora were out of the house and Nora decided to walk Sara to her place of work since she wasn't going for the job hunt. After so many rejections, she gave up trying hoping that one job would find her. They were chatting and walking when a figure appeared in front of them. The girls look up and they saw Diego coming towards them. Nora looked at Sara but she could see the shock expression on her face.

"Hey Ladies." He greeted with his bunny smile. Nora still shocked felt a huge lump developing on her throat. She turned back to clear her throat.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked him.

"Um...I have got to go now Nora." Sara said checking her wristwatch. "It's almost eight."

"But.." Nora stopped when she saw Sara leaving and waving to her. I knew she had something to do with this. She turned to face Diego who still had the smile on his face.

"Do you hate me that much?" Diego asked.

Not just you but every male in this entire planet except my dad and brother of course. She said to herself. "What do you want?.." She folded her arms. ""Cos I remember thanking you for what you did for me last time."

"Listen, I have a proposal for you."

Proposal? She asked herself. What kind of proposal will he possibly have for me? She thought. '

Diego continued when Nora didn't say anything. "I want you to be my partner."


"I work as um a model in a clothing company and um...they are in need of a female model and I think you are the right person for the job."

"What?" Nora asked again.

"Tell me, how is the job hunt going?"

Nora sighed. "Bad?" She answered him.

"Cos of the rumor?" He asked and she nodded. "What are you going to do then?"

She shrugged. "I think I am just going to leave..." She left him and went home.

She was attending to her brother when a knock was heard on the door. Nora looked at the time and it was 7pm. "Are you expecting anyone?" She asked Andrew.


The knock was heard again. Nora walked to open the door and there was Sara standing there with a smile on her face. She entered and Nora shut the door. "What are you doing here?" She asked Nora.

"I've got a surprise for you." She whispered. Sara greeted Andrew with a kiss on his cheeks. "Can I steal Nora for few minutes?" She asked Andrew.

Andrew nodded. "Nora, help me to to my room." Nora assisted her brother. After few minutes she came out to meet Sara who dragged her out of the house.

The chills Nora felt when she came outside made her teeth chatter. She was putting on her sleeveless nightgown because Sara dragged her out without giving her as chance to grab a jacket. "This better be worth it." She told Sara.

"OH! Don't worry, It is worth it." She told her. She brought out her phone and showed the number to her. "You remember Diego?" She asked.

"Uh??" Nora was shocked when she heard his name. "How do you know him?" She asked. "I thought you guys don't know each other."

"I met him.." She paused as she thought about who met who. "Actually, he met with me." She answered. Nora rubbed her palms together to keep her warm while staring at Sara. "Why did you lie about your name?" She asked.

"You told me not to give in to any I'm taking your advice."

Sara face-palmed herself. "I didn't mean it that way." She said ."Anyways, that isn't important. He said he wants to see you again and that it is im..."

Nora didn't let her finish her sentence, she got ready to enter her house but Sara pulled her back.

"I don't want to meet him or see him or talk to him."

"Nora listen, I know you are hurt but..."

"I am not interested Sara." Nora cuts in. "You can do me a favor and tell him I said no. I am feeling sleepy and you need to get prepared for work tomorrow."


"No Buts." Nora waved her hand to her. Sara bade her goodbye and left. After Sara had left, She called Diego.

"Hey." she said when Diego picked her call.

"Hi. That was quick. Have you spoken to her?"



"And..." She paused. "I want to know why you want to see her."

"I have a job proposal for her and I know she is looking for a job and I want to help her. I told her that already but she wouldn't listen to me." he answered.

"What kind of job?"


A smiled crossed Sara's face. "But how am I sure you ain't lying?" Sara asked not wanting to jump into conclusions.

Diego sent her some videos and pictures which she received. She went through them all and when she saw it was Diego, the popular model in San Francisco, she didn't hesitate to send Nora's phone number to him.

"You can reach her on that." She told him.


Sara hung up. She jumped up as a sign of victory. She was so happy that finally her friend can get a job. "A model. I love it." She said as she left.


Diego was at home on his bed when the call from Sara came in. He was very happy that he was about to get the job done before the deadline. He had no idea why he chose her even when he knew she wasn't that beautiful or sexy but there was something special about her that he felt but he has no idea what they are not.

A knock was heard on the door and when he went to open it, it was Kelvin. "Well, how is the search for Cinderella going?" Kelvin asked.

Diego smiled. "It's going well. I have found her but I need to convince her to be my partner."

"Make sure to bring her in the day after tomorrow." Kelvin said. "I will see you in the morning." Diego nodded.

Kelvin opened the door and left while Diego brought out his phone to save Nora's number. Dear God, please let her accept this proposal. He prayed before closing his eyes to sleep.

Author's Notes

What do you think? Will she accept the proposal?