Chapter Thirty Nine

Nora was still in the hospital checking herself in case they might be any underlying disease she might have gotten but the test showed she was fine. "Can she be discharged?" Sara asked. The doctor nodded. "But she needs to eat a lot, drink enough water and get a lot of rest too." "We will do just that, doctor." Kelvin and Diego shook the doctor's hand before the doctor left. Diego went to meet Nora to ask how she was doing. "I am doing ok. I feel a lot better now." She answered. "Would you be going home?" Diego asked. Sara shook her head. "I don't she should. She just lost her brother and I don't want her feeling sad. I think it's best she stays with you guys for the time being till she is okay to go back home." "I am fine." Nora answered but deep down, she knew she wasn't but she didn't want them to worry to much about her. "Diego and Kelvin has been quite helpful... I don't want to bother them and besides, I need to..." she swallowed back her words as  she pushed back her tears before continuing. "...need to feel my brother's presence at home one last time." Sara and the guys understood what she meant and they didn't trt to convince her to stay. "Let us know if you need anything." Kelvin told her and she nodded. Kelvin's phone rang and the caller was his dad. He excused himself to pick the call. "Hello, dad." "I heard what happened to her brother, is she doing ok?" Kelvin glance at Nora, even though she was smiling, he could see sadness written all over the smile. "She is trying to live on." "Well, just called to let you know that she is welcome to stay as long as she wants." "Thanks dad." His father hung up and he went inside to meet them. They were all discussing and laughing when the nurse came out with another report book in her hand. "Um, Miss Eleanora Bell, we discovered something when we did another blood test." Nora was confused. "I...d..don't understand." "We are quite sure it is what we think it is but we need to wait for few weeks to confirm." Sara walked close to the nurse to ask her more information. "The doctor just said there was no issue so what is all this about?" "We feel that Miss Nora here, might be pregnant." "What?" They all asked. " you mean pregnant?" Nora asked. It was just once, on earth was that supposed to lead to pregnancy. It happened few days ago. There is no way they can confirm that. It's too early. "Like i said, it's too early to say it is and that is why we need to wait for few weeks before confirming if it is really pregnancy or something else. I will take my leave now." After the nurse left, Sara ran to meet Nora to ask her what the hell happened while she kidnapped. "Did they sleep with you?" She asked. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she bit her lips trying to suppress herself from screaming. "What happened? What did they do to you?" Diego asked. Kelvin was mute. He couldn't say or do anything. All he could do was sit back and listen to their conversation. "Talk to us, Nora." Sara said to her calmly with her hand placed on Nora's hand. "You can tell us anything." "It's not they but him..." "Him?" Sara asked. "Him, who?" Nora took a long while before she finally said his name, "Michael" Kelvin's eyes opened in shock. "Michael?" Diego asked. "Your ex?" Nora nodded. "He was that kidnapped me and he..." she paused as she allowed her tears to roll down her cheeks in peace. "I swear to G..." Sara held back her words. "I just knew it. I knew it was weird when i saw him ran off that way but I never thought..." Kelvin walked her to her, bent down on one knee and took her hands in his and said, "I am sorry. This is all my fault." Nora looked at him and asked, "How is this your fault? You did absolutely no..." "Yes, I did." Kelvin cuts in. "And i want you to forgive me." "What are you saying Kev?" Diego asked. "I should have stopped it... I shouldn't have just watched, I should have stopped it. I am sorry, I didn't know it will turn out like this." Nora took her hands away from his grip and told him to explain what he meant. "I don't understand why you are saying this is your fault and w...what exactly were you supposed to stop?" "I't have allowed him to take your videos that night." Everyone became shocked. Diego  couldn't believe his ears. "This is all my fault and I am..." he tried to touch her but Nora pulled herself away from him. "...I am sorry Nora, I didn't think this would happen. I didn't know it will turn out like this." Nora was broken, hurt, betrayed. How much more does she have to lose before she understands that this world isn't hers? Why is everything working against her? What wrong has she done to deserve all these pains? Her parents, her brother, her virginity and now the trust she had left, was all gone. What more does she have to lose? Her life? She asked herself. " could you?" "I am sorry and that is why i was trying so hard to help you but..." "To help me?" Nora asked. "What help could you possibly give to me?" "Nora..." Sara called but Nora shunned her. "The help you could have given to me was to help me that night but you didn' didn't and now you are telling me..." "I didnt know I was going to be this fond of you." Kelvin answered her. He bowed his head in defeat and with a soft voice he said, "I didn't know was going to love you this much. I didn't know you were going to this important to me. I thought i was just trying to help you for my mistakes but then i found out that it was more than that. I could have hidden this truth from you but I chose not to because I didn't want to lie to you anymore. It's fine if you hate me... I was expecting you to when I agreed to tell you. I am sorry, Nora, for bringing all these upon you. If i could turn back the hands of time, i would but I can't because we can no longer go back to the past. We can't correct our mistakes in the past but we can make sure it doesn't repeat itself in the future. I am sorry." All Nora could do was cry. Who was she to hate him? Who was she to blame him?  If there is anyone to be blamed right now, it was her. Sara and Diego said nothing. All they could do was watch.