Chapter 30: Tragedy

Kinsley’s POV

“Go ahead, you can eat,” Conner says, ushering me to take something off the plate that’s been put in front of me. I push it aside, leaning back into my chair at the long, lavish dining table. “You’re only hurting yourself, Kinsley.”

“Stop saying that,” I snap. “Stop saying my name.”

“What should I call you then?”

His voice is on edge, like it has been for two days. I haven’t dared join him in a meal or accepted his reach of peaceful gathering between us. At least he lets me sleep in a separate bedroom.

I can only imagine his expectations in having me be his replacement mate.

“It’s very hard to have a conversation with you if you insist on—”

“Then let me go!” I shout, pushing back in my seat and standing so abruptly that the chair falls backwards. “Let me return to my pack, to my mate! He could be hurt right now and I need to be with him! I need to—to—”