| V1 | Chapter 1: She’s Actually Quite Warm [Retake]

< Note >


After the [Retake] chapter, it's going to be [Old] chapters. I did a retake on chapter 1 but will do more when I have time. Also… as for updates on this, well… I won't do any until I redo everything. But… I'm uploading it here since it compiles all of my novels nicely. So… when you actually do decide to read further than the [Retake] version, do keep in mind that this is my second story ever and that I had no prior experience in 1st POV, so… I wasn't really sure how to narrate. Basically, this was an experiment, but I liked it, so… I'll keep working on it until I catch up to the new chapters and continue to write on it!



Hi, it's me… your protagonist of the story, and well… why the self-introduction? Not sure, honestly. But you're going to tag along with me for quite some time… whether you like it or not. 

But that's okay! 

…I think…. 

Or well… I'm sorry? Yeah… that would likely be the case since I'm just your ordinary, boring, dull…. 

Crap… is my vocabulary this small? 

Well, in case you didn't catch that, I'm just average? 

So… you may ask yourself, why the hell would I ever read this? 

Dunno? Don't ask me…. 

Anyways… I'm a freshman at a local high school. You'd probably guess from my introduction… but I'm what you call friendless…


What the hell, Author!? Can't you at least give me one friend!? Come on…! One is enough! 

I-I swear… I-I'm not lonely or anything…. 


Jokes on you, dear Author! 

You were probably a loner in high school too! Hence I'm a loner as well…! 

…Right… if it only was like that—

"Hey~! Luke! When are you coming downstairs!?

…MOM!? You can't just interrupt when I try to introduce this wonderfully painful and agonising story about me never getting a girlfriend!? 

Wait… I was just dissing the Author and mentioned that I had no friends… where did the girlfriend part ever get mentioned…? 


Pardon me. But that aside… it's been two weeks since the new term started and… I don't feel like going! 

Like… I'm lazy, you know? This bed is sooo cosy~! 

"Luke! I'm going to come up if you're not making your way down soon!


Right… I kinda forgot about that…? 

"Yes, yes. Wait. I'll come down soon." I replied. It sounded a little halfheartedly… what I meant by that was... I yelled back with what all of my vocal cords had to offer! 

— :::: — 

As I walked down the stairs, I found my mother with her cheeks slightly inflated. She seemed a little mad at me… somehow, it didn't seem that weird. I mean… she's in her early 40s…. 

"Geez! You finally woke up!" she protested. "Well! Mommy made some delicious breakfast! And it would be a shame if little Luke didn't eat before school! You're a growing boy, after all!" She then turned to my father, saying, "Right, Papa?" Seeking his approval. 

"....." My Dad just sorta blankly looked at her, "Dear… it's Sunday.

He then turned his attention back to the TV again, sipping his coffee, and before he picked up his newspaper, he glanced at me, giving a small sigh.

Oi! Dad! I know I don't have friends to hang out with on the weekend! Don't just diss me like that! 

And Mom, as if not noticing the exchange Dad and I had said. "Oopsie! That's right!


"Anyhow, Luke is exercising every morning! So it's good to have a good and healthy breakfast either way!" 

"....Thanks Mom," I replied with a soft smile. 

That's right, as Mom says. I exercise not only to stay healthy. But… also because I want to get a girlfriend someday! 

Like! I've studied pretty hard to get into a good high school! And from now on, I'll make many friends despite failing miserably the first two weeks…!

—Or that's what I thought….

It was currently Monday, and the first period had started. And as usual. I was in my seat, taking notes like any normal student would…. 

Zero interactions with others…. 

To my left is the remarkable cool beauty, Lilly. She was a little shorter than me, had beautiful silver-coloured eyes, and her hair was jet black. 

She's said to be expressionless, but to me, she seemed a little energetic today. 

…and noticing me glancing at her, she asked, "Do you need anything," in a cold tone. 

I was a little surprised and stopped taking notes. I thought about it for a moment. 

Why were my eyes darting toward her, and why was I looking at her? Was it because she's eye candy? Well… she's undoubtedly eye-catching. But… to be honest, this school has many cute girls. Especially in my class, they're all pretty cute…. 

"Hm? Oh, well… I thought you seemed more energetic today," I bluntly told her, "Did something good happen?" I then inquired. 

But when I said that. Her eyes would widen slightly. She turned a little rosy and… is she blushing? Nah… it's probably just the sun…. 

"Yeah… something good happened," she said while her lips curved softly upwards. 

…Oh? Would you look at this! She can smile like this too! Damn! She's hella adorable! 


What do I even say to that? I already got my answer… do I keep asking? Or should I just reply with 'Is that so?' and move on? 

Wait!? Did you actually forget you wanted to make friends, you dummy!? Isn't this the perfect opportunity!? 

"I see. Glad to hear." 

—Ahhh! Dammit! Curse me! Why are you asocial all of a sudden? 

While I was fighting my inner demons, a.k.a myself. I dropped my eraser, and Lilly just so happened to see it and would so kindly pick it up for me. 

Our eyes met, and her eyes just seemed so innocent. It made my heart skip a beat. 

"Y-you dropped this," Lilly said. 

…she stuttered? Oh… it's the sun again too! 

We reached out and grabbed it from her, and our fingers accidentally touched through that brief exchange. I could feel her warmth. 

"Thank you," I said, smiling a little. 

Lilly's eyes widened, and she looked the other way. I could see her ears get red, and… well, she'd been acting like this ever since school started, and we're seatmates to boot. It's honestly endearing seeing a supposedly 'cool girl' act like this. 


A few moments later, it was lunchtime, and I was trying to find a suitable place to just eat. Well… I mean, I already know one. But why don't I want to eat in the classroom? 

Honestly… I'd just pity myself if I did…. 

So… I headed to my new usual spot. 

The back of the school building! 

It's great! It wasn't occupied by anyone—well, it was occupied by a cute cat! And it kinda likes me~! 

"Oh, hi, Shu. Were you lonely without me?" I softly spoke to the cat. 

Its name isn't actually Shu, but… I don't know what he's called, so… I named it Shu, which seemed well-received ~. 

…I'm speaking to a cat… I know… I sure am in need of friends—nah~ Shu's my friend, so it's totally fine! 

"Meow?" Shu looked at me while slightly tilting its head. 

Coming closer, nudging his nose against my palm, Shu purred. 

Aww~ cats sure are cute, aren't they!? 


"You want my food?" I jokingly asked. 

"Meow!" Shu replied energetically as if he understood. 

"Aww… can't be helped then." 

— :::: —


I let out a sigh… why? Well… I'm in the classroom again, I'm Shu-less, and it's math this time. 

Glancing to the side, I noticed Lilly. She had elegant cool air around her as usual. It screamed tranquillity—ooor not….

"L-Luke… I seemed to have forgotten my textbook… would you mind sharing yours?" Lilly innocently looked at me. I can tell that she thought she'd made a huge blunder. 

"Sure," I briefly replied. 


She pushed her desk to mine, and we'd share textbooks sitting beside each other. I came to realise….

Wait… isn't this a pretty dreamy situation!? It is, isn't it!? 

Our proximity was close, and I felt like teasing her. I mean, how can I not? She blushed like that when our fingers touched. How would she react if I held her hands? 


I placed my eraser close to hers and waited for the right time to strike. And a while later, when Lilly reached her hand to get her eraser… 

Nice! Perfect! 

And as she grabbed it, our hands touched. Her hand were small, warm and soft. They felt fragile…. 

She seemed to have noticed and was staring at me, her face was flushed, and her mouth was somewhat wavy, showing an expression of uncertainty. 

But she soon turned her head, facing away from me. 

We were technically holding hands, but she was not pulling hers away, nor did she tell me to withdraw mine….

What is this!? It's so adorable I can't help but grin, 'Pft… ahaha,' and let out a soft chuckle. 

In that instant, Lilly turned to me, 'You… you're doing it on purpose, aren't you!?' she quietly asked in protest. 

'My bad. I thought I'd tease you a little since I find your reactions so cute,' I blurted out. 


'Also, your hands are quite warm.'

Hearing those words, Lilly shook off my hand and turned away. Her ears were beet red, and her face flushed like they'd melted. 

So facing the other direction while clenching her chest while lying on the desk, she puffed her cheeks as she uttered, 'Dummy….'

Wow! The sun sure is working hard today!