Chapter 20: Some Tiny Drama…

Lilly and I had walked to school this morning, and as soon as we entered the classroom, there were people glancing our way.

This probably has to do with the fact that she'd clung to my arm the whole way to school. Though when we met other students, she had reverted to the one I knew from class.

But despite being expressionless the whole time, she'd tease me by occasionally pressing my arm against her chest.

In the end, she'd wind up embarrassed and stop.

Which I found adorable. She's trying to tease me~ too bad I'm good at it! You can thank my DNA~…

"That's why you have no friends…" No.3 said.

"…how rude! Did you forget about Kayle!?" I retorted.

"Right… the delinquent looking one," No.1 replied.

…seriously? When did these two become friends?

And as I was having some intellectual conversation with the No's, boys stood in front of my desk. One is also a bit too close for my liking.

He's blond and has blue eyes, looks a little arrogant and wears his uniform a little loosely.

Hmm, I think his name was… Jack?

"Do you need anything?" I inquired.

"Hey, nerd, how come you're dating Lilly?" he asked.

Lilly, whom the girls surrounded, noticed his aggression and was about to get up, but I glanced at her, telling her it was fine.

"What's that got with you?" I replied.


Jack clicked his tongue and turned to Lilly.

"Hey, Lilly, what do you see in this bean sprout? Besides, doesn't he have a girly face? And what's with his hair?" he asked. He then turned to me and said, "Or are you tryin' to hide that girly face of yours?"

"What do you know?!" Lilly retorted and hastily got up from her seat.

"It's fine, Lilly. He was just asking. I'm not upset. Just chat with your female friends, and I'll have a little talk with these boys."


"It's fine," I reassure with a gentle smile.

I turned to Jack, and my facial muscles relaxed. Jack kept glaring at me as I pondered over what to say.

I could tell that, from this reaction alone, he was either mad that someone he thinks is a loser got a girlfriend or he actually likes Lilly.

If it's the ladder, good luck taking her from me.

"Say something!" Jack cried, hitting my desk and making a fuss.

The other boys tried to calm him down and looked troubled. But they weren't necessarily on my side as the snide glances I've been receiving this morning have been… plentiful.

Wow… she really got this popular within two weeks?

But she said she had no friends, so I assume she doesn't think that any of them are her friends. Which… is sad now that I think about it.

Hmm, but how do I deal with this big guy?

If he likes my girlfriend, it would be troublesome, and he seems like the type to stir up a fuss. I mean… he's doing that right now.

"Jack, was it?" I calmly said.

I glanced at the people around him as well. What I meant by that was a cold glare. They flinched a little and backed off. Jack, on the other hand, got more agitated.

"Why are you starin' like that!?"


I sighed a little and was fed up with this guy.

"Jack," I coldly said. "Listen here, I previously asked, "What's it has to do with you?" but you didn't reply, so I'll ask again. What's your problem?"

"My problem!? You're my problem!?" he yelled.

…well, tell me something I don't know.

Oh, right, Mom, Dad, I'm having my first high school drama!

Wait, let's go back to the problem at hand.

"So, what do you want me to do about it?"


"I'm not trying to have you like me or anything, but what did I ever do to you? I think I know, but so does everyone else here. Instead of throwing a tantrum, just move on and get over it.

Besides, If Lilly decided to date me on her own accord, what are you going to do about it? Convince her otherwise? though it's a bit too late for that now, don't you think?

Or are you planning on threatening me? You did call me a bean sprout. Does that mean you're confident in your physicality?"

I said what I wanted and leaned my chin on my hand, looking as bored as I possibly could.

Jack had a hesitant demeanour, and it seemed like his reason had caught on. So he just stood there quietly and blankly stared at me in bewilderment.

"If you're done, then piss off," I sternly said.


The classroom became completely silent, and everyone was left speechless. Jack looked at me and suddenly turned remorseful. He looked quite sorry as his shoulders slumped.

"…sorry," he apologised. "…my emotions got the better of me."

Hmm, he seems like a decent guy. Though, perhaps some anger issues…

"I apologise as well," I replied.

"No… you didn't do anything wrong," Jack added.

He then turned to Lilly and apologised to her as well.

"I'm sorry, Lilly, I was out of line. You chose whom you date… but I fell for you at first sight at the entrance ceremony—"

"No, not a chance," Lilly instantly replied.

My eye twitched, and I stood up to stand between him and Lilly.

…hey, hey, hey!

"How bold of you. In front of me nonetheless."

"Hmph, is that a bad thing? Besides, it's not like I'm asking her to break up with you or to date me," Jack replied.

"True, but you were on your merry way to do so had Lilly not cut you off. Or were you not…?"

"…anyways, that's all that I wanted to say. I'll move on. I don't look girly enough to be her type anyways," Jack snidely remarked.

Can I take it back?

He's not decent at all!

"Is that how you see it?" one of the girls asked Jack. "I mean, maybe you're not aware, but Luke is fairly popular with the girls, you know?" she added.


"Yuppie-yup! He's, like, so mysterious and has a cute face, but he looks cool with his hair tied up!"


But… someone more panicky than me was Lilly. She was flustered and had lost her composure.

"H-Huh!? I-I knew some of the girls thought he was cute, but… when did any of you think he was cool!?"

""Just now,"" the girls replied.

At their reply, Lilly became clingy and hugged me from behind, saying, "He-He's MINE!"

This resulted in everyone becoming shocked as they blankly stared at Lilly—that was until someone commented, "Whaaat?! Was Lilly this cute all along?!" and another one said, "Wooow! She's getting super defensive!"

Meanwhile, all the boys stared at her and at me. Jack walked up to me and lifted my bang.

"What the… dude, just cut your hair!"

N-Never! My hair is my soul!


Suddenly, the door busted, and there was a teacher at the entrance. He was sweating and was out of breath.

"Haa… haa, wh…where…where's the fight…?" he asked while panting.

"Oh, we solved it~!" one of the boys yelled.


The teacher looked furious but kept his composure.

"Seriously, you kids…" he said, looking like he had a headache. "Anyways, we have a transfer student. It's a good thing that a fight isn't going to be her first impression of you guys."

…Say what now…?

A transfer student…


It's been two weeks!