| Crossover Halloween Special | Part: 2/2

Along with the others, Luke and I have been invited into a huge skyscraper! 

It all started when Olivia and I went out on a small shopping tour around town. I didn't tell Luke I'd go because I wanted to surprise him with the costume I'd get for Halloween. 

However… From the window of the shop, I saw Luke standing outside chatting with a pretty girl with teal-coloured hair… I know that Luke wouldn't cheat on me—he wouldn't dare…

Still, I got super jealous and ran out! 

And then… It turned out that the person he'd been speaking to was a boy from our school. 

Can you blame me? He looks so girly…though he does wear guys' clothes, and some girls do that… 

In that instance, I panicked and forgot I was with Olivia and left her alone. She's timid but strangely gets along with Kayle, who's known to be a bad boy. But…another problem she has is that she's a dude magnet with her fine features! 

I-It's not like I'm envious or anything…

I ran back as fast as I could, hoping that she'd still be in the clothing store. But she wasn't there. I looked around a little and saw a flock of guys. It was suspicious, and I headed there. 

What did I find? Well…Olivia. 

"Hey, girly, why don't you hang out with us?" the boys said in a really creepy way. 

'U-Um… I'm with a friend…' Olivia timidly muttered. 

"Then let's invite her too!" the boys excitedly said. 

"Then let's what?" I inquired. 

I coldly glared at them and walked up to Olivia. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out. 

"OOOH! This one's hot tooo!" they exclaimed and made a fuss. 

"Dude, fix your eyes. Her personality is chilly. I like it, though. Hey, why don't you join us as well?" 


"Sorry, we're not interested, and I have a boyfriend. She does, too," I sternly said and tried to walk away but was grabbed by the shoulder. 

I shuddered and nearly fell on my knees. 

While I'm able to speak to men casually, but when they touch me… I still get frightened and become aggressive and hot-headed. 

"LET GO—" I tried to yell, but the one who grabbed me by the shoulder put his hand on top of my mouth. 

L-Luke, help…!

Olivia, who was teary-eyed, pushed the man away, and we tried to make our way out. However… they blocked us, and this part of the mall isn't that populated, so it was difficult to get help as many turned a blind eye. 

"—what are you doing?" a calm voice suddenly called out. 

I turned around and saw a man with jet-black hair and gold-coloured eyes. He had a long black coat and a mature vibe. 

"What're you lookin' at, asshole?" they scoffed. 

"What do you think? At you, of course," he calmly replied. 

The bad delinquents then released me and Olivia. It seemed like they were more interested in a fight with the new guy than us… Or so I thought. We were caught by another one, and this one was leering at Olivia. 

"Let them go, I'll give you money," the gold eyes said. 

"OH? What do we have here? A rich kid? Tch, it's not always about the money, kid—but I'll gladly take that and the girls. Boys! Beat him up!" 

The guy smiled and said, "Well, for your hospital fees, that is." 

To be honest, I thought he was very arrogant to say all that, but all of the delinquents were lying down on the floor while groaning—he didn't even break a sweat.

"Well then, you two," he casually said while walking toward us. "Why didn't you run? Well, either way, this will be a "silent" incident. Do you mind?" 

"…thank you…but…what do you mean?" I asked. 

Olivia was shaky and wasn't able to say anything as she clung to me. But I could tell she wanted to thank him as well. 

He shrugged. "This never happened. You don't have to thank me. The police won't get involved; hence, they won't be knocking on your door. Got it?" 

"…got it, it never happened," I said and walked away. 

I wanted to thank him properly, but if this is what he wanted, then there's not much I can say. Besides, Luke was waiting for me. 

Therefore… I never expected that all of us would be here…in his house. 


— :::: —


I was currently alone in a room with a girl called Luna. She was basically my twin, as we looked so alike that the others thought it'd be funny to put us in the same room… 

I'm scared…and introverted! 

"Lilly…you're a first-year student, right?" Luna suddenly asked. 

"…that I am," I replied. "… are you perchance from another school?" 

"Yeah… I'm a second year in another school." 

…this conversation is going nowhere, Lilly! The only thing I can think about is how similar we look to one another—minus her chest being bigger than mine! 

I-I'm not envious at all…! 

"…do you want to take a picture? We look alike, so…it would be funny to see our parent's reactions," she suggested. 

Hm? She's a little mischievous… 

We got close to each other for a selfie and…

Wait…? If we touch each other, won't it be like in those movies where everything just becomes all messed up!?


"There… it's a bit difficult to tell us apart, huh?" 

'—your boobs bigger though,' I uttered. 

Luna flinched, and her face became red. "U-Um…thank you…" she said. "Well…not that it made any appeal to him…" 


"Now that you mentioned it…you're childhood friends, aren't you?" 

"Yeah…" Luna replied. "We even live next door." 

"You live next door?" 

Luna nodded. "My parents own this building," she said. 

…wow…this is like a whole other world… 

She let out a sigh. "Well… He has a girlfriend now, though. Ame, that is." 

"…ahh…she's a tough one," I replied. 

I mean… Ame has a well-proportioned figure. She has silver hair and crystal-clear amethyst eyes. That must be hard to beat... She's even super nice to everyone! 

She's a little like Olivia in the regard when it comes to romance, though… 

After having spoken with my twin, we headed out, and everyone was chatting one another up. Like… we drew lots so we could get to know each other better. But it must've been rigged because Luna and I ended up with each other… 

"Oh? You two are back," Luke said. 

Seeing him made me so happy I instantly latched onto him. 

But… I could somewhat feel envious eyes from Luna. Her gaze was digging a hole in me, after all! 


— :::: — 


After everyone got to know each other better, we decided to start baking. It wasn't too late, and we all contacted our parents. 


I wasn't expecting smaller children to be here as well, and they're Al's neighbours from the floor below. 

Oh? Did I mention that we were on the highest floor? 

Yeah… I don't want to look down…

"Big brother Luke," one called out to me. 

It felt like I'd been pierced in the heart due to cuteness! 

"Dude… you're so weak to innocent things…" No.2 said. 

"Haha! These small ones will grow to be small devils one day!" No.3 exclaimed. 

"Well, I'm surprised they aren't already," No.1 said. 

Shush, you guys!


"Yes, what is it, Charlotte?" I inquired. 

  She puffed her cheeks and said, "My arm hurt… *hic* I…I can't whisp anymore…" with teary eyes. 

However… before I could say anything, another kid interrupted and took the whisp from Charlotte's hand. 

"I'll do it instead, Lottie," he said. 

This kid glared at me, and I thought it was adorable! 

"Thank you, Leon!" Charlotte hugged the boy while rubbing her cheeks against his. "I love you, Leon!" the little girl innocently expressed. 

Argh!!! My heart! 

I and the others who witnessed the cute scene clenched our chests, and Lilly grasped my apron with a cute look on her face. 

'I want to hear those words more often, too, Luke,' she muttered. 


'Hey…Luke?' Lilly whispered. 'I have a small surprise later…' 


"I-I see…I look forward to it…" 

"It's a costume, isn't it?" Isak remarked out of nowhere. 

Suddenly, all the gazes befell on us. 

Lilly completely turned red and buried her face in my chest as she was hiding from everyone who gently smiled at us. I felt that this situation was rather welcoming… I mean… I love it when Lilly clings to me all lovey-dovey like this. 

She usually didn't do these sorts of things in front of others…and maybe that's why I feel more excited than usual! 

Also… I sort of blacked out and forgot about the rest of the event. Still, I had fun and before we knew it. We were on our way home with Olivia and Kayle. 

'Who knew that an unexpected encounter like that would lead to this?' I mumbled. 

Lilly, who was clinging to my arm, heard my muttering and said, "I…had fun too." 

For some reason, she pressed her chest against me more than usual… I don't quite get it, but I love it! 

"I'm glad you had fun, Lilly," I said while gently squeezing her hand a little. "We got to know many new people. Who would've thought that this encounter would lead to that?" I chuckled while remembering the past hours. 

Al, the host, despite following the recipe fully and doing some damn fine art on the pastries, still ended up with a hideous result… it's like he's cursed… 

Aska, the boy I met was amazing, though! We made a pie together and some macrons. Well… Noel helped with them, but they turned out amazing because of that. And since Al wasn't able to bake anything, he handled the decoration. 

Like… It looks so fine I'm scared to eat it… 

It was also a bit unexpected that only Noel, Aska, Ame and I were able to make sweets that well. N-Not to brag or anything… 

Well…there were some who were good cooks, but when it came to baking, they were less experienced. 

Ah! Those kids were also adorable! I think they'll end up with each other once they enter middle school, haha! 

Otherwise, I'd lose hope in the childhood friend genre…

"Well then, I'll head this way," Kayle said. 

He was currently carrying Olivia on his back. She fell asleep not too long ago, and… well, so it seemed. And taking a closer look, her lips were somewhat wavy, and her face was red. 

I knew she had a thing for Kayle, but she's quite sneaky, isn't she? 

"Don't do anything strange to her, okay?" Lilly said. 

Kayle shrugged her off. "I won't, I won't," he replied. "Besides, she's awake," he said while grinning. 

…so he knew? 

Lilly usually didn't smile toward boys, but when Kayle said that, she chuckled and said, "Olivia~ it seems like you've been caught." 


We all had a laugh and parted ways. 

Many new things happened today, and it was fun. 

I'll remember it for a long time to come. 




| Bonus 1 | 


"Hey, Lilly, do you want to be carried like that too?" Luke suddenly asked. 

I could feel my face heating up and replied with a small nod. "I want to, but…" 


"…I-I want to press my chest against you today!" I blurted out. 

Aaa-Aawawawa!? Wh-Why did I say that!?

Luke froze on the spot and stopped walking. "Huh?" he uttered and scratched his cheek. "Lilly, you're so bold…" 

"I-I mean! I met a girl who looked like me, and her boobs were bigger! I-I'm… That could've been meee!" 


Luke was quiet for a while but burst out laughing. "Hahaha! Lilly! I love you the way you are!" he loudly declared. 


"I…thank you… I love you too, Luke…" I said and kissed him on the cheek. 

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek as well. 


And again…but this time on the lips. 

—it tasted sweet. 


| Bonus 2 | 


Luke and I arrived back at his house, and I would stay over since Mom had overtime again. His parents greeted us, and we had dinner. 

Also, they loved the pastries we arrived home with, and when they asked who made the amazing decorations and when we said his name, he turned out to be a well-known painter from a ridiculously wealthy family. 

Well…that explains the building… 

I later showed Luke the outfit I bought with Olivia. I twirled around and felt a little embarrassed about it… 

"OOOH! A goth vampire!" Luke excitedly cheered. 

"Wh-What do you think?" I timidly asked. 

"Adorable…" he said as he turned his gaze away. 'Too bad it isn't a full moon,' he mumbled. 

"Huh? Why?" 

"…well, a werewolf goes rouge then…" 


"L-Luke, you pervert…" 

Luke had covered his face due to the cringeworthy line, but… deep down, it made me incredibly happy! 

'…I don't mind even now…' I said in a low voice. 


| Bonus 3 | 


I showed Mom the photo of Luna and me, but she laughed and said, "Well, I can easily tell you apart!" she said while grinning. 

Well, of course, you're my Mom! 

"Her chest is bigger!" Mom exclaimed. 



I sent my sister the same photo, and she said, "My my, I have another adorable little sister~." 

A quite normal respo—"But the difference, though…" 


It could have been meeeee!