Rubbin' It

Eun Ha's POV:

She couldn't resist the burst of giddiness that leaked out of her lips in a giggle — the rebellious, suppressed, animal inside of her was thoroughly enjoying the thrill of doing something bad.


Dae Ho, her current partner in crime, hovered a finger over his lips as he gestured her to follow him, with quick yet silent steps. She held a hand over her mouth, to contain the peals of mischievous laughter.

The door opened without so much as a squeak, and the nocturnal breeze licked her skin. The night sky was clear. Devoid of pollution. A black curtain that gave the onlookers below a glimpse of the depths of space.

The stars twinkled beautifully, like bright pearls encrusted on an obsidian sheet. It was such a perfect night.

Perhaps Eun Ha was being wistful. After all, she was happy.

And sharing that 'happiness' with someone you loved was like a full-on injection of endorphins. All of those feel-good chemicals had her face constantly pulled into a smile.

"If you keep laughing like that, you're going to wake up the whole neighborhood." Dae Ho said with a disapproving tut. Not that he really cared if it actually happened. "Now shush and let me do my work."

She rolled her eyes at him, though the smile never faded from her lips.

The white sedan unlocked. Dae Ho walked over to her side and gentlemanly opened the door for her. "Ma'am, if you may." He bowed at a perfect 90 degree angle. The dip of his chin was a little dramatic, but it paired well with his whole 'chauffeur' act.

"Uh-huh." Eun Ha eased herself inside with a grace few could ever hope to imitate. "Where are you taking me this fine evening?"

"Taking?" He chortled, a villainous smile that would have made Mia beam in pride stretching across his face. "You're mistaken. I'm kidnapping you, ma'am. I've heard that your husband snores quite loudly. Why don't we go somewhere quiet?"

Eun Ha shrunk a little, eyeing him up and down with eagerness. She still had to act like a proper mature woman, so she didn't let herself be overwhelmed by the teasing.

"A place where your screams won't be heard." He continued, eyes narrowed. "A place where clothes aren't needed."

She hummed as she bit her bottom lip.

Dae Ho got inside the car — not before sparing her a suggestive glance — and inserted the stolen key inside its slot. The engines quietly came to life. With practiced ease, Dae Ho drove the car out of the parking spot and into the road.

"Where did you even learn how to drive?"

She had known that Yeong Gu had attempted to give him a few lessons before, but it was nothing advanced. Just the basics. Therefore, this sudden proficiency came out of nowhere, just like the countless other things she started to learn about him.

His adopted son.

And now-secret lover.

Dae Ho shifted gears as he spoke. "I watched a few tutorials on NewTube." The amusement in his voice was as thick as the smile he wore. He rolled the windows down, on both sides.

The pleasant breeze turned into a wild gale as the sedan picked up speed.

Eun Ha slouched further into her seat, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.

Her hair whipped around, at the least the silky tresses that weren't tied into a bun.

"I didn't peg you for someone who enjoyed breaking the law. You do know I don't have a driving license, don't you?"

Eun Ha blinked; it was true. In the heat of the moment, she had forgotten that Dae Ho wasn't legally allowed to drive, regardless of how good he was at it. Except that she was so strung up in the feeling of being… young again, that she scarcely paid it any attention.

"W-What about you?"

He dangled one arm out of the window, enjoying the gentle rush of wind battering his palm. She got a shrug as a response. "I can sweet talk my way out of it."

"Hmm. Really?"

"Well, I did sweet-talk you into coming with me. How hard could it be?"

"..." Eun Ha coughed and poked her fingers together. "You didn't sweet-talk me. You kidnapped me, remember?"

He raised both eyebrows at that, steering the wheel and taking the first turn to the right. "Not my fault you're so… 'kidnapeable'. All it takes is an innocent smile and a bon bon. Do you want one?"

Eun Ha sputtered with a red face. "W-What? You… you're…" Then her lips puckered into a pout. "You're just like Mia…"

"Sometimes." He chuckled. Then he glanced at her, from the corner of his eye. "If you reach a hand into my pocket, there's a hard candy there. Mia gave me one earlier."


The blush on her face deepened a little. She decided to ignore him and stare at the outside scenery instead.

However, the rustling of a wrapper caught her attention. Curiously, Eun Ha turned around to stare at Dae Ho, and at the 'hard candy' he had just popped into his mouth.


"Hm?" Dae Ho caught her gaze as he chewed and crunched on the confectionary. "I thought you didn't want it."


Eun Ha reverted her attention back to the outside world.

There was an indescribable uniqueness to the beach at night. The waves, once fierce and wild, now crashed over the shore with gentle intensity, as though they were reaching out to touch the sand with a tender caress.

The salty air was thick with the scent of brine and seaweed, and the sound of the ocean was a soothing murmur. Under the moon's silvery glow, Eun Ha felt at complete ease.

She dipped her toes in the sand. It was cold, though 'comfortably' so. Like the cold side of a pillow, if it made any sense.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

A warm breath rolled across the tip of her left ear.


Dae Ho nestled his chin on the crook of her neck, his strong hands easing down her flanks, before locking right above her navel.

"Is this really fine?" Eun Ha buried herself deeper into Dae Ho's embrace.

He took a moment to consider her words, as he always did.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "If you look at it with moral lenses, probably not. But we don't have to care about a third party's opinion. As long as we are happy, that's what matters. People have better things to do than worry about what we do behind closed doors."

"You always say the right thing… somehow."

The vibration of his laughter thrummed against her back. It brought a smile to her face.

"Now, now. Don't develop Stockholm syndrome on me. Can't have the kidnapee falling in love with the kidnapper."

This time it was her turn to laugh. "Too late for that."

"Ah, the woes of being a charming criminal. Women throw themselves at my feet."

"Only at your feet?"

Eun Ha tilted her head in an angle that let her eyes linger on his face.

"Ohhh…" Dae Ho raised one eyebrow at that. "Did you learn that from Mia?"

A light, rosy hue burned across her cheeks.

"Quite the opposite." A brown curl of hair fell over one of her eyes. The smoldering look she gave him was as unexpected as it was welcome. "She learned everything from me."

Dae Ho's nose swept teasingly across her neck, until his lips were touching the inner cartilage of her flushed ear. "If you gave her the 'talk' like you did to me, I don't dare to imagine what naughty things you two have been up to."

She gasped. "D-D-Dae Ho! T-T-That's…"

One of his hands fell between the sweet ravine of her lower cheeks, giving one of the fleshy globes a proper squeeze. "Improper? Inappropriate?" The pitched tent in his pants humped furiously against Eun Ha's butt. "Considering the things we've done… and the things we're about to do… can you really bring yourself to be a moralist, Auntie?"

'My head… feels so light…'

Eun Ha slumped into Dae Ho's chest, her plump backside moving in an upward and downward dance along his clothed shaft. His hard member slid deliciously across her crack, trying to dig a hole through the fabric and penetrate her.

His heavy breathing billowed all over her neck, like an animal salivating over a hapless prey.

She clenched her teeth and squirmed her thighs together.

Why did that comparison turn her on even more?

"D-Dae… Ho…"

He growled into her ears, before his hand tugged stubbornly at the waistband of his pants. He backtracked his hips, to let his now-freed cock to spring out and slam into her cheeks. The pulsing warmth sent pleasant jolts across her bare skin.


Dae Ho parted her thighs a bit, to prepare the cushiony flesh to welcome his hard-on.

He tucked it right between her thighs. The skirt section of her purple dress was rode up, covering the hilt of Dae Ho's manhood as he slowly wedged his cockhead through her clamped thighs.

Eun Ha slapped a hand over her mouth. The pressure lodging quite insistently into her covered lady parts was stimulating her. A lot.

"God…" Dae Ho grunted, no doubt resisting the urge to just push her down on the sand and impale her without a care in the world. "You feel so fucking good."

His erect member burrowed further in, sliding right under Eun Ha's soft folds. While her panties may have acted as an obstacle, the pleasant friction still elicited a grunt of ecstasy from him. And from her.

Warm, velvety flesh surrounded him on all fronts.

Dae Ho couldn't help but hump away at her. Eun Ha kept a hand firmly sealed around her mouth. Despite it, muffled squeaks of arousal would still leak out. She chanced a look down, only to see Dae Ho's cockhead poking out of her plump thighs and curving up along the bottom hem of her dress.

Thank God she decided to wear something loose and easy to take off.

She felt Dae Ho slowly pull his hips back. Her eyes tracked the way his swollen gland retreated within the cushiony confines of her inner thighs before completing its withdrawal with a playful flick across her slit and bumhole.

"Fuck." He groaned into her ear, sounding on the verge of sanity, but loving every second of it.

Eun Ha was finally allowed some time to breathe. She slid the hand off her mouth, and between each gasp for air, she managed to croak out. "D-Dae Ho… we… we might be seen!"

They were in the middle of the beach, after all. Not that far from the road.

"There is no one here, Auntie. Are you scared? Or excited?"


Dae Ho pushed his hips forward, smacking delightfully against Eun Ha's perky rear. His bare cock slithered its way back into her clothed core, cozily snuggled between warm and smooth flesh. There was no penetration, yet he could already faintly sense the impending build-up in his nutsack.

"—Irrelevant." He finished for her, his shaft completing its journey under her dress, and re-emerging from the front boundaries of her thighs.


Eun Ha was forced to snap both hands over her mouth.

"Move for me." Dae Ho commanded in that husky, aroused tone of his that left no room for refusal. His hands firmly grasped the curvy outline of her waist, nudging them towards him.


An intoxicated blush spread across her fair cheeks.

'We… we shouldn't be doing this… not here…'

Yet, she started to move. Slow, at first. She dipped her ass a little, stroking the hard flesh poking at her. Down. Then up. The dress rode up even more, allowing Eun Ha to fully utilize her wide, coveted buns to envelop Dae Ho's manhood between their delicious crack.

"Just like this." He encouraged her, his hand going up and down along the rhythm of her clumsy stand-up lapdance.

Eun Ha could, with crystal clear intensity, feel the throbbing heat of Dae Ho's meat as she crashed her sensitive parts into it. The way it ground, either between her thighs, or between her cheeks — sliding and slamming, following no rhythm or reason.

"You're so good…"

"Am I?"

Eun Ha craned her neck backward, until her face was next to Dae Ho's. She brought her arms over their heads, seemingly seeking some handhold that she couldn't find.

Her nails bit into Dae Ho's skin.

The pace of her ass-shaking grew into a frenzied rubbing that made it look like she was 'struggling' instead of 'stimulating' him. It was indeed a good thing that there was no one around at that time.


"Hmmm?" A thin strand of drool pooled up at the corner of her mouth. "You're about to come, dear?" She swayed her hips left, right, up, and down, as if she were executing some sort of GTA secret code, or releasing a combo that would no doubt knock him out.

And knock him out, it did — albeit briefly.

She watched, mesmerized, as Dae Ho's cock somehow burrowed inside of her wet panties and, like a sword whetting furiously against a grindstone, stroked her damp slit. "Aaaahh…" The gasp echoed out in the breezy night. The way she hunched her back and widened her eyes might have induced a random passerby into thinking she had just been stabbed.

And for all intents and purposes, she was indeed 'stabbed'. Though the weapon of choice was one she quite liked. And instead of a world of pain, it was simple, unfiltered pleasure that rang through her nerves.

Dae Ho's piston was longer than average, and as a result, the moment it tried to fully sheathe itself inside her panties, their elasticity was severely tested. If that engorged slab of meat had the same mobility and strength of his arms, there was no doubt in her inebriated mind that he could hoist her up by the pussy, like a forklift.

Her panties were on the verge of being torn off. Their waistband had reached their yield point under so much stress. Dae Ho clutched her sides firmly as he ground the topside of his shaft against Eun Ha's weeping core. The elastic band dug into her skin each time he rocked his hips forward.

And then…


… The tension in Dae Ho's unraveled along with an animalistic grunt. Cum poured out with explosive force. The geyser of semen hadn't a lot of room to work with, so it spilled out in thick rivulets down Eun Ha's thighs — not before it completely filled up her panties, though.

A gasp hitched in her throat.

'He… he came so much…'

Still was, in fact.

The moment Dae Ho pulled back, Eun Ha crumpled on the sand in a panting, disarrayed heap. The puddle of semen that was hanging precariously within the thin strip of her panties dribbled down.


It took her a while to get her breathing to even levels. Though, when she happened to look up at her nephew, it suddenly picked up speed again.

Dae Ho's cock had not gone limp. Instead, it stood taller than ever, like a banner of war.

"... The water looks lovely. Why don't we go take a dip?"
