They asked Xandros or he would plaid guilthy what he did. I had thought he would be braver but he wasn't he had no power to fight this.
Then they looked at me, "Cleo Harper, because your man broke the rules you will also feel the concicuents."
What! Why am I immidiatly also guilty for his threason but before I could say anything Xandros shut me down by again taking the word.
"She hadn't do anything wrong. She didn't betray you I did!"
They made a sigh to let him shut his mouth and the head of counsel is taking back the lead , "by bitting her you choose her faith. Now she has to live with your desision. If she had a problem with it we can always decaptivate her and solve this problem immidiatly for her, but what if the fun of that?" He laughed and looked at Furius who definetly wasn't happy with his choose of the lead of court. decaptivate my head was probebly his punishment for me as he speak again up , "you said I could lay my knife on her! You broke your word."
The vampire is laughing just like the vampires in the crowd section at the right what I found later wad the jury.
"Ok, Firius we vote. What do you think people of the jury. Kill her or let her be banished with Xandros to earth?"
I heard all whispering voices and one jury vampire stand up with a paper with a decicion on.
"Banishe them to earth. There they would pay for there crimes. We as judge like to see him suffer and because only killinf Xandros will not suffer him ebough. It would be a hard time for him to life on earth and hiding from his true nature. They would be dead before we know."
The last word is spoken and they drag us away to the next room where they throw us in a car and taking us to somewhere I never been before.
It is dark outside and it's hard to see a thing afrong of us out of the window. They had not take us back in the truck that was a releave. Remus was seated also with us who had not eben a trial and had the same faith as his master.
Then in the far away I see everywhere lights and a big standing thing up in the sky that I reconize as a racket. Afraid I look at Xandros who was also silent and turned in himself.
At the place with the big field with only a rocket standing and the light turned on a astronaut came to us.
"You three go back to earth and your trip starts now. Do you have any of questions?"
We looked at each other and Xandros as of course the leader took the word, "can we choose a destination?"
The mans after the astronaut are laughing with kind of headphonrs on with mics where one is talking in.
The leader in front not as he got the message in his headphone, "no, the counsel choose for you. You would be landing and picked up with a cat to your destination. Have a save trip, or not."
They laughed again and three of the men took us to the iron stairs to climb the tower to go into the rocket. I was sweating out of fear and looking in dispear to the man but they didn't care they where human and desten to send vampires back instead or helping us.
The counsel has a lot of power that they could made this man work for them who have definetly a opinion about the vampires.
We are seated in the rocket and belt fast and when they close the door I head a countdown going off.
"Was earth not dead? Are they sending us to a dying planet?" I tried to ask because all of this made no sense to me and bacause I didn't dare to talk in court by the threat of taking my head I speak out now for the first time.
"No, it's just hell for us to live because we have to hide out excisting from the vampire slayers who are killing and making our kind instinct. That's the reason why we created Irantus to be save. We are going to die there be prepared." That's the last thing Remus said before we heard the insions go on and shoot us in space. The wholr thing was shaking and I was screaming the most of the time until we stopped and the impact came what felt like hours.
On the ground the doors go open and we come at a big field of concrete with people standing and a blinded car. The people just looked like ordinary humans and we had to hide at this exact moment.
We took place in the car and drived by all this houses and everywhere light. It was so enormous all we did pas and I felt in sleep at the driving what took for hours. Xandros wakes me up and I look outside at the sigh where stood Welcome in New York city.
Xandros is sighning loud just like Remus, "they could took us everywhere and the decided to take us excatly here. This is sure to be killed in less as hours," said Xandros more to Remus who also knew this city for ne this was just a new experience. It was unreal to look at so many people who where everywhere and all of this tall building. The city was still alive at this hour it was past midnight in Hymquorius er slept at that hour here they where still walking in groups making a lot of voices and all the lights and television screens where just. What can I say what I hadn't said before, enormous they ware this is awesome!
The two man where mad and whispering with each other and I had the time of my life. How could they not see the beauty of the city.
The driver stops and said we could go. What was weird but we said anything. We took off searching for a place to stay, but I wanted first to enjoy the looks of this city but they had another plan. They where still saying to me to take it down, but why I didn't know.