
Miguel stood on the balcony of the house taking in the view that the surrounding provided. Nothing but trees. He inhaled deeply, fresh air filling his lungs.

They were far away from the city in one of his father's safe houses. It will be difficult for the Russo to find them, expect one of their men snitched on them, and know better than to do that.

"You don't seem happy for someone who just achieved a great fit," Sancho Greco said as he came behind him holding a glass of liquor, a cigar hanging loosely from a corner of his mouth. Miguel turned to look at his father.

Compared to Miguel, Sancho Greco is a stout man, who loves to smoke Cigars. He loves them so much that his cigars are customized with his name on them. He loves them too much for his own good.

A few months ago he got sick and the doctors asked him to stop smoking but Sancho Greco took instructions from no one, his doctors included.

"What is on your mind?" His father asked blowing a ring of smoke into the air, they both watched as it disappeared.

"Who said I had something on my mind?" Miguel asked, his voice detached, he was in no mood for chitchat, even with his father.

"We all always have something on our minds, to stop thinking, is to be dead," his father said taking a draw from his cigar.

"So what is bugging you?"

"Nothing. When do you suggest we let Russo have his daughter?" Miguel asked, changing the subject.

"Tomorrow. We will give you a call in the morning."

They were both silent for a while as they stared ahead.

"You know Russo is a tough man, he is not one to be easily bullied into doing something," Miguel said breaking the silence.

"True, but we are tough also, even tougher. And we have something that is dear to him. His precious daughter. Russo doesn't joke with his daughter."

"True. But what if he doesn't agree to our terms? What if he doesn't value her as much?"

"Then we kill her!" His father said without missing a beat.

"All right then," Miguel said nodding.

"You should cheer up, you look sadder than the Russos," his father observed.

Miguel stared at the cigar between his father's fingers. "You should reduce how much you take those," he said pointing at the cigar.

His father chuckled, "what? Are you my doctor now?"

"You are obviously not listening to yours. You were asked to stop smoking."

"No one tells me what to do." his father gulped down the rest of his drink and turned to leave. "Cheer up son, we will face the Russo tomorrow."

Miguel sucked in air as his mind went to the girl that was being locked up in the basement. A girl whose fate was now in their hands. Remembering their little encounter in the bathroom earlier today, a smile curled up his lips.

She had tried to kill him. Gemma, the girl he thought to be spineless, had tried to kill him. Instead of being angry, he was fascinated, he didn't think she had it in her to try such. She seems too fragile to hurt a fly.

When she had broken the plate and snuck a piece into her dress, he saw her. And he decided to pretend not to have noticed because he was curious to find out what she wanted to do with it.

He chuckled as he brought his finger to the fresh cut that was on his neck. He would give her credit, she tried. She had missed his carotid by an inch.

Miguel has had his eyes on Gemma Russo for some time. From the moment his father had told him that to prove his capability to become the Underboss of his family Cartel he will have to kidnap the Russo Princess, Miguel had had his eyes on her. She became a favourite sport, as he watched her every move.

He got to find out that kidnapping her wasn't going to be easy as she was barely allowed to leave the house, and whenever she did, she was guarded by her father's guards who were armed to the teeth.

So the only way to kidnap her would have been either to invade her father's house or go against the guards who guarded her whenever she was allowed to step out of the house.

But Miguel wanted a clean operation, he wanted to take the Russos unaware. And that was why he waited until the right opportunity presented itself. It took 3 months to come, but he waited. If there is something that he has come to learn in life, it's the act of patience.

Miguel wasn't surprised when one of his informants who walked as a bartender in one of the clubs in the city, came to him last week that Gemma had shown up at the club without any bodyguard.

Miguel immediately mapped out a plan, and when she showed up again he struck.

Pablo, his close cousin had to handle Gemma's friend, taking her out of the picture. Miguel made sure Pablo did not touch her after he had drugged her. He might be all things but he was certainly not a rapist and he hates the notion of women being taken against their will. But he has no issue when it's been given willingly.

That was why he didn't resist when Gemma had given herself to him last night. At first, he was taken aback because he had been expecting her to be shy, and introverted but she was none of those, she proved him wrong completely and something tells him that she was going to do more shocking things while she was here.

Miguel couldn't wait to see what other mischief she has up her sleeve.

As Miguel turned to go back into the house, he heard a gunshot outside.

Miguel quickly took out his gun from his waistband as he rushed outside to check out what was going on.

"Remain inside," he said to his father who was already cocking his gun.

When Miguel got outside, he saw a figure he recognized running into the woods and Pablo was running after her.

"Fuck!" Miguel cussed as he ran after them.