
If Gemma could get the floor to open up, she would have done that instantly. Her cheeks were red with embarrassment. She felt so embarrassed she wanted to disappear.

So all that had been a dream? And how did Miguel get to know what she was dreaming about?

Of course, she must have been dry-humping him. Gemma quickly moved to the other end of the bed when she realized she had her both legs tangled around Miguel's right leg.

Miguel threw his head back laughing really hard.

Gemma dragged the shirt she was putting on trying to cover her exposed lap.

"When you are done laughing please leave!" Gemma said not being able to look him in the face. Gemma, what have you done? What was she thinking? Why was she even having such a dream?

"No honey, I'm not leaving until you've told me how good I was in that dream of yours." Miguel scooted closer to her.

"Tell me, was it good like the...."

"Shut up!" Gemma snapped. She doesn't care if he was her captor or not or if he was going to hurt her for being rude. She just wanted him to shut it. The more he spoke about it, the more embarrassed she became.

"I wasn't dreaming about you, now leave me alone."

"Nah, that's a lie," Miguel tsked. "You were practically moaning my name in your sleep, why you dry-humped my leg. Admit it, you were dreaming about me."

Gemma felt even more mortified, so she moaned out his name? What has she done to herself? Now, this arrogant prick would think she has a thing for him. Gemma felt like slapping herself.

"You are talking nonsense!" Gemma said trying to mask her shame.

Miguel chuckled. "I think we both know who is lying between us."

He brought his lips close to her ear. "I can give you the real experience, so you don't have to be imagining it."

Gemma found her foolish self closing her eyes as his breath fanned against her skin, tingling her insides.

It was as if her body couldn't control itself whenever he came close to her. This was the reason he was able to kidnap her in the first place.

"I will make you feel good, you already know that," Miguel grazed his teeth along her earlobe.

"Just say the word."

Gemma immediately regained her senses and her eyes flew open.

"Is this how you desperately try to get into the pants of your victims?"

Miguel chuckled. "No. Just you Gemma."

Gemma loved the way her name rolled off his tongue. It sounded like__ She quickly reprimanded herself for liking that. Focus, Gemma.

Miguel continued, "and I'm not trying to get into your pant, because we both know that you are not putting on any pants under that shirt."

Gemma immediately shut her legs together. How did he know that? Just how much has this guy seen?

This time she was no longer mortified, she was angry. She felt like killing him!

"You are such a perv!" Gemma spat for lack of words to say.

"I have been called worse," Miguel said as he got off the bed.

Gemma watched as he walked to the door, and then she asked, "have you reached my father?"

Miguel's hand paused on the doorknob. "Yes."

"Did he agree to meet your demand?"

Gemma held her breath as she waited for him to answer.

What if her father doesn't agree to meet their demand? What if he decides that she isn't worth that much? What if he decides to punish her by letting her remain here? After all, she brought this upon herself. If she had listened to her father's instructions and didn't sneak out of the house, she wouldn't have been kidnapped.

"Not yet. He has until this evening to meet our demand." Miguel didn't wait for her to say something else before he opened the door of the bedroom and left.

Gemma released her breath. She still had a few more hours before her fate is decided. A few more hours to think up a plan.


"I see you are using her to warm your bed," Came Miguel's father's voice from behind him as he went to the kitchen to get some water to drink.

Miguel turned to look at his father who had a wicked grin on his face. He looked like he had just woken up himself.

"She is fetching, I'm tempted to take a piece of her too. What do you say?"

"Don't you dare go anywhere near her!" Miguel warned his father not bothering to watch his tone.

Unlike Miguel, Sancho isn't a man of honour. He doesn't respect women. He believes they are a tool to be used for his satisfaction. He believes in taking them against their will, abusing them and then discarding them when he was done with them. The same way he had treated Miguel's mother.

Sancho chuckled. "Who is going to stop me? You already had your share, I'm only going to get a little of what you have been enjoying."

"Do. Not. Touch. Her!" Miguel warned.

His father threw his head back laughing, "so what Pablo said is true then." The smile on his father's face quickly vanished.

"Remember why we are here, you can't be pussy whipped! No matter how good it is.

Keep your fucking head in the game and not in her privates."

Miguel's jaw was clenched as he stared at his father. He so badly wanted to kill his sorry ass, but he knew now wasn't the right time.

"Do you understand me, son?"


Miguel brushed his shoulder against his father's as he walked away from the kitchen.

Miguel made a mental note not to hand the key to Gemma's bedroom to any of the guards. He doesn't trust his father not to take it from them and then try to force himself on her.

From now on, until she leaves, Miguel will have to take her meals and everything that she needs to her himself.