
Gemma yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to remember where she was as she looked around the room. Her stomach made a growling sound and she sat up on the bed, she has not had anything to eat all day.


She wondered what time it was, looking around the room for a clock. She saw a wall clock at the head of the bed. Five thirty, she had been sleeping for that long?


Gemma stifled another yawn as she came down from the bed, Miguel was not in the room. She padded barefoot to the door she had earlier seen him disappear into before she fell asleep.


Jeez.. the floor was so cold she had to tiptoe. When she entered the tiny room, she saw it was the kitchen. There was a faint aroma as if something had been cooking on the small stove that was in a corner which had a pot on it.


Gemma heard a sound coming from outside, there was another door at the end of the kitchen which Gemma suspected led outside. She walked over to the door and opened it and saw Miguel bent over chopping some firewood. He was shirtless and sweaty.


Gemma stood by the door watching him, as his muscles flexed each time he lifted the axe, he looked so manly and Gemma couldn't stop herself from drooling.


Miguel dropped the axe on the ground when he was done chopping the last wood.

When he turned to face her, Gemma allowed her eyes to wander to his taut muscles and the deep V that disappeared into his trousers, and just then her silly brain decided to remember what the cock that was buried beneath the trousers had done to her that night at the hotel.


"Hello sleepy head," Miguel said with a soft smile, his eyes lingered on her a bit and Gemma suddenly became conscious using her hand to pat down her dishevelled hair. She just woke up from sleep and here, without bothering to wash her face.


Miguel chuckled as he looked away and then he bent down and started gathering the woods he had chopped, into his arms and turned to face her as he started walking towards the kitchen, Gemma had to step back inside to make room for him.


-Gemma, pull yourself together, it was thoughts like this that got you kidnapped in the first place. She reprimanded herself inwardly.



"I see you've woken up, I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to wake up," Miguel said as he walked past her.


Gemma snorted as she followed him back to the room where he dumped the firewood in the fireplace. He went to the bed and bent down, he brought out a pair of thick socks from the drawer.


"You should put on these. The floor is cold." Miguel handed her the socks.

Gemma took the socks from him. "I would like to have my bath," she said.


"You know where the bathroom is," Miguel said pointing to her the bathroom.

He brought out a clean shirt and a pyjamas trousers and handed them to Gemma.


Gemma gave Miguel a stern look when she raised the pyjamas and saw it was twice her size.


"It's either that or you walk around naked," Miguel said. "I actually prefer the latter," he said with a sly grin.


"You had better wipe that silly grin off your stupid face because you are not seeing any of this," she said pointing at her body.


"If you say so," Miguel said in a tone that indicated that he didn't take Gemma seriously.


Gemma snorted as she walk to the bathroom. She would first take a swim with the sharks before allowing Miguel to touch her.


"You'd better not try to do anything funny," Miguel said.


While she was sleeping he had made sure to remove everything that he suspected she could use in trying to hurt him so she could escape, from the bathroom. But he still couldn't trust her not to devise a new means to do so.


Gemma stripped off her clothes, dumping them on the floor of the bathroom, she stepped under the shower and turned it on. She shrieked and let out a scream when the ice-cold water touched her skin.


"What is it?" Miguel asked in a panicked voice as he pounded on the bathroom door, she had locked it from inside so he could not go inside.




Gemma ignored his pounding on the door and took one of the towels from the hanger and wrapped herself with it.


"Gemma if you don't------"

Miguel stopped talking when Gemma opened the door.


"The water is fucking cold! Ice-cold!" Gemma shouted. Her voice blaring.


"Oh yeah, about that," Miguel sounded relieved that it wasn't something serious.


"Yes, about that! Why would you ask me to go and take my bath when you know the water heater isn't functioning?"


"I didn't ask you to go and take your bath, you were the one who said you wanted to have your bath, I only pointed you in the direction of the bathroom."




Miguel had to take a step backwards not because he was scared of Gemma but because she looked like she wanted to rip his head off if given the chance. Her eyes were shooting daggers.


"All right, I apologize, I should have warned you about the cold water. It escaped me."


"Escaped you? Why do I have a feeling you did this on purpose?" Gemma asked eyeing him.


Miguel actually did it on purpose but he didn't say that, he smiled inwardly as he went to the kitchen to heat some water for her to bathe with on the stove.


Gemma stood in a corner of the kitchen shivering as she waited for the water to come to boil. Now looking at her, Miguel felt stupid for what he had done, he just wanted to rattle her a little, but now he regretted his action.


When the water boiled, Miguel helped her to carry it to the bathroom and poured the water into a bucket.


Miguel went back to the kitchen and decided to heat the kidney beans he had earlier prepared when she was sleeping.


Miguel was serving out the food in two separate plates for them to eat when he heard Gemma come into the kitchen, he had his back to her.  


"I made----" Miguel didn't get to finish his statement as something hard landed on his head.