His Lips (r18)

Gemma writhed underneath Miguel, sweet sounds of pleasure escaping her lips.

She was completely naked and but Miguel wasn't, he still had on his jean trousers.


She closed her eyes and threw her head back on the mattress when Miguel brought his fingers to her already-soaked pussy and slowly slipped it in.

She doesn't know how he does it, but this guy doesn't need to do much before she gets wet. He gets her wet even by just staring at her.


Miguel teased her as he circled her clit with his thumb and then he started slipping his fingers in and out of her.

Unlike their first time together, this time he was slow and gentle. Miguel took his sweet time in bringing her pleasure.


Gemma couldn't stop the soft cries that escaped her lips as waves of pleasure washed over her.


When she opened her eyes, Miguel was kneeling between her legs, staring at her pussy as if he was trying to figure out something about it.


Gemma suddenly became self-conscious and she tried to abduct her legs together, but Miguel stopped her from doing so.


"Don't do that," he tsked. "Don't hide yourself from me."


He held her eyes for a moment and then his eyes returned to her opening.


"You have a beautiful pussy," he said, a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Gemma snorted turning her face to the side.


"Have you never been told so before?" Miguel asked.


Was he referring to the men she had been with in the past? She has been with only one man aside from Miguel, and he never told her, her pussy looked beautiful.

What was that even supposed to mean? How does one's pussy look beautiful?


"You don't have to patronize me. I'm giving you myself willingly, so there is no need for the sweet talk,'' Gemma said.


Miguel didn't seem touched by her words, instead, he seemed more focused on her opening as he slowly parted her folds with his fingers, slowly teasing her.


"You have been fucking the wrong men if none of them has ever told you how beautiful you look down here."


Gemma didn't argue with him about that not being true and neither did she correct him on his assumption that she had been other men, aside from just one man.


Gemma's eyes widened when she realized what Miguel was about to do as he bent his head towards her opening.


He wanted to put his mouth down there! Gemma had heard and read so much about it but she has never received it before.


What if he doesn't like how she tastes? Gemma tried to close her legs, but Miguel held them open with his hands.


"You have never been eaten out, have you?" Miguel asked in a curious tone as he looked at her. His eyes holding hers.


Gemma wanted to lie, but she couldn't. it was hard to lie when he was looking at her like that. As if he could see right into her mind.

Gemma slowly shook her head, saying no.


A coy smile spread across Miguel's face. He was going to be her first. The fact that no other man has had his mouth in her pussy, made him smile.


"What is so funny?" Gemma asked, feeling a little embarrassed.


Miguel didn't answer her, instead, he brought his lips to her middle and then slowly and teasingly he swiped his tongue along her crack, lapping on her juices.


"Oh…" Gemma moaned.


She grabbed the sheets with her fingers as Miguel sucked on her clit. He ate her like there was no tomorrow. She was surprised by the happy sounds that came from him, his grunts and moans turned her on.


Gemma threw her head back and cried out his name when he started sliding his tongue in and out of her.

Her both legs were draped over his shoulders, she couldn't see his face because it was buried deep between her legs.

Gemma's body was shaking all over as she felt herself approaching a release. She pulled his hair and then pushed her fingers through them as she moaned out his name again.


Miguel picked up his pace as he pumped his tongue into her. One of his hands came to her left breast, he palmed it and caressed it.


The pleasure she felt was insane, and Gemma cried out as she came violently on Miguel's lips, her both legs were shaking.


Miguel didn't stop, he continued to eat her like she was a three-square meal, sucking and licking up every juice she gave.

Soon, Gemma was experiencing another wave of pleasure and this time she cried out Miguel's name so loud, her voice vibrated within the cabin.


After a moment passed, when Gemma slowly opened her eyes Miguel was staring at her. She looked away feeling embarrassed, she couldn't get herself to look him in the eye after what they had just done.


The guy had his tongue buried deep in her pussy a moment ago and she had allowed him. She is supposed to hate herself for what she just allowed to happen, but she doesn't, because she knows she is going to allow him to do more of these things to her.


It's difficult to hate a man who has such beautiful lips and knows how to eat with them. Even if that man is her abductor.