What Doesn’t Kill You

When they got back home before Miguel came around to open the door for her Gemma already got out and angrily walked into the house murmuring words only she could hear.

When she got to the living room, she angrily took off her shoes, leaving them at the bottom of the stairs.

"These damn shoes have been hurting my feet all evening," she grumbled as she started taking the stairs.

Stella came out of her room and saw Gemma angrily climbing the stairs.

"Did something happen at the party?" She asked Miguel as he walked in.

He slowly gave his head a shake. "I'm sure you should already know that nothing needs to happen before she starts having a fit."

"You are sure you didn't do anything to get her upset?"

Miguel groaned. "Stella, please I don't have time for this." He went to the kitchen to get water to drink.