You Need To Grow Up

That night, after the party. When they got home, when she was done preparing for bed, Gemma went to Miguel's room to ask him not to hurt Juan anymore. Even if he had told her that he was going to think about it, she didn't believe him.

The man had shot his own cousin for insulting her. If he could do that to his cousin she didn't want to imagine the things he had planned for Juan.

Miguel let out a low groan as he took off his shirt. "Now, I'm beginning to think that you liked the way that idiot insulted you."

He shrugged off his shirt and tossed it in a laundry basket. "Is that your kink?" He asked in a sarcastic as he turned to look at her.

Gemma scowled. "I know you are not one to forgive so easily, and that is why I'm here asking you to please not hurt him anymore. I'm sure he must have learned his lesson by now."