
Hello dear readers!

I have some good news and some bad news.

The bad news is that I am temporarily stopping uploads for this story.

However! The story is not being dropped.

The good news is that I have nearly the entirety of the first volume written out. I may even be able to finish this draft within the week!

The final product for this volume will be about 300-400 pages after cleaning, editing, and enhancements (and the file is currently so long it causes my computer to freeze up when I open it, haha).

As a bit more information, there will likely be between 3-5 volumes based on the arcs I have planned, with 3 volumes being an easy minimum that I can nearly guarantee.

So, why am I pausing uploads?

I want to make it more fun! Namely, greater emotional impact for a better reading experience and more buildup for the big, dramatic moment at the end of the first volume.

In the process of editing and posting, I found quite a few scenes I wish to improve, most of which haven't even been shown yet. Since I want to make the story the best it can be, I decided I should do just that.

More specifically, I want to keep and improve on the fun, chaotic vibe; expand upon some scenes that have been a bit rushed; as well as better flesh out emotionally impactful scenes for the big buildup of this volume to lead into the next one.

Partially, it's also because editing and writing are opposite mindsets, so doing both at once makes them each so much harder to do, leading to a worse finished result. I'm better off only writing first, then only editing.

***** Again, I repeat, I am NOT dropping the story (I literally have nearly the whole first book done, there's no way I would willingly drop it now). *****

If you want me to directly notify you when I upload it, feel free to message me at BorbMeatball#2616.

Thank you for all your support! It definitely helps me to keep going! Seriously, I really, really appreciate it.

Also, I will update this page with my progress, so you can see where I'm at while you wait.

~ Updates: ~

Nov 18, 2022

* Nearly finished with the first draft of the first volume, hoping to finish up within the week!

Nov 29, 2022

* Finished with first draft content!!! O.O Moving on to enhancing scenes and occasionally writing bits of volume 2 as inspiration strikes! (If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you had a wonderful time! If you don't, I still hope you've been well!)

Dec 10, 2022

* Still working. I have roughly planned out the ending of the full story... Let's just say I was so excited I couldn't really sleep, haha.

Dec 29, 2022

* I'm roughly 50 pages into writing volume 3! I'm also currently working on designing the cover for volume 1... I was hoping to have volume 1 fully done before the new year, but a fun mix of illness and power outages kinda put a damper on that. Still chugging along, though!

* Thank you for the ongoing support, Madeie_Nines! Words can't describe how happy it makes me! It really helps me keep going during moments of self doubt. Thank you again! :D