
A trip to the vampire world part 1

Ikki wakes up early in the morning to get ready for his trip to the vampire world named Vlod, after hearing about the disappearance of the Vampire Lord he is interested to see the state of his desired country inside the vampire world a top class country with incredible military capabilities.

Military's in the vampire world are well more different than in the human world rather than using tanks, ballistic missiles, aircrafts and types of warships they use there blood to summon themselves a strong sword the capabilities of these swords well depend on there rank as a Vampire.

Though the vampire world mostly has been testing certain human-made weapons to test for there own country if they could be used for war Devi is one of those countries that provide well most all of the funds for these weapon research.

Ikki arrives at the vampire world by teleporting though this costs a ton of blood, this is earned by sucking on a human's blood or wholely killing them the more they have the more powerful they are this is one of the criteria's of rising up the rankings inside the vampire world.

People may think every vampire is evil though there are some good vampires that almost never kill any human nor suck there blood and still are high in the vampire hierarchies' an exam are Vampire Maids, they exclusively serve powerful people though some also serve rich people or those that can afford them they are mostly ranked D - C getting higher than those is known to be very hard even for these Vampire Maids.

Ikki has come to the vampire world again, after a long time though Ikki is well aware of the fact he is the strongest vampire descendant though he still has no plans to be the Vampire Lord he thinks of it as a boring job, it's just something he doesn't look forward to be.

Now he arrives at the country a neon-like city filled with high skyscrapers and the city quite resembling the city of Tokyo in Japan though this is a bit more different the vibrant in the city is mesmerising it's almost unexplainable to how clean and pretty the country of Devi is.

He's currently visiting his favourite restaurant inside the vampire world a lot may wonder what vampires eat inside the vampire world but surprisingly they don't only drink blood they can also eat normal meat as humans do tho most vampires never learn to use a spoon and fork and most eat it with just there bare hands.

"Yo there Ikki." Said a teenage boy with blue eyes, white hair, a tall and slim figure.

"Hey." Ikki responded coldely though Ikki is known by his friends for being a cold person.

"What can I get you today?" Said the teen.

"I'll be having my usual meal" Ikki says, though ikki's favorite is the non-other than the famous miso soup popularly in japan though Ikki has travelled all around the human world his alltime favorite is the miso soup.

"Alright" and the cook prepared the food ordered.

"So Ikki i'm sure you've heard of the news right? The disappearance of the current Vampire Lord and they're currently searching for a new one" Said the teenager.

"I heard about it, though are you gonna ask me to take it over?" replied Ikki in quite a harsh tone.

"Well uh, I was just wondering though you're a Rank S after all you can control the entire vampire world if you wanted." Said the teenager in an excited tone.

"Cmon, Rin you know what my answer will be."

To be continued.