
(A/n: This is a repost since for some reason the novel wasn't showing in none of the rankings.


Arthur gave Miku Yuuki a helpless smile at her obvious attempt at seduction. "Mi—"

But he got interrupted by someone.

"Hey, Girl, do you think this is your P.E. period...? Making lame excuses like that? If this small bruise makes you unable to work then sadly you really are no good for our group," Saya interjected as she pulled Miku's shirt back to its place.

"And don't go around seducing boys, I know all about your shenanigans. Keep them in control!" She added with a disgusted glare.

"You heard her, here, take whatever you need and go help your classmates." Arthur stretched his lips.

"'Whatever' I need?" Miku asked as she tilted her head cutely.

"Except him of course!!!" Saya hissed.

Miku bit her lips as she lowered her head and joined others in clearing the area, it wasn't like she killed any undeads there too, but at least she improved the morale of the boys along with their coordination with just her presence as they gave their all to protect the sexy damsel.

"Hey, thanks," Arthur tapped Saya's shoulder.

She blushed, "Hmph, don't need your thanks, those kinds always ticked me off." She humped again as she stomped back to stand with Kohta.

'Huh... tsundere as always. I just hope she doesn't develop a crush on me. Just friends would be good at most... It would be detrimental to my plans, besides... I just don't like tsunderes.'

His eyes unconsciously went towards Saeko.

He shook his head — 'Don't think about unnecessary things.'

But an irritating voice yelled in his mind-

{Fuckinnngggg, fuck her already!!!!!!}

A wry smile formed on his lips.

"Arthur, could you come here for a minute, we want to discuss something..." The girls called him out.

He nodded and went to them.

Saya, Saeko, Rei, and Shizuka were all standing together in front of the bus.


"There are so many people, how are we gonna ration food and sleeping arrangements? Should we break into other's houses?" Saya spoke first, asking for his opinion.

"For Food, thanks to Kazu's suggestion, I have some stuff from that convenience store, you all will have to cook your own food. As for sleep arrangements... breaking into another house would mean double work. Shizuka, can you tell me the layout of the house?"

"Uhh~ there are three floors... the ground floor is just a huge garage and gym while the floor above it consists of a living room, kitchen, and a bathroom. And the floor above that has four bedrooms~" Shizuka replied in a tired voice, as she massaged her neck and shoulders.

She was too tired from all the moving and driving she did the whole day, and her massive milk jugs were just there to increase her pain.

"Hmm, you can put these guys, except Kohta and Kazu, in the garage, while you all can share the bedrooms however you want... but please do leave one room for me alone."

"Hey, what about Takashi!" Rei glared at him.

Unbothered by her feisty tone, he replied, "Oh, yeah, Takashi, yeah... I kinda forgot about him. You can keep your childhood friend where ever you want. Besides, I was just suggesting, not ordering, remember, I'm not the 'leader', just an assist."

Saya adjusted her glasses as she observed Arthur. Him forgetting about Takashi...

Soon the area was cleared, there weren't that many undeads to deal with anyway. So, it was relatively easier for the students from late Shidou's group.

They all entered the maisonette apartment and after barricading the front gate Arthur told them their arrangements.

He took out a cart filled with casual clothes for them from his inventory as everyone's clothes were blood-soaked. He also distributed some instant foods.

Their irritated and tired faces switched to happy ones as soon as he handed them their fill.

Basically, they were too immature.

And he can't even fault them for that, they are just that gullible. They have only seen the best parts of their lives... But this apocalypse will boost their growth by a hundred times.

Once everything was set and done... he entered one of the bedrooms above the spiral staircase and locked it from the inside.


Today was a long day.

So many introductions, and so many lies... The tiring display of constant confidence...

But most of all... this bed was fluffy as hell.

He was currently bare, plopped into the fluffy bed, this room even had an air conditioner.

Such comfort...

'This silence is comfortable.'

Everything in here was made for comfort. In the past, his world was also like this, but he never got to experience that comfort, he was born too late to experience that.

In his world, everyone was everyone's enemy. This world will soon become like his.

A dying world.

'That reminds me... I need to upgrade Valkyrie's radar system.'

He had nukes and EMPs to deal with. Can't have all these technologies in this city just turn useless junks now, can he...

While thinking about trivial things and planning his next move, he drifted off into one of the most comfortable naps of his life.




*knock* *knock*

"Arthur, are you awake? We have made dinner." Saeko's voice sounded from behind the door.

"Yeah, coming..." He groggily opened his eyes, and checked the time, he had slept for three hours.

He wore some clothes before opening the door.

"Good evening, rested well?" A pleasantly smiling Saeko greeted him, a smile inadvertently made its way on his face too as he greeted her back.

Saeko was wearing a sleeveless black T-shirt that loosely enveloped her form, only revealing a strip of her creamy belly and dark blue shorts that showed most of her fair slender legs and thighs.

She had already bathed and these clothes were found in the cart that Arthur had taken out previously. Unfortunately, there were no undergarments in that cart, so her nipples were apparent from the outside.

"So, what's for dinner?" He asked as both of them walked down the spiral staircase.

"Just curry and rice, do you like it? If not then, can make something else if you want~"

"No, it's fine, thanks for making the food..." He smiled. He really was grateful for the effortless food he was gonna get. Not often in his world could he gather all the ingredients and stuff.

As soon as he arrived in the living area, Kohta jumped in front of him. "Boss, we have found these in a cupboard, can we keep them? Please!!!" He had stars in his eyes and a big sniper rifle in his hands.

"Boss?!" Arthur cringed, "Anyway, I am no one to deny you. But make sure to not give them to anyone who you don't trust and especially not to those who have no idea of how guns work."

"I understand!!" He saluted and joined in the 'march' to the dinner table.

Nodding to everyone present he sat on the couch, Saeko parked her butt next to his. She tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear before she took a plate and started eating with a small gentle smile constantly on her lips.

Her table manners were flawless, and so were Saya's who was already eating along with Takashi and Kazu, the boys ate like cavemen hungry for days.

He noticed the girls that should've been downstairs, in the garage, were in the kitchen, helping Shizuka and Kazu serve plates, and readying them to be taken downstairs. Miku Yuuki was also helping.

"Right now, they're just helping out but we will bring them upstairs later when we sleep... we can't just... leave them with the guys. It's not a problem, right?" Saya said as she followed Arthur's curious gaze.

"Well, as long as I'm having my own space, I don't really care how many people you squeeze into your rooms. And may I ask why everyone's treating me as a leader of sorts...?" He took the plate that Shizuka was handing him and gave a polite smile to her.

"I mean, you already know why I'm here, right... To 'Assist'. I'll admit, today I interfered a lot. But that was necessary." He spoke as ate some curry rise from this spoon and nodded approvingly. The food tasted good, though a little spicy.

"What should we do, then..." Rei frowned and smacked her plate on the table.

This guy was a pure asshole, even if he was here to 'assist the main character' can't he show a little kindness and just help them for a few more days?

"I won't lie," Kazu spoke as he put his plate on his lap, his face thoughtful. "It felt good when you told us that we were the main cast of this world... It feels good to actually know that you really are the center of the world, that your existence means something, and that the world really does revolve around you. But what are we even expected to do, we're just high schoolers..... in this kind of world..."

"It would've been better if the genre wasn't survival you know, hahaha." Rei wheezed at her own joke...

"Oh, I bet the other sub-genre is a tragedy." She laughed some more.

"AHaahaha..." And more....


"How about we discuss it later?" He suggested as he eyed others' expressions.

Kazu rotated his finger near his forehead with a helpless smile, implying something very specific.

"Hey what's up with that gesture, I was just kidding, I ain't crazy. I'm just mad and tired not crazy. I wanted to ramble a bit and mess with this guy a little, okay!" she sighed, finally back to normal.

Shizuka smacked her head lightly and frowned, it looked cute nonetheless. "Don't joke like that!"

"Sorry sorry..." She rubbed her head.

Takashi didn't speak anything and just stared at his plate.

Arthur shook his head. "Look, I don't mean to pressure you all. I just want to say that don't rely too much on me. I'm... I won't be always here you know."

Saeko's eyes widened at that, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't have infinite time for the mission in this world, I'm here for exactly five years." He shrugged.

"I-I see." She shifted her attention back to her food and put her stoic face on. Her plate clattered as she tried to finish her food as quickly as she could.

She was feeling down suddenly, and she thinks she knows the reason.

She wasn't dense after all.


Thanks for reading!

Power stone deal is off for this week, possibly quite a few more weeks, as I'm low on buffer chaps... Actually, just forget there was even such a deal... 🙂

haha, no, well, I will resume that deal once I have good amount of stock chaps.

Thank you, Dani Otaduy for becoming my sekshee patron!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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1. Advanced chaps.

2. Choosing your favorite waifu as a harem member.

3. Hiring Omniversal Mercenary for a mission in the world of your choosing, obviously you get to choose harem member too.

4. The power behind your votes will have the power depending on your tier, which is obviously, much higher than the free readers on webnovel, scribbleHub or Royal Road.


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