A Demon That Heard His Thoughts

Arthur had told the girls to leave at dawn for their destinations... but due to their extreme 'exercise', they had to postpone it to the dawn of the next day.

Well, the delay was purely Arthur's fault, he just couldn't hold himself back after not touching them for a whole month.

He ravaged them till dawn and since the girls were just ordinary humans they really needed some rest after the exciting night.

Shizuka and Saeko woke up at about 10 am and they were served chicken sandwiches and pomegranate juice as breakfast on their beds specially prepared by the man who fucked them silly last night.

He also sat with them, looking at their cute faces as they munched their sandwiches.

"Arthur, do you think you can take on a Hashira?" Saeko asked as she sipped her juice. She was curious, she already knew Arthur's previous abilities but Hashiras are on whole another level with that breathing techniques of theirs.

"Hmm, I have yet to test my combat prowess with this body against an actual opponent, but I think I can win against most of them. Though right now, I can mostly think of underhanded ways to win against them. Oh yeah, do you know I can now fly, shoot laser with my eyes, and control undeads?"

"Control undeads! Wow," Saeko tilted her head with a smile, "You gained quite a lot of abilities by becoming a demon didn't you?"

She was still wasn't much pleased about the fact that he became a demon, but now the fact that he can also control those foul creatures who devour humans... "Aren't you just the perfect demon lord commanding a huge army of undeads behind you."

Arthur chuckled, "You don't have to be so disgusted by the undeads, yesterday's enemy is today's friend, you know."

Saying so Arthur took out an undead from his inventory, this one was wearing a tattered black suit.

Shizuka shrieked at the undead's sudden appearance and jumped on Arthur to tightly hug him, pressing her massive fun bags on his face. While Saeko just sat there impassively knowing the undead wouldn't harm any of them.

Arthur mentally gave the suited undead some commands and the undead bowed his head before he took the food tray with emptied plates and went outside the room.

"Shiz, stop suffocating him with your boobs already." Saeko sighed.

"Eheehe~" Shizuka smiled sheepishly as she let go of Arthur.

"See, aren't they useful?" Arthur said with a smile, there was no trace of him being out of breath for more than a minute because of a pair of boobs on his face...

Self-Sustenance is a really handy skill in these kinds of situations.

"They stink." Shizuka winced and pressed her small nose to block the foul smell.

"Yeah, well, that they do..." Arthur nodded,

"Oh, FYI, I got Undead Manipulation skill as the reward from my previous mission, not because I became a demon."


A frightened shriek was heard from downstairs.

Arthur chuckled as he realized who and why they shouted and so did Saeko and Shizuka.

Seems like the prank was successful...

Rika must've been horrified to her core after seeing that nauseating creature in the morning. More so, when she never even in her dreams excepted to see something like that, in this world.

He didn't know what exactly she did to the poor undead that went downstairs, but an angry Rika soon stomped into the room, "You did that intentionally, didn't you!"

Arthur laughed, even more.

And so the day was spent in pleasing and warm times with girls, though Rika was surprisingly quite bitter at Arthur than he expected, perhaps she couldn't get much sleep at night due to constant moaning, and then seeing the undead first thing when she woke up was a factor? He didn't know but usually she was quite friendly. They could even be called Dr best friends.

Rika also asked about the restrained demon in the dark room. Arthur just shrugged off and told the tanned woman about his experiments.

And the following day, the girls left for their destinations...

Well, aside from smiling wrily what else could he do as he watched them walking farther and farther away from the house towards their destination.

"Hah~I really wish I could make them stay for a few more days before they left..."

Arthur sighed.

But he knew that if he had made them stay for a few more days, he wouldn't be able to hold back and would procrastinate a whole lot before he could finally resume the work.

'This is for Luna!', Arthur exhaled.

Arthur sighed again and floated his way toward his laboratory, but Ryoma was sleeping right now.

Arthur decided to not disturb the demon's sleep and waited for Ryoma to wake up while studying his research or fumbling on the laptop after he remove Ryoma's facial restrictions.


Hearing the demon's groaning, Arthur's ears perked up, "You're up, huh."

It took a microsecond for Ryoma to realize whom this voice belonged to, and he cursed his luck internally, 'Just what did I do to suffer through all this...'

He sobbed internally, no tears were already on the brink of falling from his eyes but nonetheless, he made sure to reply with the most humble tone. "My lord, yes, I am awake and ready."

Arthur got up from his chair and walked toward him, he looked at Ryoma with a small smile on his face. "Good news, Ryoma, I won't be conducting more experiments on you, from tomorrow."

This was a piece of ecstatic news for Ryoma but instead of crying tears of joy, Ryoma just sighed.

"My lord, I mean no offense and also with the utmost respect, but you said something similar last month too, I can read the dates on that calendar! You said you won't be conducting experiments on me for at least five months, yet you sliced me up every day after that, saying you couldn't just hold your curiosity."

Ryoma was saying the truth. Last month, when Arthur thought he would be focussing on other tasks, he didn't know that his other task wouldn't take much time with his now even more enhanced body and his new flight ability.

Something similar happened in the HOTD world as well, for quite a while his body surpassed his expectations. And now the same thing was happening again, his demon body was surpassing his expectations and he was left with spare time which he used to conduct experiments on Ryoma which left Ryoma quite bitter.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for last time. But this time I'm 100% sure. I won't be needing to correct my words again. I've made my most needed breakthrough, I already have a spare brain. Why would I lie?"

Yup, it was three days ago when Arthur was successful in creating a separate brain that he solely dedicated to controlling the undeads. With a separate brain, he could give more complex commands to the clueless undeads with quite an ease. This new innovation also unlocked quite a few interesting features related to the Undead-Manipulation skill.

He has yet to see the limit of undeads a single brain solely dedicated to that task can handle. But he guesses it's gonna be at least more than a few hundred million or even billions... The power of a single brain cell shouldn't be underestimated after all.

"Anyway, get ready for today's experiment." Arthur said as he connected a few wires to Ryoma.

"B-but you just said you won't be conducting experiments from today!!" Ryoma panicked.

"Nope, I said from tomorrow, don't confuse my words," Arthur said and gagged the demon with his restrictions.

After that, he took out an undead from his inventory...

Ryoma's eyes widened at that... just what hell was this monstrosity. It had a humanoid body with grey decaying skin, giving off a nauseatic rotting smell. Wearing a strange frilly rag of yellow color.

With the amount of rotten flesh on its chest, it seemed to be a female but with its decayed face, its barely hanging jaw, and with a nearly bald head, it didn't look one bit appealing.

The female undead looked at Arthur for her commands. Mentally, Arthur commanded her to do and eat whatever she desired in this room.

The female undead let out a coarse growl as if affirming Arthur's orders before she turned her whole body around and looked for anything that'd look 'desirable' to bite on. But she couldn't find it in the room, so she stayed still standing beside Arthur.

'Hmm, as expected, they don't see demons the same way they see the humans, huh.'

Arthur mused and inserted a syringe into the female undead's arm to extract some of her infected blood. He did the same with Ryoma.

Arthur injected Ryoma's demon blood in the female undead but as expected the female undead's body deformed and melted as her body was unable to withstand such drastic change so suddenly.

It wasn't just that, the ability to creat demon was exclusive to Muzan. Arthur supposed that if Muzan were to inject the undeads with his blood with the intention to create a demon, the undeads would no doubt will get transformed. After all, they had greater evolution potential than humans.

Then he injected Ryoma with the female undead's blood but nothing happened.

No, wait...

A few moments later the nerves on Ryoma's arms began to darken and those darkened nerves began to proliferate. They were spreading on his whole arm like wildfire, and Ryoma's muffled cries were heard. He began jolting and tried to struggle to break the restraints. His whole body began to crack, it was his bones breaking.

'Ryoma has never done that, didn't matter what part of him I sliced.' Arthur thought as he observed the effects of the virus on a demon's body.

But then... Ryoma's body began to calm down. The darkened nerves that reached his neck were receding back to his arm and then they disappeared completely.

Arthur was surprised... and slightly disappointed, "You're... okay Ryoma...?"

Ryoma nodded powerlessly.

Demons can resist the virus huh...

'And here I was hoping to control a powerful demon such as him in the form of an undead.' Arthur felt a bit disappointed, his expectations were ruined.

'Oh well, I guess your role in this world is finally finished, huh Ryoma. You're of no use to me...' He mused.

At this Ryoma's eyes widened, still gagged he began to shake his head and started to cry like never.

Arthur was confused... and also a bit intrigued.

Removing the constraint on Ryoma's mouth, Arthur tilted his head and furrowed his brows, "You wanna say something?"

"My lord, my role in this world is not yet finished, I am still able to serve you, My lord! Give me a chance! Please, I begg you!!!!"

Arthur narrowed his eyes, he was surprised.

Ryoma could hear his thoughts...?


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