Chapter 1: Waking up in the Apocalypse

[Date: February 23, 3507

Time: 14:36:37

Location: Unknown

Subject: George Halbert

Status: Unconscious]

In a lush green forest untouched by the hands of men, a men laid down asleep in the middle of the day. Not a sound can be heard, not an animal can be seen, it is just quiet. The men laying down start to toss and turn in his sleep a voice can be heard as the tossing slowly get faster.

"Wake up"

"George, wake up"

"You need to get up George "

. . .



"Huh, how did I? When did I? "


"What? Where did that come from."


(Was that my watch? I don't remember having a watch or coming into a forest for that matter.)

a plain black watch with a metal screen that says "New Message"



a transparent black screen appears in front of the watch with white letter

[Welcome to the apocalypse George, you are currently stranded in the forest]

"Wait apocalypse, what do you mean"


[During the year 2675, a group of scientists wanted to conduct experiments on new life. During an experiment a scientist use a frozen comet to see how it would respond to living organisms]

"Ok, so how did it lead to the apocalypse"


[The comet was turn into powder in was put into the living organisms… Result wasn't as intended. Now the world has only have 43.72598% living organisms alive]

"Wait what. What happen the the Organisms after consuming the dust"


[Host should move to safer locations first before asking questions]

*sharp inhale*

"Fine I'll listen to the talking watch, until I find out where and how I got here. Let's see the sun there so east is this way, but before I go let check my body first"

After checking his body and finding no signs of injuries or anything else, he proceeds to head east




[Time: 14:46:27]

"Where the hell am I'm going"


"So now you respond"

[Host is currently in range of a lake. Would host like direction]



[head north for 2.3 miles]

"Finally I can find some water and maybe some food"

{after arriving at the lake and he proceeds to clean his face}

-white hair and green eyes that shine like fireflies with a face that look to be in his forties, with a strong muscular body. Also with a good looking beard-


"I look pretty old, but feel like I can lift a car, how old am I again"


"God that getting annoying"

[Host is currently 38 years old]

"So still pretty young"

As he finish reading the message George notice something on the other side of the lake


. . .

"What that"

From the other side of the lake stand an old cabin that hasn't been touch in a long time


"What now"

[Host have found a Ruin Cabin, System suggest to Check it]

"Ok, we'll do that then. better than walking around."

(As far as I'm concerned it's to quiet for me to feel safe)

After getting close to the cabin a faint sound can be heard from the other side of the cabin


Dropping to the ground on one knee and looking around for the noise

(What animal is that)

Slowly making it way to see the noise, he sees a old crash car that was abandon crushing a #€£¥# to a tree

"What in god name is that ugly thing"

-the creature body structure is that of a human but currently is overgrown with plant coming from its body-


"Jesus Chris! can you not do that"

[Host has encountered a G-Graurg]

"What the fuck is a Graurg and how is it alive."


[Host should kill G-Grourg to proceed]

"Thank for the options watch"

*Sharp exhale*

"Fine how do I kill this… thing"


[Host can kill G-Grourg by removing the enemy corrupted part]

"And what part of it isn't currently corrupted"


[The G-Grourg right arm is the corrupted part]

"Good now I know what to remove part not how to remove it"



"Wait maybe the car has something I can use, if not I could check the cabin."

Making his way to the back off the car, he proceeds to open the door. But not knowing how weak the car is he rip the door off

(Shit! Didn't think that could happen anyway nothing in the back. Time for the front if not the trunk)

After checking the front, he proceeds to check the the glove box and find an old screwdriver

(This could work)

. . .


After finding the screwdriver he come face to face with the Grourg he proceeds to stab the arm that stuck in the car engine





"Finally, its arm came off thank you lord"

[Congrats Host for killing his first opponent in the Apocalypse]

[For Host you have gain the following rewards]


[1. Survivors Start Pack

2. Mutated G-Grourg Arm

3. Seal Memory Shard]

[Storing Reward in Inventory]


[Host has kill a G-Grourg]

[Exp gain 56]

[Host has grown stronger]

"Wow, ok that a lot of information lets look at it after I check the cabin out first."

The cabin didn't look like much the roof has collapse, the floor has fallen, the window are shatter, door was gone, dried old blood stain can still be seen it the wood along with scratch marks. on the outside near the lake is a collapse and broken old dock.

After checking the interior of the cabin and finding nothing dangerous inside he proceeds to sit down.

"Finally, able to relax-"


*aggressive inhale*

"Never mind than"

[Would Host like to claim Ruin Cabin as his Start Base]

"What do you mean starter base"

[Host is able to claim the cabin as his starter base, allowing him to repair it]

"Ok, let's do that than"

[Confirm, setting Cabin as Starter Base]

[Proceeding Repairs]

As George reads the message the cabin start emitting a faint blueish glow that start to get brighter. As the light get brighter George can't take the brightness

"AH! My damn eyes, Watch why didn't you warn me this would happen"


[Host was not suppose to be inside the cabin when repair are active]

[Repair will finish shortly]

(Damn, so I'm suppose to wait for the repair to finish before I can do anything)

{5 min later}


[Repair complete]
